

"No!!" the young boy screamed as he hears the gunshot and the boy next to him dropped to the ground. He tried to catch the bloodied boy that has been shot from behind, but they both fell to the ground, "Get up! We will escape here together!"

The bloodied boy spat out blood and coughed. "A-am I dying here? I'll never make it..." he cried in pain about the words he just said, "I'm scared" he added. Tears were rushing on both the boys' faces.

Succumbed by fear, and confusion as to why this is all happening. The other boy could not accept the fact that his friend will be dying here also, his hands were covered in blood as well as his shirt from his friend's blood.

He looked up and saw that the guards are getting near them, he checked the boy, he was no longer conscious. He shut his eyes hard, "I'll go and find help." he whispered before he rushed and ran away by himself.

He could barely see where he was running because his sight was blurry due to the tears. He wailed out loud while he ran as fast as his scrawny legs could take him. His face gets scratched by branches but he didn't care. The pain in his chest is the only thing he can feel. The running felt forever. But he can still hear the people running after him. He began wondering what do they want, what had he done?

Suddenly, there was no more road to walk to. He mistakenly fell off a cliff. Fortunately, it was not very steep. He rolled down the ground, his body landed, and hit on rocks and trees which made him alive when he reached the bottom of the cliff. But he could barely move cause he was in pain all over.

The next thing he knew, it was morning.

Slowly, he stood up and walked toward the noisy area. He saw a city, with people walking in every direction. Cars of different shapes and colors. Stores selling all bunch of stuff, and food.


He can smell food from a nearby noodle house. His clothes were torn up and he was all dirty because of the fall, he basically looked like a street rat. And that's how he was treated as soon as he came near. He was struck by a disgusted stare from the owner and was shooed away.

He walked around the city, clueless about what to do next. It was the longest hour for him, trying to survive in the city, hours passed into days, and days into weeks, and soon, he was no longer able to count.

Everything made a huge turn in his life once more on a certain night when he was scraping food from the garbage.

"Here." a middle-aged man approached him and gave him a fresh meal. Although suspicious, he took it and ate it without any question. No one had talked to him in the city, not even got near him. "Why are you looking for food in the garbage? Where are your parents?" the man asked him. He wiped his mouth, "I'm an orphan." he replied. He didn't know if it was just his imagination, but he saw a bit of curve in the lips of the man.

"Well kid, why don't you just come with me?" For a kid who was never been offered a helping hand, this is his only salvation. The man held his hand as they walked on the road. They turned at the corner, deeper and deeper in an alley. They entered an establishment that seemed to be abandoned. "This is your new home now Michael."

"Michael?" the boy repeated. "Yes, you're Michael, my son." then the man smiled so wide that it crept him.

He looked away and walked around the establishment and he saw a few other kids. He walked even further and saw the rest of them, all are male kids, dirty and rugged like him. They were all staring at him as he pass by. He heard a muffled noise in a closed room. He didn't know what he was thinking when he opened it. He saw a cage, with about eight or ten kids in it. Fighting like wild dogs. Around the cage were all kinds of adults, feasting and cheering on what was happening in front of them.

His heart pounded so wild that he could no longer hear anything. He's wondering what was happening. A hand held on his shoulders, "Do you know why those kids fight? For food and shelter." it was the man that brought him there. "You're my new player now, and this is your new life."


Jolene gasped in disbelief at what Kiel just told her, "So you've been living like that?"

"Five years. I was eleven when the police found out that place for illegal fighting matches for kids." He continued, "It was horrid, most of us are wild, violent, and uncooperative when we were found. That includes me, my only advantage was I was a bit educated when I got there, I know how to write, read, and understand that the police are rescuing us."

Jolene was lost of words just trying to imagine what he has been through.

"I got the name Kiel because I was stammering on pronouncing Michael, police could only get Kel, then it turned into Kiel." there's a hint of a smile on his lips but sad eyes. "I'm not the same kid who got out of that orphanage, I'm Kiel now."

"What happened to the man that brought you there? I hope he's punished."

"I think he went on an asylum, no one actually knew his name he was just called "that man" and he calls all the kids Michael."

Jolene stood up and walked towards Kiel, she held his hand, "I'm sorry for asking you about this."

