The separation, the king of the gods!

『30 years later』


"How!? Just how could you do this!?", angrily yelled Wu Xinyi. One could notice a faint hint of melancholy in the air around her..

"You actually dared copulate with your own daughter!?", she spoke while looking at the coupe in front of her. There was a man in front of her, with black calm eyes while looking at herself.

Wu Lei man chose to remain silent at the her question.

The man's hands were pressed upon a slim waist.

The woman who was being held looked as brazzling as the rising sun, though while beautiful, couldn't be compared to Wu Xinyi's own brilliance.

Wu Xinyi was like a woman with a bearing of authority, while the woman appeared as a submissive woman!

"There's no use asking for a reason, father and I are together under the reasoning of love", spoke the woman after gathering some courage to face her mother.

"Hmph! Wu Bai, quite talking with that vile and tainted mouth of yours, you are nothing but a mere slut!", Wu Xinyi retorted back.

Turning her head back to Wu Lei, "And you! I don't want to see you appear in front of me ever again, you lustful bastard!"

She finally fully turned her body around. There were 3 beautiful women and 3 handsome man behind her, they were her children. They were all wearing a set of white robes, personally sued by her.

She felt pity for them, for seeing such a scene.

The group of teenage looking children were coldly staring at Wu Lei, especially the boys, with the intent to kill!

"My faithful children, don't grace your pure eyes upon these lust filled beasts anymore!", said Wu Xinyi, bring back the attention of the group of teenagers.

"But mother, can't I just leave a few scratches on Wu Bai's face?", spoke a woman among the group.

Immediately, Wu Bai felt a chilling feeling, hearing this.

"It's only a few scratches, it won't hurt much!", however, she immediately shut up due to the looks her mother gave her.

"Forget about this, let's leave this lovely couple to themselves!", said Wu Xinyi while once again icily glancing at the couple.

And so they left, leaving Wu Lei and Wu Bai alone to themselves.


『Wu Xinyi and her children (without Wu Bai)』

The family could be seen walking out of the forest they have been inside their whole lives, since Wu Xinyi wanted to forget all about the man who so deeply betrayed her.

Just then, divine light descended upon the ground!

"Wu Xinyi, seeing as you want to leave the forest, you are eligible to access heaven!", a voice spoke out.

When the divine light appeared, at first she thought it was her father, but it turns out not.

She didn't get to ask any question as to who the voice out when she and her family was directly teleported somewhere, and found themselves upon a holy land.

"Mother, where are we?", asked Wu Xinyi's youngest child, which was a female.

"I don't know, but that strange voice seemed to have said something called "heaven".."

The family looked around at their surroundings. There in front of them appeared such a heavenly sight, with immortal cranes flying in the sky!

Of course, they didn't know they were named such.

High trees with leaves that seemed to cover the sky!

"Hmm? what's that", in her vision, Wu Xinyi could see a strange palace not too far away from them.

Seeing the strange palace, one of her children voiced out his concerns. "Who knows, what if it could be dangerous?"

"It may seem so, but the name heaven for some reason makes me feel peaceful", hearing the concerning answer of her child, the Wu Xinyi replied.

"Alright, that will be our destination!"

The family reached the palace a good 10 minutes later, in which they entered the palace. Inside the palace, they saw white walls, seemingly containing no flaw and appearing to be extremely clean.

"Oooh! that looks pretty!", one of the girls shouted, not containing their fascinationation for it.

In front of them, was a bracelet, on top of a white pedestal!

"Hey mother, why don't you wear it! Who knows, maybe you will feel better and it might take some of your attention about the previous matter?", spoke the oldest boy of Wu Xinyi.

"Yeah!", her other children agreed with the comment.

"Alright then!"

'what could possibly go wrong?', thought Wu Xinyi.

She walked towards the pedestal and reached her hands for the bracelet. Upon contact with it, the bracelet immediately started shining brightly!

It slowly morphed into a gorgeous crown, and levitated and rested itself on Wu Xinyi's head!

Again, the same voice that brought them to "heaven"" spoke out once more again!

"From now henceforth, you are to be hailed as the king of all gods!"

"However, don't be complacent! While you are given this authority, you are currently very weak, and so you must cultivate and be worthy of your title!"

Wu Xinyi's body started shining brightly.

"Nngh..", she started moaning in pain. Her body was being transformed, down into the genetic level!

However, she couldn't think much, and could only grit her teeth and go through the transformation while bearing the terrifying pain!

Little did she know, that this would be the start of a new race!