
"Did you see her eyes?" Jolene asked Kiel a few minutes after the woman in the red hood had thrown them in lockdown. Kiel gulped hard and nodded while looking intently at her, "Yeah, pretty sure it was red... and bright."

"Kiel, do you think she may be the one we are supposed to track?"

"Well, go on and check it."

Jolene felt through her pockets and was relieved to see the tracker there. She pulled it out and saw the blinking red light not very much far from them. Kiel was also watching it as it moves along the area. "That is her for sure. We saw it, it was seriously like how your eyes were lighting up earlier! The only difference was yours is silver." Kiel assured.

Jolene looked away and tried to remember. She has a faint memory of the other kids she was with, the only clear about them was the light in their eyes that night. One with silver, another with green, purple, and red. Their images are more like shadows to her memory, she wasn't even sure if they are boys or girls. Whether they are thin or short or whatever she can describe their physique.

"I can barely remember their faces, but their eyes, I can tell that girl was one of us." Jolene was very certain. This also made Kiel feel assured that their search has been over. "Don't you remember her that night? You said you remember everything about it." Jolene wondered, Kiel sheepishly smiled, "Well, now I know that I don't entirely remember everything." Jolene slowly nodded and looked outside, it has been twelve years and they were young. He can't possibly remember all the stuff. The happenings of that night were all too fast and when she tries to remember it, it comes flooding over her thoughts.


"Wake up!" a loud deep voice coming from a big man who seems to be a soldier woke them up.

Kiel ended up sleeping on Jolene's lap and Jolene was resting her face on her arms that are placed on Kiel's back. Before they could even grasp their head about what is happening, the men picked them up and tied them. "What is happening now?" Kiel asked in a half-awake state, he wanted to scratch his eyes but that is pretty impossible right now.

They cooperated well, the guards basically carried them up to walk out of their bamboo cell. The guards did not answer him, nor did they engage in any conversation. They just quietly walked along in the village. The guards led them inside another bamboo place, it has a huge table in it. They thought this is for the village council, several adults were seated around the table, looking at them.

At the center was a man that seemed like their leader, beside him is the girl wearing a red cloak, she was the girl they met yesterday. All the sleepiness instantly left them. "These are the intruders who wishes to enter our village yesterday father." the woman in red commenced.

"Father?" Kiel whispered to himself, he looked at Jolene who was as confused as he is. The man spoke, "I am the chief of this village, tell me why are you here for."

"And don't bother lying, because we will know the truth." an old man in the council seconded. Kiel and Jolene both looked at each other, they are really nervous because they do not know what to say. Whatever they blurt out may also be the basis whether they live for the next day or not.

"We- we are from down the city, we did not really know that we will end up here in your village.. w-we didn't even know this exists! But we were led here..." Kiel couldn't think straight enough.

"You were led here? By who?" The chief asked.

"Not by who, by something..." Jolene answered. She looked at the guard that was holding her, "Check this pocket." she gestured at the left pocket of her pants. The guard saw a small metallic thing hanging out of the pocket, he pulled it out and it revealed a circular thing that seemed like a pendant. The guard handed it to the chief, making Alana have a closer look at it as well. She was surprised and her eyes widened, it was exactly like the pendant she received from that package that Bolton gave her. "Who exactly are you people? What is this locket?" she firmly asked them.

"We do not know where it came from. It was mysteriously sent to us and Jolene discovered it was a tracker."

"A tracker?"

"Yes. I know you have it too right? Or we wouldn't have been possibly led here if not." Jolene told Alana. Alana pursed her lips, not knowing what to say. But she wants to know more about it. "How could you possibly know it's me who has the same pendant?"

"The orphanage at the top of the mountain, I know you're from there, just like us," Jolene explained.

"W-we saw your eyes too..." Kiel added in a bit low voice, but loud enough for everyone to hear. Alana filled her lungs with air as murmuring arises from some of the elders at the table.

The chief stood up and the place was instantly silenced. He looks at Alana wondering what is on her mind. Alana looks back at him for a moment and lowered her head again, "They are harmless, hand them to me, chief." she assured. The chief looked at Jolene and Kiel, innocently tied up, then back at Alana, whose face is covered by her hood. He sighed, he trusts Alana with everything and he is sure she can defend herself against people her age, "Very well, untie them." the guards did as mentioned.

