Cheng Yan Came To Pick Someone Up

Only when Yao Tang had spoken up did everyone come to their senses. Before she knew it, questions started flying from one corner to another.

At first, they had looked down on Yao Tang, thinking that she had just gotten in due to her supposed "connections". Now, they really understood just how intelligent she was.

She was so young, yet she already knew so much. There was something about her that had revived their passion for their studies. Yao Tang was truly something else.

All of them swore to work even harder.

Yao Tang didn't expect that the university would be in an uproar. All of them were working hard, even the students were curious to what had started the change.

She stood by the entrance when a car rolled pass. The windows rolled down, revealing Cheng Yan. She blinked. "What are you doing here?"

"You had finished your exam. Since there's nothing else, I came to pick you up. There's a new restaurant that I'd like to try with you."