The war start

King Jonathan vii- 'The Third war of Apocalypse'.

They all got shock and say 'a war'. The king say to Commanders and heroes to make the force for war they all go in palace army hall and discuss about the strategy.

King Jonathan VII- Everyone listen, we have 90 thousand soldiers in our army we want a good strategy we have time because they cannot enter in this kingdom unless we go in the battlefield.

Commander Victoria- King let's distribute the soldiers to everyone.

Commander Bryant- but how we will distribute the army.

The heroes have no idea about army distribution and strategy.

King Jonathan VII- does anyone have any idea?

Commander Lucas- King, I have a strategy, listen everyone, first we will distribute 15 thousand soldiers to every commander, Bryant will handle the army from right side and Victoria will handle the army from left side.

Commander Bryant- this is a great strategy but how will we protect King Jonathan.

Commander Lucas- I will lead 20 thousand soldiers and protect king from forward.

King Jonathan VII- we have used 50 thousand soldiers.

Commander Lucas- all the soldiers that are under Commanders will be cavalry. Each Hero will lead 5 thousand soldiers non-cavalry, other 10 thousand soldiers will also be non-cavalry, remaining 5 thousand will control weapons like Canons, after some time when our heroes and soldiers were fighting, they will also come in battlefield, is this strategy good king.

All the people clap for Lucas for such a good strategy and the King gave permission to use this strategy. All the heroes wear the warrior suit and they came in battlefield. Soldiers were arranged according to the strategy and big cannons were are their back.

Jackson- their force is very big I think they have 250000 soldiers, but our force is also big.

Sophia- all the mages are on the back, but they have to be in the front.

Morris- I think they are afraid of us.

Cathreen- do you know the ranks of those mages.

Jackson- Ranks; it doesn't matter.

Lawrence- I can't wait to strike lightning on them.

Cathreen, King and Victoria those three go towards mages force to talk to mage but the soldiers of mages army told those three that the mages are not interested in talking to them and told them to go to their army. When those three were going Cathreen says "Didn't you do your introduction". All the mages start talking and one mage answer "Introduction this is not required because you are going to die, but if you want to know my name and rank then I will tell you, I am 1st mage Corvus."

Those three come in their army, Corvus said that it's time for attack, King Jonathan VII told the heroes that all the army is ready to attack both force attack each other mages force run towards heroes force.

Weaponry unit shoot canon balls towards mages army and many dark soldiers were getting killed by the canon balls, soldiers are continuously shooting canon balls towards mages army. Mages force start coming towards heroes. All the heroes start attacking dark soldiers, the commanders and their soldiers are killing the dark soldiers that are coming in their way, king was on his elephant and he is also killing the dark soldiers. Jackson throw his shield like a shuriken on an enemy soldier, Sophia use '108 dram water wave' on dark soldiers and Cathreen use 'Heavens judgement' on dark soldiers. Heroes force and mages soldiers are killing each other and mages were behind their dark soldiers and they were analysing the war. A women name 'Hera' says "Let's go in the battlefield and end this fight" Corvus say "I was also thinking of the same thing 2nd mage Hera".

Hera go in the battlefield and uses 'Ground Lift' and lift a very big piece of ground in air and many people that were on the flying piece of ground were all shouting in fear. Hera drop that big landmass from upwards on the ground and many people died.