His name

The pandemic didn't stop in the next month either.

Everyone was locked in their own houses.

The places once crowded by humans are now vacant.

Even in this bad situation, nothing stopped.

After all, life goes on~

One good that happened the whole time is the time machine was done making.

Alora and Sarah were on their own to the laboratory.

They were looking for a cab. Suddenly, Sarah's eyes fall on a sports car. It was coming their way with full speed.

It stopped right in front of them. Alora and Sarah became angry. They decided to give the driver a piece of their mind when a familiar head popped out from the window.

"Hey, Miss.' I forgot to pay to keep the change' and her decent friend," Sarah's crush grinned.

"Oh, my sweet God! Who's sports car did you rob? You are openly roaming around in a stolen car! Aren't you afraid of getting caught, you teenage brat," Sarah started panicking.

"Wait for a second, what are you talking about? It's my car. I haven't stolen it from anyone else. And by the way, I am twenty-three which makes me an adult," that guy said with a proud grin.

"Are you into the mafia now or did you start selling drugs? If yes then can you take me as your partner? I have always wanted to sell drugs and get rich quicker," the panic was gone as fast as it came, replacing excitement with a little bit of nervousness.

"Girl, do you want me to book an appointment with the therapist? I can also book a room for you in a mental asylum if you want me to," that guy said with an amused look.

Sarah's face flushed.

"Congratulations, your love story died before starting. The whole credit goes to your stupid mouth who talks first and then thinks what she said," Sarah mentally groaned.

Alora was looking at their interaction with a smirk plastered on her face.

She didn't care if the guy before her was a drug dealer or mafia, she knew how to protect herself. Sarah would be able to protect herself, she had her trust in Sarah's fighting skills.

"It's a little bit confusing cause the last time we meet you, you were driving a cab around the whole city, and in a month, you are driving a sports car which is expensive enough to buy two apartments," Alora deadpanned.

"Well, long story short. My happy days have returned after a painfully exciting month. All of these aside, I am here to give you guy's a lift as you guys are the only ones who got in my cab twice," That guy smirked.

"What if you kidnap us? You going from a cab driver to a sports car owner this quick is quite suspicious," Sarah said looking at his sports car.

It was shining brightly as if just been bought now. It seemed to have four seats. The color was navy blue, a royalty-type looking car.

"Your wish. I was just planning to help. By the way, this car is new if that's what you are wondering Miss.' I forgot to pay to keep the change'. My father got this for me on my 23rd birthday which was four days ago," he casually mentioned.

"For a cab driver, you seem to have a rich father. Guess what? We should never judge a book by its cover," Alora said.

"Are you guys talking about my help or not? I am feeling generous today. This offer is only valid for two more minutes."

"We are coming with you."

Alora and Sarah got in the car. They both were going for the backside when the guy called out to them.

"I know that you guys are used to seeing me as a cab driver but that doesn't mean you will treat me as your driver the whole life. One of you come in the front seat with me. Miss.' I forgot to pay to keep the change', I think you should come in the front seat with me," he demanded.

"I already knew that you are a wolf hidden in the sheep's clothes, ready to kidnap my over-friendly lamb friend," Alora smirked getting into the seat.

"Maybe I am or maybe I am not, who knows? " That guy smirked back.

They both ignored that the said over-friendly lamb was present among them, listening to their conversation with a red face.

She couldn't control her blush. They were the result of her crush's indirect words.

"I am present here. You guy's should stop talking about me now. By the way, I am Sarah, not Miss.' I forgot to pay to keep the change'. And we were in a hurry that day. One of my best friends got into trouble. We had to save her but apparently, she was the trouble. By the time, we reached there, she had already broken her enemy's ugly nose. Well, she deserved it so I don't feel bad for her anyways, " Sarah kept on blabbering and suddenly slapped her hand over her mouth when she realized that she has told him the entire story.

"Told you, "Alora started laughing in the back seat.

"Over-friendly, naive, and chatty, indeed," that guy smirked.

Sarah pulled her lips in a pout and puffed up her cheeks. She glared at Alora and her crush for making fun of her.

"Are we supposed to be scared of your glares or should I say ' failed attempt of glaring'? Ok, let's pretend that I am scared to the bones. Meow kitten, meow," the boy started laughing. Alora joined her.

Sarah's cheeks again turned into pink color. She cursed herself in her mind for having such a dirty imagination.

She hated yet loved her dirty mind.

Kitten is what he called her in fun but he was unaware of his effect on her, just as how she was also unaware a few minutes ago.

She shooked her mind out of the dirt and sat on her seat.

"By the way, what's your name? We met three times till now, we even talked but I still don't know your name," she asked with determination, ready to get his name this time. No matter what!