Operation Mike - Part 3

Later, on the headquarters of the Agency, on a dark room, lighten by a single lightbulb, stands in the middle of the room two chairs, on one of them is a woman, Mike's secret wife or mistress, tied with rope, and on the other is a little girl, Mike's daughter, who is also tied with a rope, both of them have been taken their bags from the head after they were tied up by the interrogators.

On this room, the integrators are consisting of Rudy, two people unknown people who are good on this job and Ramirez. Raj is outside, guarding the door of this secret room. The first person who odes a move is one of the unknown persons, he is looking angrily at the woman, trying to make her feel pressured and give everything.

"You know why we are here?" asks the unknown person with a serious voice and on a tone that would make anyone feel anxious with a combination of shaking.

"Please. Leave us alone." says the woman crying. "W-We didn't do anything to you."

"Mo-Mommy…" says her daughter, crying and sobbing.

"Denise." says her mother feeling sad, then she looks at Rudy. "What do you want from us? Money? we will give you. Release us, and we will never speak about this. P-Please. Let us leave."

"We don't want money. We want information."

"About what?" asks the woman.

"Mike. You know a person by the name of Mike?"

"…No. What he did this time?" asks the woman distraught. "What he did to us?!"

"You see…"

Meanwhile, outside this room, Raj stands near the door, he is staying on a guard position, and he looks around tough. As he stands there, he could hear the cries of the woman, but no cries that can be heard as one of a child. He remains in that position for a few more minutes, until the door opens and from there leaves Rudy with Ramirez.

"We got him." says Rudy holding his laptop on his left side. "We have Mike number."

"That easy?" asks Raj.

"Yeah." says Ramirez. "Did you thought it would be hard?"

"Most movies says that."

"What movies? Hollywood?" asks Rudy as he walks to the room of the computers. "Now. Follow me, boys. We have to get his location and prepare a plan to capture him."

The three men are walking to the office room, where lays a bunch of modern computers who arrested for tracking, and used for video gaming since most of the companies specialized in IT are letting their workers have a one-hour break of video games. Another good thing that happened on this future besides the banning of TikTok in most of Europe.

Arriving at the office room, Raj, Ramirez and Rudy, are all walking toward an empty desk. At that desk, Rudy sits on the chair, and proceed to connect the laptop to the computer, does his thing by pressing keyboard for a few moments, and then he tells Ramirez and Raj.

"We found him."

"Already?" asks Raj.

"Yes. The man had his phone opened, and he is coming right this way. Probably managed to get our location by an app."

"Or by Travis." says Raj to the two people.

"Travis?" asks Rudy.

"He is a hacker. A very good one."

"Good hacker?" he asks with a smirk. "You say he is much better than me?"

"N-No… I don't know." says Raj. "To my defence, I barely met him before I got knocked unconscious and send to Florida."

"Let that aside." says Ramirez. "what are we going to do?"

"You two prepare the guns." says Rudy.

"We are killing him?" asks Ramirez.

"Not the actual guns. The tranquillizers." says Rudy, and he looks at Raj. "On the last floor is a small room where our arms dealer, Alberto, is stocking our agency. Asks him to give you a sniper rifle and with a few tranquillizer shots. You stay on the roof, and wait for the moment Mike will come. Got it?"

Raj shook his head in approval, and he goes to the upper floor with Ramirez. He has to guide Raj because he is not so familiar with this place. Both are taking the elevator to the last floor of this place. They were not alone on this elevator, there is also one of the workers, who is holding a box of donuts. The worker recognizes Ramirez, and he says to him.

"Hey, Ramirez! Want a donut?"

"Occasion?" asks Ramirez taking the donut from that guy.

"It is free donut day." responds the guy to Ramirez, and he sees Raj. "Hello. New guy here?"

"He is Raj." says Ramirez, which makes the guy shocked.

"Raj? The silent bounty killer from Garnet city?"

"Heard of me?" asks Raj a bit confused.

"Know you? Boy, you are one of the most skilled sniper rifles on this agency, by the statistics. Never though I'd see the day you will come here."

"Good donuts." says Ramirez to the guy after he ate a chocolate donut with Oreo.

"Thank you." says the guy, then he looks at Raj. "My name is Flint. I am the janitor of this place."

"Janitor? You do the cleaning?"

"Not only that. I am also guarding this place."

The elevator stops at floor five, there leaves Flint, who is saying goodbye to them and he goes with the donuts to another office room.

"How many people work here?" asks Raj after the elevators door shut and continues to ascend.

"Probably more than five hundred." says Ramirez. "I don't know. I am here for only a small-time, and I barely know all the people from here."

"I understand." says Raj.

"Why didn't you take a donut?"

"I am not hungry right now." replies Raj.

They land on the floor where the armoury room is supposed to be. There, Raj and with Ramirez are walking out of the elevator and go toward the armoury room, they enter the small room, greet Alberto, who is a Spanish by the accent he is suing to speak English with these two non-Americans. he gives the sniper rifle to Raj, a binocular set to Ramirez, and he told them to give them back to him when they finish.

"How did you?" asks Raj.

"This man has microphones everywhere." says Ramirez to Raj. "We have to go."

"Good luck." says Alberto to those two who have left his small shop and are walking upstairs to the roof.

Both of them are walking to the edge of this building, and preparing their positions to shoot their target who has already parked the car he was driving near a moving truck. Raj is preparing his sniper rifle, loads a tranquillizer bullet in it, and waits for the moment when Ramirez is telling him he can shoot.

And it doesn't take a minute until Ramirez give the signal and Raj pulls the trigger of the gun, and a projectile flies at a fast speed rate to where Mike is. The projectile hit the man neck. This was so painful for Mike. He takes the arrow, and as he was looking at it, he starts to feel a little dizzy, then he falls on the street.

Then, from the building leave six people, who are coming over to Mike and are carrying him to the building. Thankfully, nobody from the crowd outside of people did nothing, they were all minding their business. Plus, they know on this place someone always falls down and it has taken to this building.


"What?" asks Ramirez.

"That was easy." says Raj.

"Say that to the guys who will interrogate the man."