Chapter 65: Unexpected Twist

"Even though it's just a dream, I am finally yours!

I am sure that my father and those elders in the family would be jumping from joy if this were true, ironically I don't care about that in the least.

I am just happy I became yours!"

It looked like this night was a night of surprise confessions that Yang Tian was receiving but the truth was that he was expecting something like this.

This wasn't the first time that he experienced such a thing or used such a method. The truth was that his slow treatment was nothing short of a diluted version of falling in love.

Even though it was a lusty love, that was mostly generated from the body's lust and desires, it was still a 'fake' version of it.

After experiencing such a 'fake' love daily for some time, the difference between 'truth' and 'fake' would be almost indistinguishable, as they would start falling for real.

Just like the 'Stockholm Syndrome where the target actually fell in love with the kidnaper as he was the person standing on his/her side the most at that moment.

While these beauties situation was a bit different the truth was that they were all just like trapped victims of those dreams and illusions he had created for them.

In fact, he was happy that the 'therapy' had started working and they had fallen for him in their dreams and illusions during this time.

It wouldn't take long before they started to confuse dreams and reality, and slowly turn those dreams into reality.

Of course, one could take this as a plot, or even as some sort of psychological attack towards the beauties, a crime in simpler terms.

But if he cared about other people's opinions he wouldn't have been the God of Lust in his previous life. So, even if someone threw that on his face, he wouldn't even bother to raise his middle finger before completely ignoring him.

Not to mention that with this specific beauty there was a bigger advantage as she seemed to be a nymphomaniac. One of the best possible partners for dual-cultivation.

Once he managed to reign over her, she would be equal to a God in her heart, and she wouldn't be able to think of anything or anyone else in her entire life.

For that reason, he looked her seriously in her eyes, as if peering right into her soul and saying,

"That's right! You are mine from now on, only mine! This lewd body of yours, your heart, and your mind belong only to me!"

With each extra word, he said he would pull his hips back and then push forward forcefully until his member found the door to her second entrance and pulled back.

It was still too early for her to feel the sensation of his member breaking through the doors of her second entrance, and invading it, just like he had done with the rest he had to control himself with her.

'Aahhh…, aahhnnn…, aaahhhnn…, nnnhhhnnn…'


The fact that he was controlling himself and intentionally holding back, didn't mean that he was actually losing ground against the beauty, who immediately started moaning under his moves.

In fact, she seemed so overwhelmed by the whole thing, that it took her only five thrusts to actually make her climax hard, with her body shaking and trembling all over.

She was fighting for breath as she even took out her tongue to try and feel the air out of her mouth and make herself believe that she was truly breathing.

It was a bit surprising to see her still conscious after that loud and long climax but seeing that she had regained her breathe somehow Roy took the opportunity to continue what he was doing.

He had already long decided that he would 'do' her until she finally lost conscience and was unable to even open her eyes anymore.

With those thoughts in his mind, he started working once again, as the beauty's moans started becoming audible, louder, and longer.

'Aahh…, aaahhhnn…, nnnnhhhnnn…'


It was quite a weird situation, as she was clearly out of breath, it felt like a wonder to hear those moans coming out of her mouth in that situation, as Yang Tian could only enjoy her feels and tightness.

Due to her extreme sensitiveness after her previous climax it was surely impossible for the beauty to last long, as she could only give up after the fourth thrust this time, and finally lose conscience.

Leaving her in almost the same conditions and state that he left Hong Qin, Yang Tian left her house and made his way towards Yang Yan's place.

This beauty was the hardest of the trio to actually deal with, as she would organize parties almost every day and try to interact with many Young Masters.

He was losing all the pieces he could to actually block her from being with any of them for long, and he didn't like this situation in the least.

Finally, it was time to blow this little girl's mind and leave an unforgettable mark on her mind. With those thoughts in mind, Yang Tian reached the apartment close to morning, when the party was over.

Yang Yan was actually lying on her couch as well, with the difference that she seemed fully drunk and wasted at that time.

This wasn't the first time that Yang Tian had come here and found her like this. Especially with her feet at the table, and her legs opened completely showing her intoxicating red lingerie.

Not only that, but even one of her dress's sides seemed to have fallen from her shoulder, revealing quite a bountiful amount of her left soft melon, and it seemed to be standing only due to the erected bud on top.

Right at that moment, she looked like an extremely vulnerable beauty, that wouldn't be able to resist any sort of 'attack' that Yang Tian landed on her.

In fact, the view seemed to be just too good to be true. Of course, that was just a fleeting thought as Yang Tian lit the Heavenly Relax Candle.

It didn't take long for the Heavenly Relax Candle to take effect, as the beauty's body started to show signs of over relaxation and excitement, but Yang Tian realized something that he couldn't believe he had overlooked.

"So, did you come to realize from the first time!?"

His words and voice spread through the room, as there was even a startling emotion on Yang Yan's face, but that was just fleeting as she was able to control her expressions and emotions quickly.

As long as she didn't give herself, Yang Tian shouldn't be able to understand what was going on. Unfortunately, she had underestimated her opponent.

Yang Tian was able to clearly catch her fleeting twitch expression, as he chuckled bitterly to himself, and voiced his opinion,

"To think that I would make such a basic mistake! It seems like it's true when they say that a lion needs to use his full strength even if he wants to hunt a rabbit!

Congratulations, little rabbit you managed to capture this lion doing a mistake!"

Another twitching expression passed through the beauty's face, before returning to its previous dull expression of before.

"You don't have to play anymore beautiful, I did make a mistake until now, but I will not continue doing it!"

With that said, he immediately spread his spirit sense more carefully, checking the whole place for cameras, and bugs, before destroying all of them and getting his hands on her phone, and all digital devices.

He wrecked everything digital with the exception of her phone, which finally caused the beauty to open her eyes and look at him with a complicated look.

She was a bit frightened, but at the same time she looked a bit courageous, but mostly it was full of surprise, shock, and startle.

She had thought that whoever was doing something like this should be only an impersonator of Young Master Yang Tian, but this one didn't give her the slightest sense of 'fakeness'.

"I have to say, your facial expression is much different from what I expected! I thought that you would be extremely shocked and frightened, but it doesn't seem to be the case!

So, you realized from the first night you got this drunk and wasted, or later?"

"Does it matter!? More importantly, aren't you supposed to be crippled and bedridden? How come you can act and move better than normal people, and even do something like this to me?"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! You surely do have many questions for someone who doesn't want to reveal anything!

How about we do it like this, you answer one of my questions, and I answer one of yours! It's fair like this don't you think?"

"What assures me that you are going to answer with the truth!?"

"Nothing, but the same is valid for you as well! Don't tell me that you are some incarnation of justice and truth and are going to reveal everything, are you?

Furthermore, don't you think this is going to make things much more exciting, you will have to lie and be careful of lies at the same time.

A great game if I can say so myself!"

"What if I don't agree!?"

"Well, we will have to pass directly to the second stage, but that would completely take the fun out of the situation!

This is the first time that something like this happens to me, after all!"

"You surely are too arrogant and cocky cousin, quite different from what we are used to, just what happened to you!?"

"Who knows! Perhaps if you play and ask me, I can even tell you the truth…"