Steel-toothed Rabbit

The main reason why they were so impudent in front of Jocelyn before was because of their previous knowledge about her.

Jocelyn was, in everyone's eyes, an introverted girl who was as quiet as a rabbit.

Even if they teased her and humiliated her, they believed that Jocelyn would never dare to resist.

However, they forgot that a woman who Aren liked wouldn't be a pushover either.

Everyone was kicking themselves for being rude today and hoped that Jocelyn did not remember their names or the offensive words they said.

When Jocelyn looked at them, the people who said bad things about her subconsciously looked away to avoid eye contact with her.

Seeing that everyone was afraid, Jocelyn gradually relaxed.

In fact, dealing with two people was already Jocelyn's limit. If someone continued to stand up against her at this moment, she did not know if she would still have the strength and courage to confront the third person.