Moving ahead

Sophia use 172 dram water wave and waterfall thrust of dark soldiers, and Cathreen use 'Wind gust arrows' and Heavens Judgement of dark soldiers. Lawrence use thunder wave slash and Lightning strike after these attacks he off the weapon aura. Morris use 'Fire Tunnel' (Morris run into a tunnel covering in fire holding his axe and killing the soldiers one after another) after that he use 'Fire top' in which he hold his axe with both hand and spin like a top, after that attack he off the weapon aura.

Commander Lucas- these heroes are dependable, I also need to go towards mages to fight them, I don't have supernatural power but I can help the heroes, I think Bryant and Victoria were also there, I have to do it faster.

In front of Lucas many dark soldiers came holding a sword, Lucas get down from his horse, dark soldiers move towards Lucas, he take out his sword and defeat all dark soldiers very easily. After that 30 dark Soldiers came holding bow and arrow, they shoot thirty arrows towards Lucas at the same time, but Lucas use his master swordsmanship and he cut all the arrows and defeat those 30 dark soldiers, after defeating them he got on his horse and move forward. Commander Bryant was going forward and he saw that a big dark soldier has hold his soldier neck, Bryant go towards that dark soldier and cut his arm in one slash and cut his head in another slash. Commander Victoria was going forward on her horse when a dark soldier came in front of her with a huge sword he swing his sword towards Victoria's horse Victoria jump forward from her horse and cut the dark soldier head.

All mages start talking, Corvus told the mages to enter in battlefield and kill the heroes, Hera told him to wait here and told him that they are enough for them. Corvus agree to stay here. Hera told Kendric to use his power and teleport themselves near heroes, he use his powers and teleport the mages near heroes. The 5 mages were in front of the heroes, Hera was in front of Jackson, In front of Kendric there were Lawrence, Brannon was in front of Morris, Rayla was in front of Sophia and Calista was in front of Cathreen.

Jackson- so, you showed yourself, weapon aura off.

Hera- we have to come to kill you.

Jackson see Hera's ring and see that she is the 2nd mage.

Jackson- what you are doing is bad, don't side with Zagred.

Hera- we mages will side with Lord Zagred even after death.

Jackson- then decide that after death.

Hera attack Jackson with meteor shower (Hera control some rocks and throw it towards Jackson like a shower) Jackson protect himself by putting his shield on his head.

Lawrence was fighting with Kendric, he use light Lightning strike on Kendric but he teleport himself at the back of Lawrence and punch him, Kendric told Lawrence that he cannot defeat him with his slow speed.

Sophia attack Rayla with water bombs but she use 'Reverse' and all the water bombs hit Sophia.

Morris was fighting with Brennon, he see the 5th rank ring on Brennon finger, Brennon told him that he has kill his brother Keith and he will take the revenge he transform himself into a big snake 'Gorgon', Morris say "the fun starts now".

Calista and Cathreen was going to start Calista told her that she cannot defeat her but Cathreen say "you are so overconfident about your power but let me tell you, I will defeat you here and I will protect the Benderlin Kingdom".

Heroes vs mages has started.