Ch 14. Marge's Second Day Of Work. Hooters?

Leo stretched, rubbing the back of his neck as he thought back to the night before. He hadn't gotten much sleep, but spending the night with Edna had definitely been worth it. Now, with an early morning photoshoot on his plate, he was feeling a bit of soreness from their late-night together. Being hunched over in a car for a while didn't help his back.

The doorbell rang, pulling him from his thoughts. He opened the door to see Marge standing there, once again in her typical green dress, smiling but with an apologetic look in her eyes.

"Hi, Leo," she greeted him, her voice carrying a hint of apology. "Sorry for taking so long to schedule our next shoot. The whole school thing really took everyone, especially me, by surprise."

Leo waved off her concern with a grin.

"Like I told you last time, Marge, it's no problem at all. I'm just excited to see you again."

Marge smiled, with a hint of relief even though she already explained the reason to him before.

"I'm just relieved it's all over," she said with a happy sigh.

Leo chuckled as they began walking toward the garage studio.

"Honestly, I think I'm just as relieved, if not more. Teaching? Definitely not my thing," Leo told her.

Marge laughed lightly. "Oh, it wasn't so bad. I actually kind of enjoyed it." She glanced at Leo with a smile as they approached the studio door. "Especially getting to see Bart in a classroom setting. It was interesting to see how he behaves."

As they reached the garage, Leo opened the door for her. "Yeah that would be interesting. So, you liked it?" he asked, keeping the conversation light as they stepped inside.

"Yeah," Marge nodded. "It was nice seeing him from a different perspective. But, to be honest, I think it's better for Edna to take over. I'm glad she's teaching him again."

At the mention of Edna, Leo's mind drifted back to the previous night—the warmth of her insides still fresh in his memory. He smirked slightly, trying to keep his thoughts from wandering too far in front of Marge.

"Edna, huh? What do you think of her?" he asked her.

Marge tilted her head thoughtfully.

"Oh, Edna's great. She's tough but fair, you know? She's been through a lot, but she's never let it show in the classroom. I remember one time, we were at a school function, and she single-handedly took down a PTA mom who was giving her attitude about her teaching methods. She's got this strength about her."

Leo nodded, his thoughts still briefly lingering on Edna.

"Yeah, she's definitely got a presence," he remarked with a grin.

They shared a comfortable silence for a moment before Marge continued, "Since I was talking about Bart, It reminded me... last night he told me he figured out that you're our neighbor. I already told him when you moved in, but I guess he forgot until he saw you. Now he keeps talking about how you're his 'cool neighbor.'"

Leo raised an eyebrow, feigning surprise, but relieved his effort didn't go to waste.

"Really? I didn't realize I'd made such an impression."

Marge chuckled. "Neither did I! But it surprised me—he actually seems to respect you, maybe even admire you. What did you do to win him over?"

Leo shrugged, leaning casually against one of the lighting stands.

"I didn't do much, really. I just avoided a couple of his pranks when we first met, and I guess he took it as a challenge. He's got that rebellious streak, but once he sees someone's not an easy target, I think he appreciates that. But that's just a guess."

Marge smiled. "Well, whatever you did, it worked. He doesn't talk about many people that way."

"Well, then I must be lucky. Let's just hope he doesn't take our conversation as a challenge to up his pranking games."

Marge laughed, shaking her head. "He actually tried to pull one on Lisa the other day, but she caught him before he even got started. Speaking of Lisa, I haven't gotten to ask you, how was she when you were teaching her?"

"Lisa? She's a star student. Always behaved well, always looking for more to learn. Honestly, she's one of the brightest kids I've ever met. Must've gotten it from you." Leo flattered Marge.

Marge blushed slightly. "Oh, I don't know about that," she said modestly. "She did mention wanting me to ask you something later... something about a favor. But I'll talk about it after we finish the shoot."

Leo raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Wait, wait—how are you gonna mention something and not tell me what it is? That's so cruel, Marge," he said sarcastically. "What's the secret favor?"

Marge laughed, waving him off. "I'll tell you after we finish the shoot. I promise."

