The two-year coma

They leave the building Raj was escorted by the two people, with Rudy, his contractor or "Boss" if you can say that. The two persons are getting inside a car, and the driver is Raj. Even if the car is owned by Rudy, the man decides to let Raj drive because he isn't a very good driver.

"Where to?" asks Raj to Rudy, who sits on the back and opens his laptop.

"To Hospital on the south." says Rudy already pressing the keys from his laptop keyboard. "I already send the positions to your phone so you'll find it easily. You have to get accustomed to this city one day, you know."

"I guess." says Raj checking his phone and then he gets a GPS to where he has to head.

Raj leaves the parking lot, and drives forward to where it should be his destination. As the man drives ahead and takes a left turn, Rudy decides to say something.

"Did you remember when your father died?"

"Why are you asking that?" asks Raj concerned about this question.

"I said. Did YOU remember when your FATHER died?"

"I remember it was on a construction site few years ago."

"Wrong. He is still alive."

"What?" asks Raj surprised putting his leg on the stop pedal, almost making an accident. "What do you mean he is alive?"

"Go to the Hospital." says Rudy. "And you'll see that whole thing was a lie."

"Lie? B-But I saw his body."

"It was a lie made by Mr. Greg. Your father worked for him. Didn't you tell that?"

"Yes. He did."

"But you did notice anything strange when he said that?"


"Then he fooled you good."

Raj continues to drive to the Hospital, ignoring the driver who was yelling at him and threw racism to Raj. As the man continues to drive forward, Raj decides to ask Rudy.

"Why haven't you told me that then?"

"Because it was too soon." says Rudy. "I did not know if I could trust you."

"Trust me?" asks Raj. "You kept this secret for years only to see if you can trust me? Dude! I literally killed people for you and your step-sister. You two have taken me as a worker when nobody would want to hire me because of my heritage. You gave me a home; a job and I was close to even marry someone."

"I know. And I am sorry. We had lots of workers under our company, and we wanted to make sure you are good to trust for this project."

"And what's this project?"

"To that. Your father would tell you." says Rudy. "You'll do the work he was not able to do."

"What work?"

"You'll hear and see when we will get there. He knows better than us the work he has to do."

"Did… Did he be really still alive?"

"Hope so." says Rudy, and then he continues to type on his laptop, staying in silent for the next ten minutes until they arrive at the Hospital.


Ten minute later, the car stops in front of the Hospital. arriving there, Raj parks on a paid parking lot. He gets off the car, and goes to pay the parking. It took him about five dollars for only thirteen minutes. A price that seems alright for the perspective of one who lives in 2027.

After the Raj has paid the parking lot to the toll, he goes to the car, where Rudy, already leaves the vehicle, and closes the door after him. He waits for Raj to approach, then they walk inside the hospital that wasn't were Raj was sent out a few hours ago. They go to the reception, where Rudy asks the receptionist where is Agent G resting. And the receptionist, who is looking around carefully, tells Rudy the man is resting on the floor three room twelve.

Rudy and Raj are walking to the nearest elevator. Arriving there, Raj enters the elevator first, then comes Rudy, who presses on the button with "three" mark and they wait until the elevator would ascend to the third floor. It was a fast ride and a boring as one would be in real life. Arriving at the said floor, they leave the elevator and are walking to the room twelve.

The moment Raj and with Rudy has got to the front of the door, they noticed the door has a key card reader, like one of those in banks or in some doors in warehouses for their employers. Rudy takes a card, he moves it inside the key card reader, where after it got green light and unlocked the door, the two people are walking in the room. Raj is feeling nervous about this because of this whole lie he was told by a close friend like Rudy and then he got used by an evil person like Mr. Greg.

"Here we are, Raj." says Rudy looking at the bed where the said person, Agent G is resting, who is actually looking like to be the father of Raj.

"P-Papa…" says Raj almost collapsing seeing his father, who is slowly opening his eyes.

"Agent G." says Rudy to the man, who has just wake up from a small nap he took it after he woke up from his three years of long dream he had. "Looks like you are awake."

"Rudy…" says Agent G, slowly rising up, but he falls back to the bed, and the groins of the pain he got.

"You should take it easy." says Rudy walking to the bed of Raj's father. "The doctors have told me you are still hurt, even after that explosion from the construction site."

"T-Three years weren't enough to rest?" asks the man who is Raj's father.

"It seems not." replies Rudy, then he looks at Raj, he decides to head outside. "I'll let you two catch up with everything. I am going outside to check the data carmen has sent to me in the car."

Rudy leaves the hospital room, leaving Raj to talk in private with his father, who was apparently faked his death and made Raj to become a supposed criminal. You cannot certainly say that because the Government of the United States has made legal the bounty hunting and it also put a lot of budget on it. Hence this was a one of the reason Carmen made this Bounty Hunter Organization that is currently controlling only the East Coast of the United States of America and a few islands around it.

"Raj…" says the father of Raj after a minute of silence to let his son get a grip of himself. "I am not dead. As you can see. Nor I am healthy. As you can further see."

"Why? Why did you lie to me?" asks Raj approaching closer the bed of his father.

"It was the Organization who have done it." responds Raj's father. "If they had found out I am still alive, they'll kill e for good next time."

"W-Who? Who is that person?"

"Is Mr. Greg." says Raj's father. "He used me. He used my loyalty. My connections I made here for the next thirty years. Was gone in a day. A single day. Twenty-four hours. Can you believe losing all of these connections this fast?"

"What happened father? And can you tell me the truth?"

"It is a long story, son."

Raj gets a chair from this room, he moves it near the bed of Agent G, and Raj, looking on the face of his father, very serious but with cries on his eyes, he tells him.

"Please. Tell me the truth."

"Very well, son. This has happened thirteen years ago. And it was the day when our family. A big family has come to this land where we once thought it would free us from trouble, but instead. It creates us more troubles."