A Horrendous Crime

Diana could not understand why things would develop like this. Why did people's feelings change so quickly? She had only been overseas for less than three years.

Why was it that Aren, who claimed to love her, could fall in love with someone else in the blink of an eye?

If Aren no longer loved her, then what was the point of living in this world? Without her career and her lover, she became a soulless container.

At the thought of that, Diana felt hopeless and fearful.

Diana felt so uncomfortable that she could barely breathe. She was like a bird without legs, unable to find a tree trunk to stop. She became very confused and could not see where she was going.

She looked ahead at nothing in particular with a blank expression, separating herself from the world.

Winston looked at Diana, who had become silent again, and sighed. He wanted to cheer up Diana, but he didn't know how.

However… Perhaps Master Aren knew how?