A New Plan in the Making

"Aren has nothing to do with you. Why would he give you money? Besides, don't you want to marry him? If you ask him for money now, what will he think of you?"

"Maria, no man would want to marry a woman who reached out to him for money before they were even married. I never did such a thing like that when I was with your father."

Mrs. Wilson wanted to reason with Maria, hoping that she would dismiss the idea. But Maria was now so wrapped up in her own thoughts that she couldn't listen to Mrs. Wilson.

She even retorted to Mrs. Wilson, "You know that I want to marry Aren, but I don't know what spell Jocelyn cast on him, he always ignored me, and my plan failed time and time again. If this continues, when can I marry Aren? When will Jocelyn die?"

"So we must do it another way."

Mrs. Wilson said, shaking her head, "Is by another way, you mean asking him for money?"