#Chapter 114

#Chapter 114 Make Her Go Away

Nathan's POV

Lewis Manor

"Make her go away!"

I shouted into the phone before Rachel had a chance to speak and instantly felt remorseful.

My apology was sincere, if brief, as I stepped away from the wailing at my door to hear Rachel better. Given how we'd parted ways, I knew something serious had to be happening for Rachel to call me. I couldn't imagine what was going on, but I wasn't about to fail Rachel the first time she trusted me after leaving Moonglow Pack on a bad note.

"Nathan? Nathan, what's going on? Make who go away?"

Shoving my hand through my hair, I mumbled, "Nothing. It's nothing. Are you alright? How can I help?"

"Have you spoken to Art? Do you know what's happening with Ethan?"

I felt as if the banshee-level moaning was splitting my head in two. I took several steps back only to realize the woman got louder the farther away I moved---as if she could sense me moving away. Could she? Was that possible?