Daddy is lying

Bab 25.

When we arrived at the boutique, Mother was surprised and asked.

"Why don't you come into the office, Za?"

"Za, from campus, Bund, deliver the report

to the supervisor!" I explained.

"Oh I see."

"So you have permission not to come in today?"

"Already approved, Bund! There is Arini in the office who helps the assistant's work!"

"Loh, why do you talk like that?"

"Well-ah, don't talk about the office! This is Zahra bringing complete savory rice for Mother!"

"You must have bought it at the shop in front, right?" guess what

"He-hee, how do you know, huh?"

"You know, there's writing on the package!"

"Oh-yeah, too," I said, clapping my forehead.

I went to the mini kitchen that Mother made to brew tea when there were guests. I took the plate and spoon, then returned to the room mother's work.

"Today Papa picks up Mom, huh?"

"Since yesterday's incident, Papa doesn't want to say that he wants to pick up Mother!" she explained.

"Alright, let's eat!" take me

Now Mother rarely talks when Papa is at home. It looks like they are in a cold war. Mother often sulks, does not want to gather in the living room. She prefers to be confined in his room while channeling his hobbies doodles on paper, designing robes or syar'i.

"You'd better tell Papa that Zahra is at the boutique!"

"Aihh, you just said it! Mother is lazy to talk!" Hearing his refusal, it means that my guess is correct, she is sulking because of what happened yesterday.


Now Mother rarely talks when Papa is at home. It looks like they are in a cold war. Mother often sulks, does not want to gather in the living room. She prefers to be confined in his room while channeling his hobbies doodles on paper, designing robes or syar'i.

["Pah... Zahra is at the boutique, right! I'll be home with Mother in the afternoon,"] I said when I called Papa.

["Sure, but why don't you come into the office, Za?"] asked Papa.

["This morning Za allowed to go to campus, deliver the internship report!"] I explained.

["Oh-I see, coincidentally this morning Wendy was at Papa's office,"] he explained.

["Oh-yes, is there an office thing or something other?"] I inquired.

["Aih, you're just suspicious, like your mother!"] Papa protested.

["Be careful, it's okay, Pah! I'm afraid of CLBK again,"] I said.

["Zaaa... watch your mouth! You'll hear it late Mother, it's a problem too!"] Papa reminded.

["Hee-hee, take it easy, Pah! Don't confused like that!"] I said as I ended the conversation on the phone.

"Who are you talking to, Zaa?" ask mother

"Za, tell Papa, when we go home together!" I answered.

Mother was silent and didn't say anything. She continued to design on paper. I don't want to disturb Mother who is focusing on work. It's better if I open social media while waiting for Mother to finish.

As soon as you open the cellphone screen, there are several incoming notifications from the green application. It turns out that Arini sent two messages to my cellphone.

First, she told me that if it was the assistant's job, all of Arini would do the work. Second, my Papa came to the office and asked Wendy to go. I only read Arini's message, I'm more interested in seeing the story in the application.

Brother Wendy doesn't usually make stories, I just clicked wanting to know what she was doing today. Photo of the handsome CEO sitting at a park bench.

Then there was a video, a woman of Mother's age sitting not far from Brother Wendy's. There is something strange in my opinion, the video was shown during working hours. Wasn't Brother Wendy with Papa discussing work?

Who is that middle-aged woman? Is Brother Wendy's mother, I thought. What are they doing in the park at this hour? Suddenly various questions came to my mind.


I'm still monitoring the story on Bro Wendy's social media. For some reason, since I found out that the handsome CEO's mother, was Papa's ex-lover, I was completely wrong. I'm afraid if you find out that I already like the CEO

I don't want to hurt Mother, so what about my feelings? I've liked the CEO since the first time he moved into the new house in front of mine. Ehh, Brother Wendy sent another story, I immediately opened the video.

Oops, I was surprised, between Brother Wendy and middle-aged woman earlier, there was Papa who was talking in their midst. What's the deal with the three of them? Is it possible that the woman is a client or guest of Bro Wendy?

I'm increasingly curious about them, why meet in the park. Usually meet the client at a cafe or restaurant, why is this at the park? Like people on a picnic.

Ahh, I have an idea to call Papa, to ask him where he is and what time he comes home.

["Pah... I'm asking you, what time are you coming home? You want to buy paforit snacks!"] I asked lying.

["Duh, why don't you just buy it when come home later?!"] Papa answered.

["The stall isn't open yet, Pa! The egg martabak opens at five in the afternoon,"] I explained.

["Oh-yeah, where is Papa, how come you hear the sound of passing vehicles?"] investigate me.

["Ahh, just how you feel, Papa is in the office anyway!"]

"Hm, Papa lied," I said to myself.

Just five minutes ago, I saw the video on Bro Wendy's story. It's impossible for Papa to be back in the office so soon. I ended the phone call immediately. It's useless to keep asking, the next lie will definitely appear.

I will continue to monitor Bro Wendy's story, he will definitely see who is watching his story. Maybe he doesn't feel guilty, so he dares to post stories on social media. But Papa has lied to me. Why don't you just tell me you're somewhere.

I saw Mother was still focused on the paper and pen on the table. If Mother knew that Papa was out with them, it would definitely be noisy again like yesterday.

To be continued ....