Ch 8. Work Headaches & Private Time with Maude

Leo sat in his executive office at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant, staring blankly at the disorganized pile of reports on his desk. The stack, created by his employees who had started the prep work within the plant just yesterday, seemed insurmountable. Even with only five employees, their collective experiences had produced a mountain of paperwork that was inches thick.

He rubbed his forehead, feeling the weight of the task ahead. The horrid conditions of the plant meant the job would take much longer than he had initially anticipated. The buzzing of the bright overhead lights did little to ease his growing frustration. Glancing at the clock, he sighed deeper; it was still early morning, and a couple of hours would pass before he could leave early to spend time with Maude during their private Bible session.

Just then, Dottie, his personal assistant, elegantly walked into the office, carrying a cup of coffee.

"Morning, Mr. D," she said with a playful smile, placing the cup in front of him. "Here's a coffee to help your morning."

"Thanks, Dottie." He reached for the cup, but she didn't let go immediately, her delicate fingers brushing lightly against his.

"Rough start today?" she asked, her eyes meeting his

He sighed. "You could say that. The reports from my team are... overwhelming."

"Well, maybe that will help," she gestured to the coffee.

"Every bit helps," he replied, taking a sip.

Dottie sauntered behind him, the subtle scent of her perfume filling the air. She raised her hands and gently rested them on his shoulders. "You seem tense," she observed, her fingers beginning to massage the knots in his muscles.

He relaxed slightly under her touch. He felt his stress slowly leave him.

"You have magic hands," he complimented.

She chuckled softly. "Just looking out for my boss." Leaning in closer, she whispered, "You know, if you ever need a break, I have some ideas."

Before Leo could respond or even form a thought about her words, an alarm blared throughout the building, accompanied by flashing red lights.

"What's going on?" he asked, curious.

Dottie sighed, rolling her eyes. "Probably another 'incident.' Happens all the time here. They should really turn it off here in the executives building."

"Hmmm," Leo began to sit up. "Sounds interesting. I want to take a look at what happens here all the time."

"Want me to join you?" she offered.

He glanced at her. "No, I'll be fine. How about you stay here and keep an eye on things?"

She gave a slight pout. "Alright, but be careful."

He nodded. "Will do"




As he slowly navigated the corridors that were still new to him, Leo made his way to the source of the commotion. Approaching Sector 8G, he noticed a group of employees gathered around a large glass window, their faces displaying a mix of amusement.

"What's going on here?" he asked, stepping closer to the crowd.

One of the workers turned to him, barely suppressing laughter. "It's Frank. He's stuck in the vending machine again."

Leo looked through the window to see a horizontally large man wedged halfway into a vending machine, his legs flailing as he tried to free himself.

'How was that some sort of emergency?' Leo thought while rolling his eyes. "How the hell did that man even get into a position like that?"

"Frank has a bit of a problem with the snack machines," another employee elaborated with a chuckle.

Suddenly, a loud hissing sound filled the air. Leo turned to see a pipe bursting open, spewing greenish steam into the hallway.

"Okay, that has to be the actual emergency the alarm is about," Leo concluded.

"What? No. That's just a minor radiation leak," another employee said nonchalantly, as if discussing the weather.

Most of the other workers carried the same attitude, shrugging off the danger.

"A minor radiation leak is completely not normal," Leo insisted, his irritation growing. But then he calmed himself down. 

'Why am I getting so pressed?' He asked himself. This was the same thing all the reports he was reading already said about this place. He should've known that this was just how it was. But he quickly shook his head, scolding his compromising thoughts. 'Oh, wait, I know why I'm upset. Because it's my company who has to replace all the broken dangerous things!'

Before he could vent his frustration any further, a glowing three-eyed fish flopped out of a nearby drain and wriggled across the floor, eliciting a chorus of laughter from the onlookers.

Just then, the alarms ceased, and a voice over the intercom announced, "All clear. Return to your stations."

