Living With Eliza

Jocelyn was especially touched by Eliza's words.

Eliza seemed extremely happy to be able to leave this place that reeked of antiseptic. She urged Jocelyn to hurry up and get dressed.

And it was Eliza who helped Jocelyn pay for the hospitalization fees.

After getting a doctor's certificate from the hospital, Jocelyn followed Eliza back to Stephen's house. Sophia, the butler, who had long received the news, was waiting at the door with her gold-rimmed glasses. When she saw Eliza and Jocelyn, she quickly walked up to them.

"Good morning, Miss Eliza. Miss Jocelyn." Sophia bowed in the direction of Jocelyn and Eliza.

"Good day." Although Jocelyn was still injured, she straightened her back, picked up her dress with both hands, and bowed perfectly. Her actions were elegant like a princess living in a palace.

Seeing that Jocelyn respected her, Sophia smiled.

Eliza had many friends, but Jocelyn was the only one who could get Sophia to like her.