Transfer to a Private Restaurant

Qin Man had no idea what was happening, but it was Yao Ran who worried her the most. The girl seemed determined to stay.

If she didn't go back now, Madam Meng would stop her treatment. What were they supposed to do then?

If Yao Ran's treatment stopped, she would be a cripple for life, and Qin Man would have to suffer the ridicule of other high-society ladies for having such a daughter.

Thinking of this, Qin Man became more determined to drag Yao Ran back with them.

But when she glanced at the two young men in the distance, she felt a chill run down her spine. These were people whom even Madam Meng did not dare offend. Could Qin Man really go against them?

Meanwhile, Madam Meng was furious at Yao Ran's response. She huffed one last time and wordlessly pulled Meng Ling out the door.

Qin Man had no choice but to follow them, though she would look back at Yao Ran with every step she took.