
"You're quite daring, going back to the same place you were attacked the very next day," Lucia commented as she fixed Avery's breakfast. The latter chuckled as he lightly shook his head, "I have to, my parents are going to kill me if they hear any more news that I skipped a lecture again."

"Just be careful this time." Lucia once again told him in a concerned tone.

"Don't worry, we will watch over him." Kiel came out along with the others, ready to accompany Avery to the university.

"You didn't have to do this, but I appreciate it very much," Avery said.

"No worries, we're all curious about being in a university anyway." Jolene excitedly spoke. Alana and Owen chuckled at her remark. They excused themselves shortly and went out to ride the car with Avery.

Avery filled his lungs with air before stepping out of the house. But then, he returned back to place his tracker down on the coffee table. He thought it would be safer to leave it there since those people are also after it. He immediately ran back outside to finally come to the university.

All five of them managed to walk the halls and join lectures without any questions, all thanks to Avery's powerful family. Owen and Alana were the most thrilled and also overwhelmed with the setting of the university, they never had any formal education so this is indeed a huge step for them. Kiel and Jolene are more composed, but they are just as excited as the first two, they wish to soon be in a university similar to this, if not exactly this university.

They all sat together during lunch, so far, none of them have been sensing anything suspicious. "Well, this is going pretty well," Owen commented.

"Too well," Jolene uttered with a distaste in her mouth, this is not what they are expecting but they are thankful regardless since no commotion has been happening in this busy establishment.

"They couldn't possibly have given up, don't you think?" Avery pointed out.

"I wouldn't think so, they know they are much stronger than us." Jolene replied, she then looked at everyone, "Let's just be vigilant."

They nodded and continued eating, after a while, Avery spoke again, "Hey, about the invitation to come with you," he started off, it stopped everyone from finishing their meal and focusing on him, Avery inhaled and then continued, "Would you mind if Lucia comes along with us?"

"We like her, we would love her to come if she wants to." Owen gladly said, everyone's faces were in agreement with what he said. Avery smiled, "Well that's because–"

"Ha! The whole gang is here! Cassian, that punk never listens, now he owes me from the bet."

Everyone looked to the side from where they heard it, they all saw Duerre, casually holding a tray of food, wearing a long-sleeved pattern shirt, beside him is Forty-six, wearing plain jumpers. Both are pleasantly clothed and casually acting as they go to this university, just like them.

Jolene, Kiel, Alana, and Owen's faces were all visibly confused, Duerre is smiling and Forty-six remains acting indifferent. "You got a room for two on that table?" Duerre broke the silence once more.

Kiel and Owen immediately jumped out of their seat to get nearer to the two other guys, "What are you doing here?" Owen bravely asked, some other students couldn't help but notice the growing tension.

"Can you relax, big guy? We are not here to fight." Duerre curved a smile and did not move an inch to where he was standing. There was also no sign of vigilance from him even though Owen and Kiel were aggressive in how they stood and walked toward him. "We just wanted to check who has the right assumptions."

"Right assumptions? What do you mean?" Avery butted in. He does not know who these two guys are but he can tell they're probably with the person who attacked him yesterday. Judging also on how the four are acting towards them.

"Cassian was adamant that there is no way you'd go back here after yesterday. So he came looking for information about you and where you live." Duerre explained.

"Doesn't Cassian have a similar ability to Avery? Can't he just.. smell him?" Owen whispered to Alana, but it was loud enough for all seven of them to hear.

"It's not like he can walk around the city with weird eyes, you dimwit. Plus, would he rather find a particular scent in the entire city, rather than gather enough information to start with?" Forty-six sarcastically answered.

"Don't try to stop me, I will tie that bandana on his forehead down to his neck," Owen spoke, pursing his lips, trying to stand up. Alana rolled her eyes and held him, he can't fight anyone but at least he has the spirit.

Avery spoke to try and go back to what Duerre said, "Did he manage to find anything?"