"It's fine, you're right, it felt better sharing this to someone." he said, "then after that, I asked the social workers if they could take me to a really really far place from there, they took me to that orphanage I was in, then I met Troy, we started being friends, and it all worked out eventually."

"You're so strong Kiel, not just physically," Jolene says, smiling at him.

"Now go to sleep, the sun's almost up," Kiel told her, trying to hide his flattery.


"Alana, set the table now! We are going to have our breakfast." Alana's mom called her from her room. "Just a moment!" she replied and quickly got out of the room. She went to the dining room and set the table, soon enough, her father and brother sat down and the four of them all ate their breakfast.

"I heard the commotion last night." her brother opened up. "How come they got in so quietly? Did they have weapons?"

"Combat knives. They are expert and prepared, that's how." the chief answered.

"Are we going to bring them down to the city and let them be punished by their laws?" Alana gets into the conversation.

"They did wrong here, might as well get punished here, by our laws." their father firmly said, "But Bolton's coming, he figured what had happened. Those men will also be punished by their laws in the city." Bolton is the only one that has communication with them. The chief could easily communicate to him and the same goes for the other. Alana figured they communicated last night as soon as the commotion was handled.

As they were about to finish their meal, her mom brought out several foods packed in a bag and gave them to Alana. "What is this, mother?" she asked. "Food for the travel of course."

"Oh, you want me to bring it to Jolene and Kiel?"

"Silly girl, you're coming with them." the chief told her. Alana stared at him for a few seconds straight, she was shocked and she is not sure if she'll believe it or not, "What..?" she weakly asked.

Her entire family circled around her. "We know you want to come with them, we'll be fine sis." the little boy wrapped himself in one of her arms.

"Alana, I know you're used to taking so much responsibility in your hands but the rest of the soldiers are guarding around this village, we are able to protect the people. You always struggled to fit in, and now that you find people like you, take the opportunity and follow your heart." her father caressed her head as he speak. Alana was tearing up.

"Just always be safe, we'll be right here when you need us." her mother hugged her and kissed her forehead. She hugged back, and later they all hugged together.


Kiel and Jolene were all set to leave. They had their lunch and were thankful for the hospitality the people in the village had shown to them. They ate with one family who wanted to thank them for last night. Several villagers were awoken as the thieves struggled to escape when they got captured. The chief had to explain to others, and that is how the news got all over the entire village by dawn. The bombs were also managed on the same night and everyone was safe on this new day.

Their backpacks are clasped on their backs when they went to the entrance gate of the village, where the chief and other people were waiting for them. They were both greeted by smiles. "Chief, thank you for letting us stay for a while." Jolene initiated the conversation as soon as they were near enough.

"We have more reason to thank you. Be safe on your journey." they nodded to each other. "And before I forget, you must not leave behind the reason why you came here." the chief smiled as he looks behind, the rest of the people did the same and looked behind them.

"Don't forget about me." Alana's shy smile unveiled at everyone.

"You're coming?" Kiel excitedly asked smiling widely. Alana nodded and came to their side, Jolene gasped and greeted Alana with a hug, "I'm so happy!" both girls squealed in happiness. Before the three of them leave, Alana gave one last hug to her family. Then they finally left and went outside the village.

Alana clasped up on the tracker she hung on her neck, she opened it and the three of them had a look. "Seems like we will have to go down at the other side of this mountain," Kiel concluded.

"I've never been down the mountains before," Alana told them, a bit hesitant and yet excited. The three of them started walking down to the other side of the mountain. The road was a bit steep and they had to look out for each other. "Don't worry Alana, down there, life was different but sometimes convenient." Jolene assured her, "We are right beside you all throughout." she looked at Kiel and then back to Alana.

Alana always composed herself as someone strong, and authoritative in her village. But seeing her now, Jolene saw her as a fragile child that needs to be protected. Maybe she can help her in this way.

"What are the city people like? I always see them as very threatening and violent." Alana curiously asked once more. "Well, many of them are very gentle and good too." Jolene responded, "I've been living there ever since, you will like down there too, I bet."

