Working together

"Mrs. Snow here is like my own grandma. She owns a cafe which is situated on rented land. Recently, all of her employees resigned due to their personal needs. Having a cafe near the riverside has always been her wish," Alora dropped the hint.

"So, you want us to work together in my riverside restaurant?" Hasan's face looked blank and nobody could figure out what he was thinking at this moment.

"Yes but only if you agree with it," Alora said.

"Awesome, I have always wanted to add other desserts in my cafe but I am terrible with desserts. I thought next month I will hire a chef, exclusively for making desserts. God favors me," Hasan's face looked like a child who just got his hands all over his favorite toy.

Everyone present there signed in relief.

"As it's already the end of the month, how about you guys start working together from the day after?" Maya suggested.

"I got no issues. The faster the better. If you need any help then I would love to help, grandma," Hasan grinned then he suddenly realized something.

"I hope that you won't mind me calling you grandma. In our country, we call people around our parent's age uncle or auntie and people around our grandparent's age grandpa/grandma," Hasan nervously said.

"Oh, silly. Of course, I won't mind. If I had any child then I would probably have a grandchild around your age. Your name is Hasan, right?" Mrs. Snow said affectionately.

Mrs. Snow is infertile. Five years later in her marriage, she came to know this. Her husband's family wanted to marry him off again after divorcing Mrs. Snow but he refused to.

He loved her a lot. After talking about this, they both decided to adopt a baby from the orphanage.

That day, they were supposed to go for adopting a baby. Her husband had a call from his boss who said that he was needed in the office.

Kissing Mrs. Snow's head affectionately, he said that he will be back soon and then, they will go together but he never came back.

On his way to the office, he had a car accident that took his life.

Mrs. Snow broke completely. In addition, her husband's family didn't leave a single chance to taunt her.

It was her bad luck, they said but Mrs. Snow was strong enough to push them away.

She moved city and started living in her current house.

She never married again or had any sort of relationship with any other man. She loved her husband too much to move on.

She knew that after death, they will meet again. The happily ever after they didn't get in this life will be fulfilled in the afterlife.

That's what kept her going. She never adopted any kid either.

She thought that bringing any kid into her half-broken life won't do the kid any good. Hence, she dropped the idea of adopting a kid.

Even though, Alora and her friends are like Mrs. Snow's grandkids but still, Hasan's calling her grandma warmed her heart.

This simple gesture made her feel like she has known this child since his birth.

"I know that we are hurrying things but how about we start replacing things now? I mean, we all are here. Nine hands are better than four hands. If we all work together then it might only take one hour," Sarah said looking excited to work.

"That's a good idea. We would love to help," Maya's mother and Sarah's mother said looking equally excited.

"If you guy's insisting then why not? Let's start working now," Mrs. Snow said with a smile, her wrinkled face looking younger than her age.

"1,2,3! Let's go!" They all shouted together, hand's in hands.

Sarah and Maya's parents used their cars to replace things. While the others used cabs.

While waiting for a cab, Sarah wished to meet her crush again.

She was wishing to find her crush's cab but maybe luck wasn't on her side that day.

As predicted before, the work was finished within one hour.

Everything was already set.

They decided to call the landlord to inform him that they won't be needing the land anymore.

The landlord was a sweet man who wished Mrs. Snow the best for her future. He also said that if one day they end up needing the land again then to inform him. He will rent it to her again.

After working, all of them were resting on the riverside.

"I know that I haven't officially announced my resignation. Neither I had written a resignation letter but I won't be coming to work as a part-time employee again. But no matter what time or when, if you need my help then don't hesitate to contact me. I will come running back for you," Alora said hugging Mrs. Snow.

"I know it already, my child. You don't have to mention it. Helping this old granny of yours is like a birthright for you. I want you to visit me already twice every week. No excuses would listen," Mrs. Snow said hugging Alora tighter.

Alora nodded her head. Even though it wasn't a permanent goodbye but it still hurts.

Luckily both Hasan and Mrs. Snow's house was nearby. They decided to go home together.

Maya's and Sarah's parents also left for their home after bidding Alora, Maya, and Sarah goodbye.

Maya, Sarah, and Alora looked at each other than at the river.

Suddenly something seemed to change in Alora's life.

She felt a little bit lighter than before. It was as if a heavy part of her burden got removed from her shoulder.

"Are you guys also feeling deja vu? Cause I am. It's like I have been here before. The river, the moonlight, and the cold breeze seem familiar. As if they are a part of me," Sarah dramatically said holding her heart.

"That's because we have been here before dumb," Maya smirked.

"The only person dumb here is you. Otherwise, I and Alora are known for our intelligence," Maya said holding her imaginary collar.

"And your rabbit-like jumps," Alora started laughing after giving a hi-fi to Maya.

Maya started chasing them on the silent but beautiful road.

Their laughs rang everywhere as if an echo.