The Setup II - Part 2

Raj walks inside the store. When the automatic door opened, a usual sound is heard, announcing the workers that a new customer has come inside their store. As he entered the store, the hitman sees one of the co-workers, who are arranging the shelves with electronic devices mostly. Another co-worker approaches Raj, and he tells him.

"Hello! How can Radu's Repair Shop can help you?"

"Hello!" says Raj. "I-I would like to buy a new television."

"Sure. What kind of TV would you like to buy?" asks the customer guiding Raj to one of the shelves.

"Something not expensive and not hard to carry."

"We have the thing you are looking for." he guides Raj to the aisle where the TV's are put on sales. "This one is a good model." he says touching a plasma TV that is having the price of almost 500$. "It's cheap, doesn't have many channels, but it consumes lots of energy."

The worker at the shop is showing Raj items he can sell to him, but Raj is not interested in these. All he wants is to distract the worker by making him believe he is looking for work. Plus, he is a having a TV, but he barely uses it because of streaming companies who have destroyed all the good channels, and let the bad ones online.

As the worker continues to show Raj some interesting models, another worker at the shop comes over, and he is looking after the worker is talking to Raj.

"Mario." says the worker to the one who is showing Raj televisions devices. "A new cargo arrived. Could help me unload it?"

"Sure. Just a second." says the worker, and he is looking at Raj. "Can you wait, or take any of the televisions I present to you."

"Wait!" says Raj to the workers, and it makes both of them stop from doing their part of the job. "Do you smell something?" he sniffs to make this thing believable.

"What smell?" tires the other worker sniffing the store. "I don't smell anything." and he leaves Raj.

The worker, by the name of Mario, leaves Raj as well, and Raj needs to do something to distract these do. So, to do that, he needs to make a fire. This would make the workers abandon this part of the job, and leave the store. Also, letting Mike steal the van they needed for the heist.

Raj walks on the store, to the bathroom of customer. Nowadays, every store has one of this, even one that sells fans or company animals things. As Raj entered the bathroom, he looks around, and after he saw nobody was there, he takes off a lighter he was hides into his backpacked of his jacket, then takes paper toilet from one of the stalls. He puts the fire on the paper toilet, and throw it onto the trash cans.

In a few seconds, the trash can was invaded by flames who are burring the trash that was collected there. After that, the fire proceeds to spread on the shop, thanks to the stalls that were made out of coloured blue wood. Then, to seem believable, Raj takes out his jacket, he let it burn a bit, then he puts the fire out of the jacket by slamming to the ground, after that he leaves the bathroom in a hurry, and yells.

"Fire! Fire!"

The fire alarm sounds on, and it alerts the nearest worker, who is actually the manager of the store, sees the man by the name of Raj, leaving the bathroom in a jacket who catches flames. He looks worried at Raj, then he asks him in a broken English with a Romanian accent.

"What happened?"

"There is a fire going on in the bathroom!" says Raj, pointing at the bathroom, and acting innocent.

This one works. The manager escorts all of the people inside the shop outside back to their safety. And he yells to their co-workers to try and put the fire off. He probably cannot afford the ambulances and firefighter cars taxes they need to pay. When the people left the store, the people did not notice that Mike, has successfully stolen the van and he drives it off from this location. And nobody, besides Raj, spotted Mike, who left the place with the van of the business. Then Raj, remains there, and acts like he is calling the firefighter, but instead he is calling Mike, and backs away from the squad who is looking shocked and filing the fire to get clout from social media apps.

"Good job, man." says Raj to Mike.

"You've also done it." says Mike to Raj. "You started the fire, right?"


"Great. By the way, you should drive the Boss to the warehouse."

"On it." he says Raj to Mike, and he closes the call, goes to the car where Mr. Greg is stays, listening to a classical music radio.


Later this day, they arrive at the warehouse, where the van of the company "Radu's Repair Shop" is parked, the car of Raj arrives about ten seconds late. From that van, Mike leave then Raj and with Mike are also leaving the car, then they walk inside the warehouse, where the rest of the crew, Mr. K and Travis are sitting on the chairs, near the round table, looking at the photos that were taken by Raj from that time when he visited the house of the one they are going to rob.

"Sir." says Travis, rising from the table after Mike came into their small office.

"Hello, Travis!" says Mr. Greg to Travis, then he looks at Mr. K, who is nodding his head to Mike. "Now then. Shall we begin the plan?"

Mr. Greg walks to the blackboard, where it is shown the heist plan.

After Raj and Mike has taken their free seats, Greg is looking around, making sure no one is missing. When he counted the members of this heist, he tells them.

"Good. Now that we are all here. It is time for us to start the plan. The heist will begin tomorrow night as a source told us."

"Tomorrow night?" asks Mike.

"Tomorrow I saw through the owner agenda that he is going to attend a funeral of a dear friend." says Travis to Mike. "Robbing his house at that time will be efficient since most of the people from that neighbourhood will attend the funeral."

"I understand." says Mike to Travis, then he sees his boss, who stopped from talking. "Sorry. Continue."

"Good. Now, to rob the house, we are having the data we needed. Security cameras, that will Travis duty. He will be inside the van, where he can hack the security of the house with his laptop. And it will also have to do his work to stop near security cameras."

"Got it, Boss." says Travis to Mr. Greg.

"And on the driver of the van." says Mr. Greg, and he looks at Raj. "You should drive the van where we are going to store the eight hundred thousand dollars cryptocurrency server that we will be needing on the first phase. Mr. K and Mike, are going to deal with the Komodo dragons and with the moving of that server. We cannot risk by sending you there, Raj."

"Why not?" asks Raj curios.

"Because we will be needing you later, as the Indian disguise that is going to deal with the installation of hat server."

"What installation? And why me?"

"One, you will see, and two, Americans thinks all Indians are geniuses when it comes to software installation."

"I get it. You are using Indian stereotype in your favour."


"…Alright. But a question I have: Wouldn't be bad if we are going to barge into their houses with a ski mask or something that doesn't track us like in action movies?"

"And that is why we have a few pairs of clothes from the company hidden here." says Mike, getting up from the table, and opening a drawer where six uniforms that are having "Radu's Repair Shop" logo on them. "We will fool everyone by being workers at that business, and telling anyone who came that we have come there to repair."

"Oh. so we do have a disguise."

"We've also got masks of fake humans." says Mike taking from another drawer a pair of masks of a human face, that is almost making him a new person.

"Cool." says Raj surprised, then he tells to himself. "I should get one of these masks for my bounty hunting job."

"Good." says Mr. Greg. "In short, the plan is: Disable security gates, cameras, electricity from the house and monitors. Take down the Komodo dragons, and then steal the server. After the stealing, we have to deliver him to this warehouse, where the second phase of this heist will begin later this week. Understand?"

"Yes." said most of the workers of this heist, most but not Mr. K, considering the fact hat he got his tongue cut, literally.

They stay in that warehouse for a few moments, until Raj, decides to leave and heads back to his home, on his personal car. He has to prepare himself for the next night, but on this one, he is thinking to drive to the nearest supermarket, to buy a pair of cigarettes and food to fill his refrigerator who is about to be emptier than of a worker when Corona struck America.