Chapter 154

#Chapter 154 - Favors

Tyler POV

Rachel had finally drifted off into a fitful sleep. They'd had to pump her full of icy IV fluids to drop her temperature enough to allow her any peace. Every drop of sweat from her forehead felt as if it were being wrung from the marrow of my bones.

I literally ached with the need to protect her, care for her, heal her.

But there was nothing I could do.

"You'll drive yourself insane if you keep pacing out here worrying over what you can't change. We need to get to Elena," Windsor said.

I could hear the finality in his tone; I knew he wanted to push me to do something for him. I just didn't know what more I could do for the Alpha Council. What help could I be in tracking this 'Peter' down?

I'd never crossed paths with the man to the best of my knowledge.

"How can I help?" I asked, knowing Art Windsor well enough to realize he would tell me what he needed if I only asked.