Eating Melons

After Ji Jun received the watermelon, he walked out of the door. Lin Zi watched helplessly as the round watermelon slipped away from his hand. He was so angry that he almost shouted, but he was afraid that others would hear him. He could only shout softly, "Where are you going with that thing!"

Unfortunately, Ji Jun did not even turn around. Lin Zi could only scratch his thinning hair helplessly. "Hmph, I have a lot of watermelons. If you don't let me eat this one, I can eat others."

He went into the empty room beside and saw two large wicker baskets filled with round green watermelons. They looked very pleasing.

That day, when Ji Jun returned and said that he wanted to stock up on more watermelons, he specially went to look for the watermelon seller and bought all the remaining watermelons in his acres.