Going down the mountain was easier and faster, although they had to walk far and long, it was bearable because of their conversations. Time passed by quickly watching the nature around them, the tall trees, and the sound of birds, they get lost in the beauty of the forest. It was in the afternoon when they decided to make a quick stop near a stream to rest and eat for the second time.

They sat down together facing each other in a small circle. "How much longer until we reach the foot of the mountain?" Alana asked as she takes a bite of her sandwich. "Not too long, but if it's getting dark and we are still not in the city, we can just camp somewhere in the forest." Kiel thought he wouldn't mind spending a night in this quiet and peaceful forest. "Yeah, I agree, unless wild animals come, though. I told you a wild bear attacked me remember?" Alana lifted up her dress a bit and showed a huge scar just above her ankles, it was from the bite of the bear when she was young.

Both Jolene and Kiel got surprised by seeing the scar, "Oh my, what if we spend a night out here and a bear or wolves attack us?" Jolene blurted out. "Oh no, now that you've said it, it can actually happen." Kiel gobbled up his entire sandwich in one big bite, "We got to reach the city before it gets dark. Forget about the camping here." he could hardly speak because of his full mouth, he stood up and picked up his stuff and go.

Jolene and Alana looked at each other and shrugged, they both laughed at Kiel's reaction. "Hey wait up!" Jolene also finished her small remaining sandwich and ran after Kiel. Alana also stood up and walked while eating her food. They hurried down to reach the foot of the mountain, it was pretty dark when they finally did. Almost the perfect timing to show Alana the beauty of the city.

She gasped as she could not decide where to look at. However, as soon as she saw the crowd, she covered her face with the hood. "Welcome to the city!!" Jolene exclaimed. The city lights are beautiful at night. The streets are busy, and it was full and noisy. A whole new environment for Alana, something she never thought would be so thrilling for her. She looked through the layers of her thin hood and she could see how alive the city is even at night. She held both on Jolene and Kiel's arms as the three of them walked.

This city was also unfamiliar to Jolene and Kiel, so they also enjoyed having a stroll. They walked into a night bazaar where lots of dangling, clothes, and souvenirs can be seen. Three of them enjoyed watching and looking at the items.

"How does this look on me?" Kiel playfully asked Jolene and Alana as he tries on a colorful hand-woven vest. Both girls gave him a thumbs up and approval. "This bracelet is pretty interesting..." Alana touched a metal bracelet. She looked at the other jewelry that are displayed at the table where lots of people are also looking at.

"Alana" she looked behind her and saw Jolene and Kiel seemingly excited about something, "We have something for you," Jolene said as she handed her an odd-looking thing. It seemed to be an ornament for her eyes as she looks at it, "Is this another kind of jewelry?" she asked. "Umm... not quite, it's sunglasses. Let me help you." Jolene explained as she takes the sunglasses in Alana's hand and carefully placed it on her eyes. "It may seem pretty dark now because it's actually protection from sunlight. But when you wear this, no one can see your eyes, you can bring down your hood, it's more subtle in the city." Jolene explained.

Alana carefully removed her hood, Jolene and Kiel gives her a nodding assurance. After completely removing the hood, they took her to a near mirror to see her reflection. Alana smiled, her eyes cannot be seen, plus it looks good to her. She smiled widely.

Their walk at the bazaar continued until they felt tired and slept in an inn, Jolene and Alana shared a room and enjoyed their time together. Jolene talked more about her granny and the people at her school. Alana shared much about her family in the village and the guards she become friends with. Their village doesn't have many guards all the time because it's very secluded. But when needed, all the young men are prepared to be soldiers.

The next day, three of them are all ready to follow the tracker. They looked and felt fancy tourists walking, Kiel was wearing a colorful vest, Jolene's head held high with a new hat, and Alana with her sunglasses. Three of them were having fun by walking. After a few whiles, they were stopped in their tracks by a large lake in front of them.

They all got puzzled, "Why are we here?" Jolene asked Alana, who has been leading them while holding the tracker.

"The tracker points out to the land on the other side of this lake," Alana said.

"Then we would have to ride a boat." Kiel easily suggested as he points out a dock where there are boats conveniently waiting for passengers. The next thing they knew, the three of them are riding a boat crossing the land on the other side.

Leading to the next person with glimmering eyes.