Beautiful weddings

She carefully kept the dress to a side and looked outside of her window.

He wasn't the only one whose heart got broken that night. Her one was broken as well.

She cried, just like him.

The stars were looking sad as well. The moon didn't look happy either.

It felt as if everything around them was crying as well. As if everyone was also drowning in the ocean of sadness.

"If there's another life, then I hope these barriers between us can be lessened down. I hope that we could be born as too normal individuals. I hope that you won't have an entire kingdom to look after," she said looking at the sky.

He felt as if she was saying something to him but didn't know what.

"Why isn't this beautiful night looking beautiful to me? Why this peaceful wind isn't looking peaceful?" She asked herself but couldn't find any answers.

The devil and angel side didn't bother answering her either.