Chapter 26: Pushing Zhuo Ting to a Corner

Doctor Zhao came fast like a bolt of lightning the moment that he heard that his new Master was looking for him, even though he had no idea why.

"Master I am here!"

"Doctor Zhao, I called you here today to notify you that from tomorrow you will be the new Director of the Hospital!"


"Don't tell me that you changed your mind and don't want the position anymore Doctor Zhao!"

"Master please don't joke around with me!"

"I am telling you the truth, today I just bought this hospital from the Xia family and am planning to make you the Director tomorrow!"

"Thank you Master I will try my best to serve you well!"

The poor guy had never expected that he would become the Director of the Hospital in such a short time and couldn't help but feel like he had truly hugged a warm thigh this time.

"Well don't count your eggs before they hatch! I will give you the position of the Director of the Hospital, but it will be in your hands to make sure that you keep it, and no disturbances happen!

I am sure that you understand that it won't be a walk in the park!"

"I understand Master, I will not fail you!"

"Well, I hope to witness a great performance from you, as this is only the start Doctor Zhao! I truly hope you don't disappoint me!

Now you may leave!"

This was Yang Tian's test to Doctor Zhao Fu, only if he showed great skills in dealing with the situation would he keep using him.

Otherwise, it would be for the best to pick up another candidate to take his place. For sure the Xia family wouldn't keep quiet.

Even though they had received many times more than they deserved for this place, they would still try to create trouble and problems for his Yang family.

If the new Director wasn't able to deal with those provocations and plots, then it would be useless for Yang Tian.

With those thoughts, Yang Tian dismissed Doctor Zhao quickly, while returning to Zero on the side,

"Zero I want you to accompany Grandpa, and Doctor Zhao to the Chinese Medicinal Herbs market, and buy the herbs in these drawings!

Get as much as you can under the cover of our new hospital!"

"Yes, Master! But who will guard you while I am away Master!?"

Bring number from 1 to 10 here in the meantime, I will start the numbers reformation from them, while they also act as guards while you aren't here!"

"I obey Young Master!"

"Go and call Lan Yunxi here!"

In a minute, Zero left the hospital room while Lan Yunxi entered inside. Upon seeing her Yang Tian immediately entered the topic as he said,

"Yunxi is there any new addition!?"

"Reporting to Master, there are two others who are still hesitating about the deal!"

"Well, from now on spread the news that I have bought the hospital, making Doctor Zhao the director and that I will also pay 10.000 dollars for a night!

If they want they can just come for a night, and then forget about it!"

"I obey Master!"

"Go now, the more you bring the better I will reward you later! Tell Hao Yu the same as well!"

Seeing the situation, Yang Tian couldn't help but fasten his plans a little bit, even though like this the risk of people noticing something was higher.

With those thoughts in his mind, he just started going once again over his plans and thoughts, as he only tried his best to cultivate by himself!

Even though he was a dual cultivator that would usually need the presence of a beauty to cultivate fast, he was still capable of cultivating himself by gathering Yin Qi from the surroundings.

It was at that moment, that the door to his room opened up, and a sad, reluctant, and angry Zhuo Ting appeared at the door.

"How could you do this to me? What do you want from me!?"

"What did I do exactly? Furthermore, I think I have already made it extremely clear what I want from you!"

"You beast do you want to have my body that much? Do you want to make me miserable that much?"

"Yes, I do want your body that much! As for miserable, it's you the one who is making herself miserable! I am just doing whatever I can to make you mine!"

"Why!? Why are you so obsessed with me? Don't you already have sister Lan and sister Hao? How could you be so lecherous and debauched!?"

"Even though I have no obligation to tell you why I can tell you that I extremely need your body at the moment!

As for me having other women, what does it have to do with you? I am just asking for your body right now, I don't need your heart and soul at the moment!

I don't think you have much time now, I got news yesterday that your mother is in a critical condition, surely you won't let her die like that, will you?"

"I hate you! I truly hate you! I will hate you for the rest of my life! If you don't stop this today, then I swear that if I have a chance in the future I will pay you bad 100 times worse!

Do you still want to do this?"

"I think that you are misunderstanding this whole deal! I am not the one asking for you right now, but you asking for my help to save your mother!

Sure I want to have your body, but is there someone else who could help you save your mother? Don't you think this is a cheap price to pay?

I mean even if you try to actually auction your purity, how much will people pay? Will that be enough to pay for your mother's medical fees?

You should open your eyes wide Zhuo Ting, this is the real world and not some kind of novel that you are living in. And you aren't the Cinderella, you are just a filling character!

Now leave, only come after you have made your resolve!"


It was clear that there were many more things that Zhuo Ting wanted to say, but unfortunately, it was impossible for her, because Yang Tian didn't seem to be in the mood anymore.

The truth was that she could feel like her whole world had crumbled recently, everything was going worse and worse.

Even her knight in shining armor had sold his soul to this demon and had not only refused her and her feelings but even advised her to give in to Yang Tian's requests.

She felt just like a new bride that was sold to another man from her husband the same day that they were engaged.

Why did she have to suffer like this? What had she done to deserve all this?

There was no answer to her cries, pleadings, and questions, and she could only fall even deeper into her despair.

The whole world seemed to be against her, her family, her colleagues, her crush, everyone. She felt extremely weak and powerless to fight against that many people at the same time.

Lan Yunxi had been her best friend for a long time and even she was advising her to give in to Yang Tian, to that lecherous good for nothing.

The whole world had abandoned her!

On the other hand, Yang Tian couldn't help but sigh. He knew that he was being extremely harsh with this beauty and that this sort of approach might blow up in his face.

But the truth was that he was desperate as well, he needed her body, or to be more exact her special physique in order to be able to recover from his injures and increase his cultivation.

According to his estimation, just a night with Zhuo Ting would help him recover his right hand fully, and he would even be able to start recovering his legs.

He had to push and force her to give in, as right now he couldn't afford to take it slow to recover from his injuries.

With those thoughts in mind, he once again started cultivating and not wasting even a single second away.

Like this another three days flew away and the Hospital was buzzing…