Jolene and Kiel were relieved as they stretch out their bodies after getting untied. "Both of you will come with Alana." the chief commanded. They both nodded as they switch their gaze to the big man and the hooded girl beside him. "This meeting is now adjourned." the chief announced and everyone stood up from their seats and leave. Jolene, Kiel, and Alana remained in their position as they watch the elders leave the place. Lastly, the chief lightly tapped Alana's shoulder before they exited the place, leaving the three of them completely quiet and clueless about what to do.

Alana spoke, "I'm sorry for all that precaution, let's get out of here" then she headed out first as Kiel and Jolene followed. They walked out in the village, Jolene explored her gaze more around now, she realized that it was not a terrifying place at all. Maybe the fright took over her because of how they were greeted. But as she looks at the families living peacefully, little kids playing around, older women are either weaving straws or threads while most men go into caves for mining. It was obviously a vulnerable place and she can't blame why they would be so skeptical about strangers.

"Where are we going again?" Kiel couldn't help but ask as they walk behind Alana, trying to catch up.

"To the front gate of the village of course"

"Front gate? Are you going to make us leave now?" Jolene walked faster beside Alana. They have been wondering so much, focused on Alana's answer, that they did not realize that they reached the gates. They went out of the gate and Alana stopped and faced them as soon as the gate closes, "Leave? But you just arrived." she glimpsed at Jolene and Kiel but hid her face quickly again. Her voice was also softer and friendly too.

"You don't have to hide your face from us... you saw my eyes glimmer like yours too." Jolene reminded in a low voice. Alana's head lifted up as she reaches out for her hood. She was obviously hesitant but later decided to pull it down and show her long black hair braided on one side. She lifts up her face to meet their eyes, she switches up her look from each of them, seeing if they are going to react negatively but there was nothing.

"I showed my eyes last night to scare you." Alana admitted, "The people... they used to be frightened, so I... thought you'd react the same, but now..."

"Yeah, we get it. Don't worry, your eyes don't seem scary or new at all." Kiel smiled and Alana curved a little smile of relief to them.

"Why don't you just deactivate your ability then?" Jolene questioned. Alana sighed and sat down on a boulder where she usually sits down at the side of the gate, "That's the problem. I can't turn it down. I have been trying for years but the ability had completely overtaken me."

"Mine is completely opposite at yours, I can't activate it at will." Jolene narrated, "But it does come out by accident when I don't intend to sometimes." Alana nodded and looked at Kiel, expecting him to share something about his ability too. When Kiel noticed that, he stammered, "Uhh... if you're wondering about my ability, well I'm not quite sure about it, I haven't really explored it... I'm just here because I had the pendant and I want to know what is it about." Jolene scoffed, "Don't believe him, I totally saw him in action in the marketplace once, his eyes glimmered silver and he tore down a shop with just words!"

"Hey, I told you I did not do that-"

"Silver? and what about the color of your eyes Jolene?" Alana saw it lit up faintly but she could not actually grasp if it had a color. "Well, it turns silver too. Kiel and I have the same ability."

Alana looked down, "So I am... different."

"No, not at all! don't you remember the last time we were at the orphanage?" Jolene held on to Alana's shoulders. Alana looked away trying to think back. She does remember the orphanage she was raised in as a kid. The staff there teaches them songs and tucks them to bed. The many kids she plays with. But she can hardly remember anything. She tried to focus on the last time in the orphanage. "I just remember it was dark... and there were lots of running with other kids."

"We were escaping that night, there's five of us. I do not remember faces or anything but I do remember our eyes light up on different colors. That is why the moment we saw your eyes last night, I know you were the one with us that night. It's kind of something I cannot explain but for sure I will know it if I see it." Jolene elucidated further. "The pendants are trackers, but it only tracks one pendant at a time. That is why we are here. Do you have it on you?" Kiel went closer to Alana just like Jolene. "No I left it in my room, I didn't know what it was. Do you know where it's leading?" Jolene looked at Kiel as they both shook their heads at Alana, "We have no idea too. But there's a note on my package. I think these pendants will lead us to the answers about our past. About why do we have these abilities, and maybe it can help us control it."

