Negotiation Ceased

On the next day, Raj wakes up in his own apartment, on his bed. He gets up from his bed, he makes his bed for a few seconds, where after that, heads to the toilet. When he got on the toilet, instinctively take the phone, who was put near the sink. He looks on it, and sees a message on the notification bar, coming from his contact Roberto Rudy, a.k.a. his hacker who help him in the career of the bounty hunter.

The message it says: "Hello, Raj! I've found out a target near you. Call me when you wake up." and he sees the message was sent at 4 AM, an hour when Raj was deep asleep. He checks the clock on the phone and sees it is by now 8 AM. Raj, not wanting to risk by waking up his "Boss" he decides to leave it for later.

He leaves the bathroom, with his hands cleaned because he is hygienic and a civilized man from India. Raj walks a few feet to the kitchen, where he decides to prepare himself a portion of scramble eggs. He turns on the television on the news channel, to know what other useless things are happening on this city and on the other islands.

"Yesterday, a burglary was happening on a house in the Middle Houses District. The district where people with mediocre or small jobs are working. Especially the ones who are reporters or journalist" says the woman on the news. "The burglary happened last night. The things the scum have stolen are having a value of twenty thousand dollars. Unfortunates, the people who have stolen the things have managed to bypass all of the security cameras, trackers and even the alarm system. These people have done a heist so efficient that even a few politicians are curious if these people would give them a few hints."

Raj decides to turn off the news, because they sounded a bit awkward. Nowadays, people don't even want to look at the news because all of them are depressive and wants to make normal people have suicidal thoughts. Raj changes to the Indian Music Channel and listens to some music from his natal country, while he prepares himself some eggs to eat.


Later this day, Raj walks down the stairs and is heading outside. As he is walking to his car, his phone is ringing, he looks on it and sees he is getting called by the contact name of Rudy Roberto. He accepts the call, and puts his phone next to his ear.

"Hello?" says Raj.

"Good morning, Raj!" says Rudy on the phone.


"I have a mission for you, if you are interested."

"Yes. I've checked the message, and I am interested."

"Great. The target is one of the suspects from the robbery that was made last night. It is about a suspect or criminal by the name of Rashford Johnson. He lives on a house with number 431, on the School District zone."

"That's the one who stole the money?"

"Not only money. Also a few guns and ammunition worth almost one hundred thousand dollars."

"Geez. That man sure is crazy."

"From the hacking that I could've done, I've fond out he is trying to sell them across these Islands to Africa at a double price."

"What is the bounty?" says Raj getting on the car, and jumps on the driver seat.

"About 12 000 dollars." responds Rudy Roberto after a few seconds to check the reward. "But you need to keep the target alive and bring it to the nearest police station."

"Not a problem." says Raj taking a look back to his sniper rifle with tranquillizer. "Can you tell me if he is at the house?"

"I will try to see if I can locate his phone or by using any other technology type he uses."

"Okay. Hear you soon." says Raj, closing thee call, and he drives to the school district.

After a few minutes, Raj arrives at the School District, and as he arrived there, he gets a text message from Rudy who says: "I've got the coordinates! The person is at Dock and Industrial district. He is probably arranging a shipment to Africa. Go and stop it!". After Raj read the whole message, he accelerates and drives off to that District.


Upon arriving at the Dock and Industrial District, Raj parks his car on the parking lot, he decides to go inside an abandoned factory, which was very close to the parking lot in distance term. After he walks in the interior of the abandoned building, with his sniper rifle prepared, he puts the device he is using to not be detected by any hackers nearby (in case this business meeting is having hackers or mercenaries that are using hackers). When the device was ready, Raj walks upstairs, until he arrives at the higher floors.

After three minutes, Raj arrives at the sixth floor, which is the rooftop of the building who was used to make car parts. He gets in position, loads a tranquillizer arrow and looks through the scope where the meeting is taking place. Raj sees five people in that meeting, two people originated to be Africans, one white American, and two thugs, all masked, holding weapons like assault rifles.

"Good thing I am taking distance." says to himself after he looks the scope through the two masked people who are holding AK's.

He points the scope to the white American, and before he was about to make the shoot, Raoul initialize the camera mode on the scope. He takes a picture with the meeting and send it to Rudy Roberto and nearest police station. Then, Raj sees he gets a message text from Rudy Roberto, saying: "The white American is the target. Don't forget. We need him alive to get the bounty on his head."

Raj looks at the target for a few seconds, he takes a deep breath and initialize his plan he thought in his head. He first shoots the target. The syringe with the tranquillizer hits the guy's neck making him feel numb all of a sudden, and falls on the ground.

He sees the guards and the African people heading to the ship. Raj has another idea. He decides to load a new syringe tranquillizer on his gun, and he shoots the one of the Africans who were running into the ship. He hits the person he is aiming for, and sees him falling next to a container.

Raj quickly loads another tranquillizer arrow, and shoots one of the thugs who were going to rescue the African who just fell. The arrow hits his head, and he falls on the ground, next to the unconscious body of the African negotiator.

The other two people have escaped in a speed boat. Raj was thinking to also shoot them, but he has run out of syringe tranquillizers. He only brought three with him in his car because he thought this job would not require only a target, not three.

Anyway, three police cars are arriving at the Port District after Raj left the abandoned industrial building, and head to his car. He drives from the industrial district, with all of his equipment put inside on his car. As he continues to drive forward, he gets a message from Rudy Roberto, saying: "Good job! I just found reports on the police they have taken the target. You received the 12 000 dollars. Plus 3 000 for other two possible suspects who would've worked on the same robbery."

Raj replies with a message: "Thanks." and continues to drive his car to the nearest Bank because he wants to withdraw some money from there and want to go eat something good at a local dinner.