Chapter-7 : Mother's love(R-18)

Justin POV

"so how do you feel son. "Mom said while coming closer to me

After coming I have noticed how huge her breasts were and how plumpy they are .

Seeing them bounce while she is walking feels so good . Regina is clearly beautiful despite her age .

"I feel horny Regina," I told her honestly.I am sure she would notice that I called her by her first name.

she had clearly noticed this and raised an eyebrow

"Calling your mother by the first name . What a mama's boy you are ."Regina teased me

"Well, it's not like I am any different ~.I am son-con too ~you know " Regina told me

"Really. Then why didn't I notice " I acted dense purposefully.I knew that based on how she acted during my childhood .she shouldn't have dropped her guard in front of a child

Oh god, the days.When she used to strip in front of me .

"I have been careful around you to not to make you uncomfortable, "Regina said

"Wait we are accepting that, this casually," I said to her

"Well~The huge erection of yours and you drooling over me doesn't help your case . " Regina said

"You know son. I don't care how you are but as a mother I want you to be happy as much as possible. If you want I am ready to do even that as possible " My mom stated

"I Feel like it's moving too fast,"I stated to her

"Well we can emotionally bond after the physical bond " Regina stated

"Why is everyone so accepting towards polygamy " I stated

"I mean if everyone truly loves a boy they would be unwilling to share.I feel like it's not genuine love when they are willing to share " I have stated the opinion that has bugged me until now.

"Well, dear! It's not like that.There are multiple of same women liking a single man .So to solve this problem our counry has created a new law .The polygamy . It solved all the problems .And multiple women can choose the same man . "She told me with a smile

"Girls accept polygamy as they don't want their partner to reject them .Pologamy works in their favour too if we think of this way .Even if one girl fails in love she can still be a romantic the man she loves ."Regina exclaimed me

"A girl don't care about how many girls you have married .She will belive that if show her love enough she can get her man to love her " She told me

So , women choose polygamy to be with a man and how she is trying to be in his mind .The roles have been reversed .How good .

Well the men in this world all good .They completely deserve harem .Well if they are bad ,well, in the end, it's the girl who choose him .'It's her choice' .These are not my words , come from a famous feminist .

Well simps don't exist in the world .And this is just pure bliss moment .with no one to do anything whatever I do.

Although I feel very disgusted at the thought of a certain someone I knew here

I Don't have any guilt or shame after listening to the statement

"Mom so what we do now "I told Regina what to do .

Let's check what she will suggest .I am curious to see how this goes

"My son you will definitely gain a harem in the future and so I am here giving you my tips,"Regina told me

"~You naughty boy " She told me

After she had said that

I had kissed her mouth taking her by surprise.

"MHm~"She moaned in pleasure .

She is surprised and had reached her saturation point.

I have enjoyed tasting her rosy red lipstick and her lips tasted like strawberry . While I am kissing her I have moved my tongue inside her exploring her mouth .

While I am doing that I have moved my hands through Regina's ass and coping a feel .

My Pants have been tightened by the amount of pleasure I feel now.

Her ass feels like a soft pillows and I am still rubbing them feeling very good .

I have released her mouth for air .For some time we panted for air .

"Justin~ *Smoch* *kiss* Kiss* " Regina replied while kissing my cheeks applying red lipstick on them .

I kissed her back tasting her lips more .Damn I wanted to do this with her all day .

Women in this world are just irresistable .They are someone who is hard for even me to control myself around them.

Not only do they have good body but they have also good personalities.I wish this moment stayed fore

Well the men in this world can be 'nice boyfriends ' too for a girl in this world .

A/n : That's not gay .It's more about description .If he is gay .He would have said 'how sexy the boys are here '.

Totally this world is a paradise for the ones who wanted a loyal and attractive 'date' or a partner.

I have released the kiss releasing a large amount of saliva around us .

This time I targeted her navel .Closing running through her soft waist .

It almost feels like soft bed sheets.

Regina is instinctively stroking my erection hardening it more

"Oh my, It's going forever. "She replied forever

"Well, that is . But concentrate on what we are doing " I said going back to the moment

I said while kissing her back making her moan while rubbing myself over her body.

I keep going rough on her and accidentally pulled out her panties.

Oh! god Even in these moments.I am making some accidents.

I hope these accidents stop .

Like I went into the wrong bathroom 20 times, wrong room 24 times, the wrong party 10 times.

And all moments happened to be the moment where the girls around me are half-naked. And the twist here is that the girls apologized me for not locking the door and they paid Me money in the form of the insurance.

Well, I got money so I am happy too but at the cost of what?

I would have liked it more if it happened while I am perving but when I am looking for something mischievous/Perverted it doesn't happen.

But I wanted to do something productive . Shit like this happens.

I have unconsciously looked towards Regina who is not without any underwear.

After seeing her vagina .I have become aroused very much.

Drool become to form around my mouth .and I have a huge erection.

Her pussy is currently drenching and wet and seeing her so defenseless raises my kinks more.

"Seeing you with those hungry eyes making me feel good "Regina told me

Before I could continue I was interrupted by another disturbance.Oh god, I don't have any luck at all.

A/n : I will stop here and I will continue tomorrow .

The author-san couldn't believe the shit he had written .

It's so flawed that the readers will complain .But he should do it as every story has it's own advantages and disadvantages