Agent G Past - Part 2

Later this day, on the 9 PM to be precise, Dilipa, like almost every day when he is working hard to the bone, he comes home, tired and about to fall on the floor on the moment he will come home. This time, the man had to be worked harder, like the other immigrants who have come to work on this new complex in order to finish the sixth floor, and do the other is the next following days. Arriving home, he gets greeted by his wife, and by his child, who were waiting for him on the couch and looking at the TV who was given to them by their nice neighbour from across the door. He only did this gesture to get clout on the social media platforms, which also shows he recorded himself giving this gift to them. Of course, this would make someone mad nowadays, but this is normal for Americans to this period of time.

"How was your day, darling?" asks his beloved wife.

"It was fine." says Dilipa to his wife, giving a kiss. "Only a crazy guy who has come into our workplace, but everything was sorted out just fine."

"D-Did he hurt you?" asks his wife after she saw a small bruise on his face cheek.

"Only a bit." replies Dilipa by lying. In fact, those hits actually hurt him bad enough, but not enough to make this person fall on the ground. He also lied to make his wife his son worries vanish. "So. What do we have for dinner?"

Dilipa and his sons are walking to the kitchen table, where they will directly eat the dinner his wife has made it for them. While these two men's have gone to the kitchen, the woman of the house, is taking the work shoes from Dilipa and are putting it on the shelf for shoes.

After Dilipa saw the kitchen table, where he and his family will have a meal that can be described as "moderate dinner table meal for a three-person family in a small apartment in the USA". The dad, seeing the dishes with pastas and beans soup, he looks at the table with a smile, then, he looks at his son and tells him the same thing he tells every night: "I am going to change my clothes and take a shower. I will be back.". Where his son, Raj, will always reply with: "Okay, Papa.".

Dilipa walks to his small bedroom he is sharing with the wife and Raj. He goes to the dressing where he takes his pyjamas that consist of blue pants that can be sometimes distinguished as pants used either for jog or for gym, and a white t-shirt who is starting to get some yellowish stains that cannot be taken quite lightly by any person who is cleaning a lot. After he has taken the clothes, he takes a pair of underwear, together with a red towel to wash himself when he will be done showering.

The man walks a few steps to the other were it's the bathroom. This room contains only one toilet, a sink with a broken mirror and a shower. Dilipa puts the clothes and with the towel on the closed toilet, then he closes the door, and after that he starts undressing. When he was done, he goes into the shower and proceeds to wash himself for about twelve minutes, like he usually does.

After these twelve minutes, he leaves the shower, takes the towel to dry himself. First using the head part, then the bottom like any rational person, not like a crazy person who is doing the opposite. Then, he dresses himself into the pyjamas clothes, which it doesn't take much time. When he was done, he leaves the bathroom, and goes to the kitchen, where he is greeted by the wife and son, who are at the table and waiting for him to eat this good dinner.

As the family started to eat the pastas and beans, drinking some fine and clean water, the husband is asking his son, Raj.

"How was school?"

"Dad. I'm in summer vacation." says Raj who stopped from a moment from eating the pastas in a hurry.

"Ah. Yes. Sorry… How was home?"

"It was fine." replies Raj. "I was outside, playing soccer with my neighbours and cops and robbers."

"Nice. So, you do get along with your kids neighbours?"

"Yes. Tim and Anton are very good to me."

"Glad to hear it." says his father showing a smile to his son. "Any incidents today?"

"No. Everything was fine."

"I see."

He continues to eat the pastas, and drink water. Throwing some small talks to his son and wife when he was feeling like it, and after this, all of them are going to the couch where they will be watching some classic American TV shows on their TV taken from a second-hand electronic store not far from here.


Later in the night, the Kabiraj family were sleeping into their one bedroom, all together, like they always do since they've got inside into this land which to be rude a harsh to immigrants like Raj's father. As these two were sleeping into their own bedroom peacefully, two men's are climbing the stairs of this apartment to their apartment address.

Both of these men wearing a ski mask with a black-red G on where it is supposed to be the nose and the mouth. The eyes, are only the openers to help see these "burglars" what they have to do. And they do not walk in that room empty-handed, they are carrying with them baseball bats. Each of the, having a metal baseball bat, and ready to provoke some damage inside that house.

As these two thugs have got close to the door, the one is skinner than the second one, looks around to see if nobody is watching them commit this crime in the middle of the night, in this second-rate apartment who was probably taken by auction rather than someone senile to pay a fortune and think this thing might become a huge investment. Then, the second goes to the wall, near the door, he counts to three in a whisper to the second thug who will be kicking the door.


The second thug, kicks the door. After this kicking, the door opens us wide, meaning the door was not even closed to begin with. But, even if it was locked, the door would eventually break by a single kick because of this state this door was having. Dilipa always said to his family he was going to repair this door from the day one they are moving in, but, seeing it now, after a few years, Dilipa actually forget about this, and looks what happened.

The thugs, they are quickly closing the door, then, they notice the key is on the door. They quickly locked the door, and are advancing to where is bedroom supposed to be. Arriving there, they see the sacred family waking up and screaming, but the thugs are quickly getting to the action and hits the Kabiraj family members heads hard enough to put them into an unconscious state rather than sending them dying. Only the strong hit applied to the wife of Dilipa was hard enough to almost kill her.

When these three members got incapacitated, the thugs proceed to take the bodies of the child and the mother, carrying on the ground like some potatoes sacks to the living room, where they will tie them to the couch. After this, they go to Dilipa and are tying him to a chair on a bathroom, where they are going to interrogate him.