Welcome [must read]

Hello there, it's modestbaddie.

This book is dedicated to people of all races, religions, and nations. 

This book is dedicated to all the insecure humans out there.

This book is dedicated to all the confident people out there.

This book is dedicated to everyone who still tries to think positively no matter how bad the situation is yet sometimes they end up following the wrong path, it's ok.

This book is dedicated to all who make mistakes and learn from them or at least tries to.

This book is dedicated to all the people who crave love, care, and respect.

This book is filled with the most unique twists my brain could gather around. This book is based on my imagination. Hence, if something similar occurs in your life then I didn't curse you, I swear xD

Also, the speed of the story is really slow because I want to focus on every character.


I am emotionally connected to this book because the characters are vulnerable in their own way. Most got pasts that most of you might relate to. I also do. 

It's funny and emotional at the same time. I sincerely hope that you will read till the end before making a judgment because a book is much more than only the first chapters.

Hold tight honey, you are going to be on a whole new ride.

And before that I want you to do me a little favor.

1) write down 5 things you love.

2)5 things you are grateful for.

3)5 habits you want to change.

4) What hurted you the most but taught you a lesson as well.

That's it. Thank you!

Do add this to your library, vote regularly, and leave a review. Purchase privilege chapters and vote with golden tickets. It would be highly appreciated.

I love y'all but I love myself the most ( joking but hey, BTS will give me a long lecture about how I should love myself the most. Not that I mind :) )