A Clue

Yao Tang knew that one day, her grandfather told her that it was her day off—that she should go to the village and play with her other friends.

That night, when she returned home, there was no sign of them.

It was as if her grandparents had disappeared into thin air. At first, she couldn't believe it, but after searching the entire village, she had different people telling her that her grandparents were nowhere to be seen.

In fact, they had even gone as far as to say that she was originally from the village, that her parents had been born and raised here, but they had died an unfortunate death.

She had always believed that her grandparents were real—that all the martial arts that they had left behind were real. But...how could they leave her like this?

Didn't they want her anymore?

She remembered how much it was pouring that day and how desperate she was to knock from one house to the other.