Not a pushover

"I am 'witch-wife-to-be' contact Id saved in his phone. I am the someone 'who-should-have-slapped-away-your-dirty-paws-away-from-my-fiance.' I am the person 'who-should-punch-her-fiance-for-letting-you-both-touch-him' but I won't because I am 'Sarah-the-kindest-angel'! "

A clapping sound was heard and they all looked at that way to find that old woman clapping.

She looked quite impressed.

"That was a good one. And you two," she pointed towards the other two girls with both of her eyebrows raised arrogantly.

"You both better get your paws off my grandson. I don't want him getting dirty."

They quickly let go of him.

"Aww, my poor grandson."

Sarah looked shocked. She could never guess that they are related by the huge difference in their appearance.

That granny had grey eyes and strawberry blonde.

Totally different from Crimson.