Creation of a Golden Rule, Heaven and Hell!

"How about this, anyone born on the planet can't cause it's destruction, whether it's directly or indirectly..", Yang Kai said after a good thought.

After those words were said, the planet slightly changed in a unnoticeable way.

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"Hmph, of course!"

If you're wondering why he didn't choose a world like, "all those who are born in this world shall protect it even at the cost of their owns lives", it is of course for the future. :)

While this would directly annihilate betrayal, but they could still betray. If a powerful figure were to mess with their minds after capturing them, even persistence to protect the world wouldn't be enough.

So, Yang Kai made a smart choice with his answer.

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"Heaven and hell?", while he was an atheist, Yang Kai has naturally heard of those terms.

"how am I supposed to do so, with my meager amount of divine energy?'

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"Ah.. I see", despite being very unfamiliar in divine energy, Yang Kai still thought he could do so.

He willed a portion of his meager divine energy to come out, and carefully observed it. Under his observation, he noticed that he got a bad feeling from one side, and the opposite on the other.

"This should be the Positive and Negative divine energy, right?"

Yang Kai separated the the two parts of divine energy, and let the bad energy dissipate, while leaving the good in front of him.

"Alright, what do I do now?"

He tried giving the energy life, as it naturally came upon him since it was a power a world would naturally have.

The positive energy in front of Yang Kai started shining with great brilliance, until it materialized as a young boy, who was extremely tiny.

"Greetings master", the boy bowed to Yang Kai (his will), which gave him a surprise.

"No no, you don't have to bow, for I can be considered as your father!", he couldn't accept such a cute thing bowing in front of him.

"Yes father!"

"Good, from now on, you shall manage heaven with all your effort!"

"Yes father!"

He then bestowed the authority of creation upon the boy.

It seemed like the will of heaven didn't have much intelligence, seeing as it has repeated the two words twice. Though, it is a result of the so little amount of divine energy Yang Kai used to create it.

However, he wasn't worried. Afterall, he could pour more divine energy into it in the future, when he has an abundance of it.

With that, Yang Kai proceeded to follow through the previous steps, but this time using the negative divine energy that remained.

However, he secretly used a bit more divine energy on it, trying to see what would happen. A bit more wouldn't cause that much of a big change, right?

This time, a young girl who was tiny appeared in front of him. She had black hair, opposite to the heaven will who had white hair.

"Hello, father!", Hell's will was naturally more intelligent than heaven's will due to having more divine energy used to create her. And so, she figured that since Yang Kai created her, it was only right to call her father.

"Hello, daughter, from now on you shall manage hell!", while it felt strange for Yang Kai to call the young girl his daughter due to his previous age being young, he quickly got the hang of it.

He, like the heaven's will, bestowed the authority of creation upon the girl.

Yang Kai slowly watched as the young boy created heaven, and the young girl created hell.

With a faint rumbling sound, causing the entire world to shake,

The heaven's will materialized a bright white light, which created a secret realm. Inside the secret realm, could be seen emptiness, as it has just been created.

The secret realm was moved onto the sky, though one couldn't casually enter it. One also couldn't see nor sense it. And so heaven was created.

With another round of rumbling,

The Hell's will did the same actions as the heaven's will, but a bright black light was materialized, which too created a secret realm that was empty. The secret realm was conveniently moved under the ground.

Though, despite being under the ground, one wouldn't be able to enter it just by going underground. Nor would they be able to see it.

And so Hell was created..