"Alright," Leo said with a grin, "but now that you're making me wait, I'm gonna make you wait too. I've got something exciting to tell you about our photoshoots, but I'll tell you after the first outfit. It's big news, trust me."

Marge gave him a playful pout. "Oh, come on, Leo! You can't do that to me."

"I can, and I will," Leo replied, chuckling. "I'll spill after the first set of photos, I swear."

Marge was curious, but she didn't press him. "Alright, I guess I'll just have to be patient."

"Exactly," Leo chuckled. "Now, how about you try on the first outfit? Let's start with something similar to last time—this blue shirt and jeans."

Marge nodded and headed toward the changing room. 

Although Leo knew of the crack in between the changing room, he restrained himself. If he was going to look, he was going to at least wait until it provided the best possible view. And with what he knew, it wouldn't take long for that to happen.

A few minutes later, Marge stepped out in the casual attire, looking comfortable.

They got to work quickly, snapping photos, and Leo noticed that Marge had kept most of the confidence she'd gained from their last session. She moved more naturally in front of the camera, responding easily to his directions.

Once they wrapped up the first set, Marge turned to him, curiosity in her eyes.

"Okay, Leo, I've waited long enough. What's this big news you were going to tell me?"

Leo grinned. "Alright, here it is: a company saw your first set of photos, and they're interested. They want to use you in their ads."

Marge's eyes widened in surprise. "Really? That's... wow. What kind of company?"

Leo's grin widened. "I'm not sure if you've heard of them, but they're called Hooters."

Marge blinked, clearly taken aback. "Hooters?" she repeated, her voice a mix of surprise and hesitation. "The restaurant with the... you know, the waitresses in those outfits?"

Leo nodded, keeping his tone light. "Yep, that's the one. They're updating their advertising and they really liked your look. It's a big opportunity, but no pressure. I wanted to run it by you first."

Marge shifted uncomfortably, clearly unsure. "I don't know, Leo... I've never done anything like that before. What if someone I know sees it? What if Bart or Lisa... or Homer...?"

Leo waved off her concerns. "Marge, it's just an ad. You'll be in a national campaign, but it's not like it'll be plastered all over Springfield. Plus, this is an incredible chance for you to get some exposure in the industry. It'll open doors. And let's not forget," he added with a playful smirk, "you owe me one for stepping in as a sub teacher at the school, remember? This would really help me out, and it'll set a good precedent for future jobs."

Marge hesitated, glancing at the floor. "I... I suppose you're right. And I do owe you. I promised anything." She looked back up at him, her face softening. "If it helps you and your company, I'll do it."

Leo smiled warmly, appreciating her willingness to go out on a limb for him. "Thanks, Marge. You won't regret it."

Leo stepped over to the clothing rack and handed her the Hooters uniform—a tight-fitting tank top that said Hooters on top and a pair of orange shorts.

"Here's the uniform they want you to wear for the shoot."

Marge looked at the outfit skeptically. "Wow, this is... definitely more revealing than anything I've worn before."

Leo nodded. "It's definitely a change, but you'll look great in it."

Marge sighed, giving the uniform one last glance. "I guess I should at least try it on." She grabbed the outfit and began walking toward the changing room.

As she turned toward the changing room, Leo cleared his throat. "Oh, one more thing. This is a bit awkward to mention, but... the company prefers if you wear nothing underneath. Just the uniform."

Marge raised an eyebrow, giving him a skeptical look. "Nothing underneath? Really?"

Leo nodded, keeping his expression professional on the outside.

"Yeah, it's for the ad's aesthetics. But if it makes you uncomfortable, I've got small coverup nipple patches you could use."

He extended his hand with the patches, and after a brief pause, Marge reached out and grabbed two. But after she grabbed them, she stood there for a moment again, contemplating.

She understood why they'd want the uniform to fit perfectly, but it felt... like too much. Then again, Leo had been nothing but supportive, and she knew how important this opportunity was for him. After a long pause, she shook her head and handed the patch back.

