Starting To Cause Trouble

"Morning Sun" only had less than one-third of his health left. Under the siege of the two of them, he could only last for less than two moves before he was removed by Yu Han.

The situation on the field became 4:3. At this point, Yu Han's team began to lock onto the victory.

The defeated "Morning Sun" only had time to say, "God Yu is mighty!" before he was ejected from the game. However, the fans in the live-stream had already spoken for him before he could say anything.

Comments such as "God Yu is mighty!" appeared on the public chat.

[Although I don't understand, I'm shocked.]

[As expected, God Yu won't disappoint us.]

[Hey, aren't you calling God Yu your wifey anymore?]

[Previous poster, we're not worthy.]

[God Yu is a god. How can we define her with such a superficial name like "Wifey"?]