Leo shook his head in disbelief. Mainly because the announcement that just played was referring to Frank being successfully pulled out of the vending machine, not the flopping mutant fish still bouncing around. 

The workers didn't care though, they complied and started to leave. Before Leo followed suit, he noticed Homer, Marge's husband in the crowd. He was eating a doughnut and seemed to be pleasantly daydreaming. He had no idea he worked here. Leo shook his head a second time with no intention of going to talk to him.




Back in his office, he ran his hand through his hair. 

"This place is insane," he muttered.

"What did you see? Radiation leak? A mutant pickle? Or maybe a sentient blob?" Dottie asked, sitting on top of his desk, swinging her legs, with a knowing smile.

He looked at her in disbelief. "How do you all act like this is normal?"

She shrugged. "You're still new. You'll get used to it. Besides, it keeps things interesting. But like I said you're new so I think you should go home early, boss. I'm sure you've seen a lot for one day."

He shook his head. "Okay, you severely underestimate me. I'm not that delicate, Dottie. But… I was going to leave early either way. I have a meeting I need to be at soon."

"Ooh, with who?" she asked, a hint of curiosity in her tone.

"Maude, my neighbor," he replied.

"Oh, that neighborhood religious woman," she commented with a playful smirk.

"Yeah, her, I guess she's well known," Leo confirmed. "Are you religious?"

She shrugged. "Not particularly. I believe in living life to the fullest."

"I guess we're similar on that," he said.

She gave him a sly smile. "Well, if you ever want company in that endeavor, let me know."

He chuckled lightly. "I'll keep that in mind. But I'm curious, Dottie, why's that so easy for you to say?"

She shrugged again. "You're my boss. Having you happy means I'll have a nice and happy career too. You know what they say: happy boss, happy life. And I'm okay with doing anything to make that happen."

He stared at her. "I'm totally going to take advantage of that in the future, you know," he voiced his thoughts out loud.

"Go ahead, I can handle it," she replied confidently.

Leo just grinned and gathered his things. Dottie remained on the desk, watching him and occasionally winking.

"Don't work too hard," she reminded him.

He looked up, meeting her gaze. "You too."

At home, Leo focused on setting up for the Bible study. He arranged two comfortable chairs facing each other in the living room, placed a selection of teas and freshly baked muffins he had bought on the coffee table, and dimmed the lights to create a warm atmosphere, similar to how he had it in his previous meeting with Marge.

The doorbell rang promptly at seven, not a second late. The sound had already become familiar, despite his short time living there. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door to find Maude standing there, a soft smile on her face.

"Good afternoon, Leo," she greeted.

"Maude, please come in," he replied, stepping aside to let her enter.

She entered, and began doing Leo's favorite thing—take off her coat.

Once it was off, her whole outfit was revealed in all its glory. Her lips were painted a sultry shade of purple, inviting his gaze. The deep V-neck of her tight, thin lavender dress showed off plenty of cleavage, causing her breasts to jiggle enticingly with her movements. The fabric left little to imagination, baring her smooth, creamy skin. The dress hugged her curves all the way down to her mid-thigh, accentuating her legs and emphasizing her curvy body. The three inch black high heels that covered her toes made him want to run his hands along her seductive calves. 

"Is that a designer dress? It looks wonderful on you," he complimented.

She blushed very slightly. "Oh, thank you. It's actually something I made myself. Sewing is a bit of a hobby of mine."

"Really? You have a great talent," he said, genuinely impressed. "How did you get into that?"

Maude's expression brightened. "My grandmother taught me when I was young. It's a way for me to express creativity."

"That's wonderful. Do you make clothes for your family too?"

"Yes, I do. I make outfits for the boys and sometimes knit sweaters for Ned."

"That sounds like a lot of work."

"It can be, but it's very rewarding," she replied with a smile.

"Do you ever make clothes for others? Maybe even sell them?"

She smiled at the idea. "I've thought about it, but it's mostly just a personal project for my family."

"Well, if you ever decide to change that, I'd love to be your first customer."