"I'll manage without it," she said with a determined smile, before heading into the changing room.

It didn't take long after Marge entered the room for Leo to move to the crack in the booth that he found last time. 

He crouched down, his breath catching as he watched Marge begin to undress. It didn't take long before he could see her standing there completely naked.

"God," he whispered, in disbelief at what he saw.

She was a goddess. Her giant pink nipples with huge areolas on her heavy F sized boobs stood nice and hard. Her waist was slender, but her hips were full. Above her closed legs that hid most of her pussy, she had a small dark patch of blue pubic hair that was trimmed, probably not shaved because she wasn't expecting anyone to see it. Long tan legs lead up to an incredible ass that looked like it jiggled with each step, and dimples on her lower back. Overall flawless skin.

Her hands fumbled slightly with the tank top, her nervousness showing in the way she handled the unfamiliar uniform. As she pulled the tight fabric over her head, Leo's eyes trailed over her form, burning the sight of her boobs in his eyes before they were fully covered up.

Once done and standing in just her top, she hesitated for a moment, examining the orange Hooters shorts in her hands. Marge sighed softly before reaching down and slipping her legs into the shorts, then pulling them up. She had trouble getting them over her ass though. She had to jump and shake her hips a bit to get the material up and over her thick bubble butt. Each time she jumped, her ass would bounce and sway, the flesh of her cheeks rippling hypnotically.

When Marge stepped out, the uniform clung to her body, giving prominence to her curves more than anything she'd worn before. Her confidence seemed to waver, the unfamiliarity of the outfit throwing her off balance. 

"This is... wow," Marge said softly, glancing at her reflection in a nearby mirror. "I've never worn something like this in my life. I don't know how those girls do it."

Leo's gaze lingered on her. "You look incredible, Marge. Really. And trust me, you're going to nail this."

Marge gave a small, uncertain smile. "Well, if you say so... I just feel a little exposed. But I'll trust your judgment."

Leo nodded. "You've got this. This time, it'll be a little different because we'll be doing some requested poses from the company. We'll have less freedom in how we set things up. But don't worry, I'll guide you through every step. You'll do great."

Marge bit her lip and nodded. "Okay. Let's do it."

Leo started by positioning her in front of a clean backdrop. "Let's start simple. Tilt your chin up slightly... yeah, just like that," he said, his hands gently adjusting her posture. He placed her arms by her sides, his fingers lightly brushing her skin as he positioned her hips.

"Perfect. Hold that."

The camera clicked several times as Leo moved around her, capturing the sight of her body from different angles. Each time he approached her to make small adjustments, the touch of his hands sent warmth spreading through Marge's body.

As the shoot progressed, Leo became more hands-on, helping her move from one pose to another.

"Let's try something more dynamic," he said. "Turn your body slightly to the side and place your hand on your hip. That's it. Now tilt your chin just a bit... perfect."

His hands stayed on her waist as he adjusted her again, guiding her movements as they tried different poses. Leo's touch was confident, and Marge found herself responding to it, her discomfort melting away as she began to enjoy the process. With each photo, she felt more powerful, more in control.

"You're doing amazing, Marge. Seriously," Leo said, his voice soft but encouraging. "Let's try one last pose for this set."

He moved behind her, his hands guiding her into position, adjusting the curve of her back and the position of her thigh.

"Just a little more... right there." His hand pausing on her waist a moment longer than necessary, and Marge could feel his breath against her neck as he whispered instructions. Her heart raced, and though she tried to focus on the camera, the shiver his touch kept replaying in her mind. She did her best to ignore it.

By the time they finished the Hooters shoot, Marge looked at herself in the mirror again, her earlier hesitancy replaced by a newfound confidence. "You know," she said with a smile, "I guess those girls must get used to it. It actually feels kind of... empowering after a while."

Leo nodded, a grin on his face. "Exactly. Once you own it, it changes everything."

Marge nodded lightly in agreement.

"You did fantastic," Leo said, lowering the camera. "I think we've got some great shots. But I've got one more outfit in mind if you're up for it. It could attract more attention in the film or gaming industry."

