
Owen was at the age of ten when Elias let him join their hunt, he would come every once in a while and observe.

He learned how to hold a gun and hunt, but mainly with the use of a knife, since guns are highly expensive and can only be bought in the capital city of their country. Learning how to hunt and be Elias' sidekick made him feel like he's a grown man, he liked that feeling.

But then, his life had a bitter turn in the same year.

Owen was busy cleaning the yard and Nora was on her usual spot in the living room, doing her crochet. Brad was at school, to which Owen was never sent. But it's fine because Owen realized he's still better at reading than Brad when he once heard him try to study in his room.

One of Elias' friend came running, "Owen!" he was called out loud when he was seen, he instantly stopped sweeping just because of how the man looked-- worried and scared.

"Where's Nora?" the man questioned him. They quickly ran inside the house calling Nora. As soon as he opened the door, Nora flinched and stood up. The man came inside next and brought out the terrible news, "Elias fell on a mountain edge, it was bad. He's at our town's medical center." That is all they needed to hear before the three of them automatically head to the door and rush to the center. There they found Elias, awake but he seemed to be in a vegetative state. The doctor told them that his spine was badly injured that his body will be permanently paralyzed.

Nora did not take the news easily, she wailed and cried that time, embracing Elias from his hospital bed. Tears were also rolling on Owen's cheeks. Elias does not deserve to be in this state. A month later and they brought Elias home. Owen's life had gotten harder after this. Nora used to vent her anger on him, Brad was unapologetically rude too. He had to take charge of the hunting now so he comes along with the Elias' friends who he calls his uncles. But then, when he goes home, he still has to do the house chores and take care of Elias. When he looks at Elias, he can see through his eyes the things he wanted to say. He doesn't like how he is being treated by Nora and Brad, he does not like Owen being tired most of the time, without rest. But there is nothing he can do.

Owen tries to keep up a smile whenever Elias sees him, just to show him that he is doing fine, although no, he's sad and tired.

Few years came by, Owen and Brad are starting to hit puberty, they are thirteen, but Owen still looked bigger than the kids at his age, and the baby fats started turning into muscles. He has become a man, but still a young kid at heart, still charming to the elderly. His life revolved around the house, doing what he does best. Brad would sometimes invite friends from school, whenever that happens, Owen would hide in his room to avoid being ridiculed. Nora was starting to become the grumpy, old, lady in town. After the whole day of hard work and mockeries that Owen takes to the two, he would sit on the porch with Elias. Elias is sitting in a rocking chair the entire day, at night Owen carries him out and talks to him for hours, even though he does not get any response but groans and other small noises Elias can do.

"You're getting more and more white hairs, Elias, do you want me to pluck them?" Owen asked. Elias grunted in disagreement.

"Fine. Did you know Nora is pleased with me when I fix things around the house? I'm getting good at it as I have always been" Owen was smiling widely, "but the truth is, I have a secret. I have a really weird ability. If I activate this ability, whatever I touch gets either fixed or broken." he whispered.

Elias moved his eye to look at him from head to toe, then back at his eyes, Owen can tell he was unconvinced. "Okay, let me show you." he looked around trying to see what would be a good example, "Aha!" he exclaimed as he picked on an old flower pot at the corner of the porch, it has several cracks, he showed it in front of Elias, "Watch closely," he said.

He breathed out and closed his eyes to focus, once it opened, it was glimmering in green. He touched the cracks and it instantly got fixed, almost as good as new. He did not just fix the cracks but also the texture of the pot looked new. Elias' pupils dilated, seeing the pot, and then seeing Owen's eyes. Once fixed, Owen then changed his purpose and broke the pot, the flower pot withered like dust in his hands instantly. "I have been using this ability ever since, I'm sorry I'm just telling this to you now." Owen looked at Elias for a long time, he felt good finally having to share this secret with someone else.

Although he did not receive any comments or reactions, he looked through Elias' eyes, there was no change in how he looks at him, no stain of fear and doubt, or anything negative. It was enough for him. However, months passed by and Elias was getting weaker. Everyone notices how he's losing appetite, mostly unresponsive, with those blank stares at nothingness, to everyone. Brad hated his father looking like that, he gets embarrassed to his friends so he always chooses to go to his friend's house instead of risking his father to be seen. Also, Owen once overheard that Brad thinks his dad loved Owen more than him, that he favors Owen more, so that is probably how he became more distant from Elias.

On the other hand, Nora was still devastated every time she looks at Elias, regardless of how many years had passed. She would look after him when Owen is busy with other chores.

It is beyond doubt that Nora loves Elias, it makes Owen wonder if he'll get the same kind of love to a woman. He never had a good feminine model in his life, Nora never liked him. Her face would change whenever she sees him, she blames Owen that Elias' health is degenerating. Nora blames her for any misfortunes that happen in their life. Sometimes, Owen would think about leaving, but then he remembers Elias, he could not bring himself to leave him.

It was winter time in the same year, Owen could not forget how cold was Elias' hands even when they are in front of the fireplace. He was wrapping a blanket around Elias, almost hugging him, when he heard a faint whisper from the man. "Son" Owen could not believe his ears. He looked at Elias in shock, but then he saw the man's eyes were closed. It was the first word he ever heard him say for the last years.

The first and the last.

Elias was buried in the same week, many friends and loved ones came to visit and pay respect to him. The house became even more dull and gloomy for a few months, Nora never left her room. Brad rarely comes home, and for Owen, he continued his house chores and routine to get himself distracted. Often times he would hear Nora crying inside her room, he once tried to check her inside, to give support or comfort, but she didn't want anything from him, she rejected him several times until he gives up. So they grieved separately.

Months went on, it was Owen's fourteenth birthday, everything basically went back to normal as much as they can muster, Nora became even grumpier, but that became the new normal now. She approached Owen right after he went home from hunting. "I signed you into a job in a factory in another province. They say the owner gives good money." she broke the news like it was not surprising for him at all.

Owen got confused, "But I don't want to leave this town."

"Didn't you hear me? I said you're already signed in. You will leave tomorrow, your salary will be directly wired to me." Owen could not believe what he was hearing, it was like Nora was selling him off, and he cannot retaliate.

"But I don't want to go..." he said in a lower tone, trying to suppress himself from crying. Nora rolled her eyes at him, "I want you to get out of my house now, and see this as your way of paying off for taking you in for how many years." that's the only thing she said before leaving his sight.

That night, Owen packed his stuff, to go to a place he didn't know, to work on something that was never explained to him. Despite it, he tried to find the bright sides of everything, he tried to remain positive. He sang a happy birthday song to himself as he faces a new life ahead. The very next day he gets on the bus that leads to the factory he will be in, no one was there to send him off, unlike the others.

He reached the huge factory, there, he instantly met Arch, Sky, and Tito. Boys who are at the same age as him. They approached him first, no one knew about him, but they all seemed so welcoming of him. It felt like a good start. Four of them immediately became friends.

The work was carpentry, in which Owen's ability became more of an advantage. The boss was kind to his workers too, especially to the top ones, he slowly managed to get on top by sneaking out at night and using his ability to do his crafts. The boss's son, Gray, once caught him doing this. Gray promised to keep his secret, but in return, he must also do the same with his work. Owen wasn't given the option to decline.

Owen never knew he'd be in a much better place in the factory, with the new sets of friends and people around him, with much more privilege and easy-going life, he doesn't bother if he doesn't get paid. He continued living his life positively, always smiling. Four years had passed and he felt content with life, but the curiosity for girls grew even more, especially with his friends' influence. But they will surely discover it together. It's not as if he will go anywhere else.

Or at least, that's what he thought.