"Oh, if you really want one, I can make you something as a gift and not a product to sell, Leo. You're a great addition to the community with your righteous beliefs. It can also be a welcoming gift since you're new here."

"Then I'll definitely take you up on that offer," he said, happy with more chances to speak with her.

"I'll have to measure you first, though. It's a bit of a complicated process."

"We can set something up in the future, then," he suggested, a grin forming on his face.

"Yes, we can do that," Maude nodded.

They moved to the living room and sat down in preparation for their Bible study.

"I hope you don't mind," Leo said, "but I thought we could start with a passage from Ecclesiastes."

Leo was not very well versed with the Bible. In order to not seem like it though, he picked a passage the night before and learned about it. To make it interesting for tomorrow, he made sure to pick something that could lead to conversations he wanted.

His effort was well worth it. Maude's eyes lit up. "I'd love that. It's one of my favorite books."

He poured them each a cup of tea. "I've been reflecting on Ecclesiastes 3:12-13: 'I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live.'"

"I'm familiar with that one. We can read the whole chapter together if you'd like," she suggested. "I have it memorized already," Maude said with a smile. "But it would still be good to re-read it."

"That's what I was thinking also." Leo nodded.

After they finished going through it together, she nodded thoughtfully. "It's a reminder to find joy in our lives and appreciate the blessings we have."

"Exactly," he agreed. "Sometimes we get so caught up in routines that we forget to enjoy the simple pleasures."

Maude sighed softly. "That's very true. Life can become... monotonous."

He took a sip of his tea. "Yes, though my life isn't very monotonous right now with all the moving here. But I'm sure if I was here already for many years, that could become an issue. What do you think the Bible suggests we should do about it?"

She thought for a moment, her brow furrowing slightly. "I think it encourages us to seek joy and to embrace life's experiences, no matter how small."

"Is that what you've been doing, Maude?" Leo asked, genuinely curious.

She sighed, looking down at her tea. "Not as much as I should. Sometimes I just want to do something unexpected. Now that I think about it, Ned has had our family doing the same things for years."

He nodded, sensing her hesitation. "There's a certain comfort in routines, but too much can make life feel... constricted."

"Exactly," she said, her eyes meeting his. "It's nice to have someone understand."

They continued deeper into the conversation, discussing the balance between responsibility and the desire for adventure.

"Have you ever done something completely out of character?" she asked.

He chuckled. "Moving to Springfield was pretty spontaneous and out of character. I received a last-minute job offer here that I usually wouldn't have accepted, but I did, and now I'm here"

"Do you regret it?"

"Not at all," he replied. "It's led me to meet some interesting people, and it's led me to this moment with you."

She smiled warmly. "I'm glad you're here."

There was a moment of comfortable silence. The soft glow of the lamp cast a gentle light on her features.

"Do you ever feel like there's more out there for you?" she wondered aloud.

"All the time," he confessed. "I think it's natural to want more, to seek fulfillment beyond our daily lives."

She took a sip of her tea. "Sometimes I worry that feeling this way is selfish."

"It's not selfish to want happiness," he assured her. "Ecclesiastes encourages us to find joy in our lives."

Maude reflected on his words. "You're right. Perhaps I need to embrace that more."

"Maybe we both do," he suggested.

His words had struck a chord. It had only been a moment, but she wanted to already try some of his advice.

"Would you like to hear something?" she asked suddenly.

"Of course."

She stood up and moved to the piano in the corner of the room. "I noticed you have a piano. Do you play?"

At that moment, Leo thanked Cookie in his mind for getting him the house that was already decorated. So many opportunities have arisen because of it. It seemed like luck was on his side at the moment. He made a note to repay Cookie in the future with something she liked, probably more of his lower member. He quickly focused back on Maude.

"I do," he admitted. "I'm not an expert, though."

She brushed her fingers over the keys. "I used to play. May I?"

"Be my guest."

She began to play a soft, melancholic tune. The music filled the room. Leo should have been captivated by the sound but he could only focus on how her body moved while she played. 