Marge raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What kind of outfit?"

Leo grinned, pulling out a revealing one-piece astronaut suit with a clear helmet. "It's a bit different, but trust me—it'll catch some eyes."

Marge looked at the outfit then back down at hers.

"Well, I've already worn this," she said, gesturing to the Hooters uniform, "So why not? Let's do it."

She took it to the dressing room and once again, Leo found himself drawn to the crack in the booth as Marge changed.

She began to slip out of the tight-fitting Hooters outfit, and with her body bathed in the light of the booth, Leo felt the same rush of excitement as before.

He watched as Marge, after getting the top off, struggled with the shorts again. This time, instead of jumping up and down, she bent forward, hoping to pull them down more easily. To Leo's luck, she gave him the full view of her behind from where he crouched.

Her large plump ass was perfectly rounded and the two large cheeks were split with nothing in between. Starting from her stomach he could see a small dark strip of blue hair that led down to a tiny slit. Leo could clearly see her entire pussy, even her inner folds. Above that, her cute puckered asshole, which seemed to wink at him as Marge wiggled her shorts, was visible as well.

Leo felt a strong throb in his cock as he continued to stare, and had to resist the urge to move his hands downwards.

When she reappeared in the astronaut suit, the outfit was tight and exposed much of her thigh and cleavage, giving her a futuristic, sexy look.

"You know, Leo," Marge said with a laugh, "I never thought I'd say this, but I think I'm getting the hang of this. Maybe it's not so bad after all."

Leo smiled, guiding her into more complex poses this time. He helped position her arms and legs, moving her head at just the right angle to capture the sleek lines of the suit. His hands brushed against her back and hips, sending a shiver through Marge's spine. The tension between them grew, but neither said anything.

"Right there, perfect," Leo whispered as he stood behind her, adjusting her arm. His chest pressed lightly against her back, and Marge could feel the heat of his body as he held her in place. The closeness was almost overwhelming, but she found herself enjoying it more than she expected.

Even at one point, when Leo 'accidently' placed his hand on her ass when helping her sit, her face had turned a shade of pink, but she didn't say anything. Instead, she just kept posing for the camera.

When the session ended, Leo used the opportunity to excitedly wrap his arms around her from behind, holding the camera in front of her to show her the shots. It was a tight embrace, his chest pressed firmly against her back as he scrolled through the photos, his face right against the side of hers. As he held the camera, his hands were right beneath her chest.

"Look, see how great these came out?" he said, his voice close to her ear.

Marge gasped, caught off guard by the sudden closeness that never lasted that long before.

"Leo!" she exclaimed, her cheeks turning bright red.

"What?" Leo asked, still holding her close.

"Uhh, nothing," Marge muttered, too shy to say anything more. She remained in his embrace, her pulse quickening. As the moment lingered, she found herself growing more comfortable, even liking the feeling of being held so closely.

When they finished reviewing the photos, Marge finally stepped away, still blushing. She quickly went back to the changing room to put on her regular clothes, her mind racing with everything that had happened.

Leo, of course, didn't miss his chance of watching her again while she changed.

Once she was dressed, she came out, feeling more like herself.

"That was... different, but fun," she admitted with a soft smile. "So, we'll schedule the next shoot soon?"

Leo nodded, grinning wide.

"Absolutely. I'll let you know what Hooters says about these pictures, and if any other companies reach out, I'll keep you updated."

As Marge grabbed her things and prepared to leave, she paused at the door. "Oh, and the thing I promised to tell you—Lisa wanted me to ask you something. She really enjoyed having you as her teacher. She was wondering if you'd want to come by again soon. This time with the whole family there. She's got something in mind she wants to ask you... but I'll let her explain when you're there, it's probably something to do with assignments though."

Leo smiled, intrigued. "Tell Lisa I'd be happy to come over. You'll be there, right Marge? Let me know when works best."

Marge smiled warmly before waving goodbye. "I will. Thanks, Leo. I'll be in touch soon."

Leo watched as she walked out, feeling more confident than ever that things were moving in the right direction.