The Feeling of Being In Love

"It doesn't matter. We can go to the library later. I think this gentleman is really in a hurry. Why don't we help him first?"

Angela blinked her large grape-like eyes at Asina and then ran towards Aren.

She knew that Asina looked down on her, but if she made a man who refused Asina to fall in love with her, she would not be able to laugh at her anymore.

When she was only a step away from Aren, Angela pretended to sprain her foot and lean forward. She wanted to fall into Aren's arms to close the distance between them, but she did not expect him to dodge.

Angela fell to the ground, her legs and arms bruised.

This sudden turn of events made Asina, who was still a little unhappy, laugh.

Angela had successfully made herself a walking embarrassment. Seeing that Angela made a fool of herself, Asina found Aren much more pleasing to the eye.