Every small movement of her body sent waves rippling through her curves, her smooth skin shifting and sliding against the fabric of the chair. She had juicy hips, a round ass that jiggled gently with each press of the keys, and a slim waist that tempted him with its delicate and curvy shape. Even just watching her body move was enough to drive him crazy.

As she finished, she looked up, a hint of embarrassment on her face. "I'm a bit rusty."

"That was beautiful," he replied without missing a beat. Thinking about both how she looked and how it sounded.

"Thank you. It felt good to play again."

"You're very talented."

"It's been so long since I've allowed myself to just... be in the moment."

"I'm glad you felt comfortable enough to share that with me."

She met his gaze. "I've only been here for two hours, but feel like I can be myself around you. The Lord has heard my prayers and has sent me a friend with whom I can truly connect."

He smiled. "How about trying another piece? I can teach it to you now, if you'd like. Seeing your talent, I'm sure you would learn it fast; it's an easy piece."

She looked interested in his proposition.

"Sure, I'd love to learn something new."

Leo stood up and moved to her side. His tall figure towered behind her, before leaning down.

"I'll guide your fingers as we begin," he murmured into her ear, his voice low.

He further positioned himself behind her, his body pressing up against hers, his arms reaching around to cover her hands on the keys. She could feel the heat coming from him, the press of his chest against her back, his hands guiding hers. She shivered and tried her best to focus on the keys.

"Okay, first, place your fingers here," he said softly, guiding her hands to the correct keys.

She followed his instruction, her fingers pressing gently on the keys.

"Now, we'll start with a simple melody," he continued, his voice barely above a whisper.

While he continued to show her, his eyes couldn't help but be drawn down to her close boobs, appreciating the view that accurately displayed their true size and shape. She hadn't known it, but during all her movements playing earlier, her dress and bra had inched down and he could see the edge of a pink areola. It was a sight that was hard to look away from. Maude was unaware of all his attention as she was focused on learning. 

Their hands continued to move in unison over the keys. Leo repeatedly took views of what was beneath him and enjoyed every moment. He still needed to occasionally give Maude's hands attention to ensure he was guiding her to the correct keys.

Maude glanced back at him, a soft smile on her lips. "You're a good teacher."

"Only because you're a fast learner," he replied.

After a few tries, Maude was able to play the piece on her own. When she finished, he clapped and cheered her on.

"See! You're amazing"

She smiled softly. "That's one of the nicest compliments I've ever received."

The atmosphere grew more intimate. They could feel themselves becoming more comfortable.

"I should probably go," she said reluctantly, noticing the time.

"I understand," he replied, not wanting to push so far in their first private meeting.

He walked her to the door. As she put on her coat, she turned to face him.

"Thank you for tonight, Leo. I didn't realize how much I needed this."

"The pleasure was all mine," he assured her. "Maybe we can do this again sometime. There's always so much more to learn, both Bible wise and about other topics."

"I'd like that very much," she said, a hint of hope in her eyes. 

He stepped forward and gave her a hug goodbye. His arms wrapped around her and he felt her body press against his own. The warmth of her skin sank into his, her soft breasts were molding into his chest, her thin fabric allowed him to get a more true sensation. The subtle scent of her perfume filled his nose. His hand subtly slipped around her back, coming to rest on her waist, and he made his fingers trace small intimate circles for a second. Maude made no comment on it nor had a reaction. He wasn't sure if she even gave it any thought, maybe labeling it as normal behavior.

"Goodnight, Maude," he said as they pulled apart.

"Goodnight, Leo," she smiled.

He watched as she walked down the path, disappearing into the night. Closing the door, he leaned against it, a mix of emotions swirling within him.


Back in his living room, Leo sat down at the piano, pressing a few keys thoughtfully, letting the echoes of each key fill the air. A smile began to form as he thought of the possible ways he could deepen his connection to Maude. Tonight had opened the door to many possibilities and he was excited to explore them even if he had to be patient.

[A/N]: Forced you readers to sit through a bible study lmao.