Let Me Do It

You Jing glanced at Mai Tian. "Don't worry. Our filming team isn't a demon. We've already investigated the overall situation. Considering the difference in strength and stamina between boys and girls, we've decided that a female artist can have an extra 10 seconds."

Jiang Li touched her chin and said, "We have three girls, so we can have an extra 30 seconds."

Song Yun was a little worried. "I don't think these 10 seconds are of much use."

After all, this obstacle course was so difficult. It would not even take a minute for someone with poor stamina, let alone 10 seconds.

Shen Qing was a little excited. "It's fine. I'll give you a try first."

This obstacle course was a total of 400 meters. There were 12 events. The production team divided the track into four segments and let each guest complete three alone.

The film crew's results were out. Three minutes and eight seconds.