"You're not exactly an anonymous person, everyone knows about your family and where your extravagant estate can be found," Forty-six answered.

"But he's not gonna find anything there, Avery is here, we are all here." Owen reasoned.

"True, this is definitely going to piss Cassian off, he's got a really bad temper," Duerre mumbled the last bit.

"The people in the manor could be in danger." Avery whispered to his friends, "We have to go back. The guards might manage, although I doubt it if they will face Cassian, but others like Lucia…"

"Let's go." Kiel decided as everyone followed him when he stood up and left. However, Jolene paused to look back at Duerre and Forty-six, "Wait a minute, aren't you gonna catch us yourselves? You're with Cassian after all."

The two briefly looked at each other before answering, "We can but, were not really interested. You're Cassio and Cassian's job now. Master is testing us, that's why." Duerre answered.

"You're not our job, for now. It doesn't mean I'm not interested in wiping you all out," Forty-six responded in a serious, calm tone. Everyone heatedly stared at him after what he said, but then Duerre immediately elbowed him, "That's too dark, keep it casual." Duerre subtly whispered to his side while still trying to smile at Jolene and others.

The five of them would have asked more questions but they have more pressing matters to attend to. They started sprinting in the hallway, Avery called on his chauffeur to be ready outside. He hopes they aren't too late for anything.


It has only been an hour or so since Avery and his friends left to go to the university. Now, it is extra quiet in the manor for Lucia. Although there are maids and staff around, they manage to do their own work by themselves and be quiet and modest about it. She fixed a new set of flowers in the receiving area. She removed the withered flowers from the vase and started placing the new ones on the coffee table.

She was in the middle of doing it when she noticed Avery's locket on the table. She picked it up and examined it.

She is amazed at how something can look simple and yet alluring at the same time. Lucia could not stop looking at it until she hears a knock on the main door. She furrowed her brows as no one ever knocks on the door. Guests are handled by the staff, and regular people who do not work in the estate are only entertained at the main gate outside. She could not think of anyone that would knock.

'Could it possibly be Avery or his friends trying to play?'

She put down the locket and walked towards the main door. She moved the few strands of her hair at the back of her ears.

'I didn't think they will be back so soon.'

She opened the door and the small smile that was curved on her lips slowly faded, she doesn't recognize the person behind the door but he is smiling at her.

"Hello, who are you? Didn't the guards assist you at the main gate?" she asked.

Cassian looked at her with a sneering smile, "Oh how I wish they assisted me. I'm looking for Avery, and now I'm quite lost." Lucia suspiciously looked at the person in front of her, something doesn't feel right.

"I'm sorry, but he is not here now. You can leave a message or anything to me though, I will give it to him when the young master arrives." she politely answered. However, she furrowed her eyebrows as she noticed he is not listening but rather exploring the inside of the manor with his eyes.

"Actually, I'm the one that needs to get something from him." Cassian diverted his eyes back to her, "I think I found it!" he yelped as he quickly walked past her. Lucia did not have the strength to hold him back even if she tried to.

"Hey, you cannot just barge in here!" she reprimanded. But the man just ignored her and took the tracker she has placed at the table.

"This is what I was looking for. But I still need to see him." Cassian told Lucia, clutching the tracker right in his hands. Lucia gritted her jaw in fury, "Give me the necklace, and you need to leave now." she is wondering why it seems like there are no other staff or security around when they are always everywhere. She is starting to feel very uneasy. Even so, she immediately eliminated the remaining distance between them in just a few steps and she tried to snatch the tracker in his hand.

Cassian chuckled, "You are a sneaky little fox, but don't bother trying."

"Who are you? Guards!" Lucia tried to walk towards the door to call security, but Cassian pulled her arm and then held her neck, with his thumb and index finger in her cheeks. Cassian menacingly stared at her while gripping her face like that,

"Where do you think you're going? We are not quite done yet."