"Control?" Alana got curious, "You think whoever sent this has all the answers to our questions, and they could even help us control our abilities?" Jolene nodded in agreement, "Come with us Alana, we need your pendant to continue. And I think we can also help you with your ability." Alana was deliberately interested in this. For most of her life in the village, she had to live like a freak and not like normal kids. The only kid who wants to play with her is her brother. She never wanted to be different, and she would do anything she can just to be one. She glimpsed on the gate of their village and bit her lip, "I would honestly want to go. But I am the gatekeeper of our village, this is my sworn purpose. I can't just leave them." she hesitantly answered.

"But Alana, this can change your whole life. You can always go back to here to your village." Kiel tried to reason out with her. He knows that Alana wants to come with them and find out more about her past too. But she is bound by her responsibility. Alana sadly shook her head as a response.

Kiel and Jolene sadly sighed, they look around the wall and gate covering the village, "Are you the only gatekeeper? It's a dangerous job to be done by a teenager alone."

"Of course not" Alana pointed to the two sides of the gate which are mostly covered by bush, "There are guards in each of the sides and a group behind this gate. I'm just the only one visible but most of the guards are in the entrance," she explained to them. She stood up and she led them to walk around the walls of their city, "We do not need many guards because our village had been very peaceful for a long time. Every now and then, there are people who try to destroy that peace but none of them were successful." she proudly noted.

The three of them talked all day, mostly about what happened to their lives when they escaped the orphanage that night. There are many things they talked about that they haven't noticed how the time flew. Alana brought Jolene and Kiel to a cottage usually for lost outsiders who are harmless and need help. "You guys can spend the night here. It's pretty small but we prepared two mats comfortable enough to sleep"

"Thank you, this is better than the cell we were in last night." Kiel joked which made them all chuckle. "You're really leaving in the morning?" Alana asked them, although they told her earlier. It's because a part of her doesn't want them to leave so soon.

Jolene nodded, "Yeah... you're really sure you don't want to come?" Although glimmering in red, Jolene saw how sad Alana's eyes immediately turned out. She bit her lip and gave her a hug. Alana was pretty surprised by her gesture but she later hugged her back. "You still have an overnight to think about it," Jolene whispered near her ears.

"I will make sure to give the pendant tomorrow morning," Alana says before she finally left the cottage. She hurried back to her home where her parents and brother are dining together, she sat along with them. They asked her about the visitors, as expected. She told them all about them, who they are and what are they doing in their village. She also mentioned them asking her to come with them. There was quite a pause from everyone after saying those, her little brother was the first one to speak, "Are you leaving us, Alana?" Everyone's gaze is now pinned to her, but she immediately cleared it out, "No, I'm staying here, of course, I am our gatekeeper." she winked at him and glanced at her parents as well.

However, while she was in her room, she was sitting near the window, looking at the moon, it was late at night but she can't fall asleep. In her hand was her pendant. She was staring at how the red and green dot there was far from each other. She would like to know where is it leading her. Jolene found Kiel, and Kiel's pendant led him to her. Now she would like to know where does the next trail lead, but once she gives away her pendant, she would possibly never know.

'Should I let others take over my journey?'

"You wanted to go, don't you?" Alana looked in the direction of her door and saw her father standing right there. She looked back outside the window again, "Not at all."

The chief chuckled, "I don't have the same ability as yours but I know that's a lie." he walked towards her and she looked up at him, "Father, I am not lying. I really won't go with them."

"Alana..." the chief sighed, "A human's purpose changes through time, today, you're meant to be the gatekeeper, but who knows, one day, your purpose is to be something greater. What if being a gatekeeper was just the temporary stop and your real journey is now calling you?" Alana was left speechless, thoughts just floods all over her mind.

"I'm not pushing you to come with them, I would be ecstatic if you stay, you're my daughter. But I'm not standing against what you want too, because you are the master of your own destiny." Alana thought heavily about it. She lied down to bed and closed her eyes, but all she can do is to think, imagine, and look into her innermost desire and hope she regrets nothing by tomorrow.

The night was dark and quiet, but the night is young for the bunch of men as they silently jumped over the walls of the village, they quietly ran across the homes of clueless villagers as they slumber. The target place was to get into the storage house where miners compile benitoites.