Chapter 91: Experts Perish & Fault


Under the shocked eyes of the crowd, this weird clash had actually resulted in something like this, where one of the two involved experts had decided to explode his own body and the attacker with a grenade.

No one knew what was the result as a cloud of dust, debris, and fire quickly took over the site, with everyone looking in that direction in shock.

None seemed to care about the battle anymore, as they only wanted to know what had happened to the people involved in this mess.

Even though that Fourth Uncle was caught by surprise, he still seemed like he would be able to escape the worst, and even if he suffered heavy injuries he should have been able to escape.

The next moment though everyone found out that she was extremely unlucky, as not only hadn't he been able to escape, but there was now what looked like body parts of his body spread through the private box.

Most probably no one had ever thought that all of a sudden two experts of two big families, like the Ji and Chen Families of Anyang, would start a fight, and even end up with two of their Masters dead.

It was at this moment that the owner of the Wild Flower restaurant and KTV establishment appeared with quite a few of his guards and experts to take a look at the situation.

Still, even he was fully shocked when he saw the state of this place, and he wasn't only. Even those people inside weren't able to understand just what had happened now.

"Nooo, 2nd Grandpa, why...!?"

The first one to jump into action was Young Master Ji Chao who seemed to not care about the fire, smell, and the scene as he kowtowed towards the scene.

He seemed truly touched, angry, and painful by what had just happened, and right beside him was Young Master Chen Kai of the Chen Family,

"Fo-fourth Uncle, I-I didn't want you to die like this!

It's these bastards' fault! Yes, it's these bastards' fault, if they weren't such cowards and use grenades in a fight between experts this wouldn't have happened!

You damn wastes killed my Fourth Uncle, I want you dead! Uncle Iron, kill these bastards now!"

"Presumptuous~! Who dares touch this Master's people!?"

As Young Master Chen was seeking for revenge towards his Fourth Uncle's death, wishing nothing more than to fully destroy Ji Chao's body and soul there and then, a booming voice resounded from outside.

That voice was full of vigor, strength, prowess, and confidence, as it made its way towards their location, and in no time Young Master Ji Chao's Second Uncle appeared at the door.

Seeing the arrival of his Second Uncle, Young Master Ji Chao immediately run towards him, without anyone understanding whether it was from pain or trying to reach a safe place, as he started crying and saying,

"Second Uncle, these bastards attacked 2nd Grandpa by numbers, trying to kill us both, so 2nd Grandpa had no choice but to die by taking that bastard to the afterlife with him.

You have to make justice Second Uncle, you have to make them pay!"

"What!? Second Grandpa is dead!? These damn beasts dare to do something like this, I will rip them to shreds!"

Without wasting time, Young Master Ji Chao's Second Uncle immediately jumped into an attack, wanting to take Young Master Chen Kai's life, when a shadow appeared in front of him blocking his strike.


"What is the meaning of this Ji Chuan, don't tell me that you have lost all honor and are trying to kill someone from the young generation!"

"You bastards caused the death of my 2nd Grandpa, you think that I will let you live!? You are going to pay the consequences of your fucking actions!"

"Hmph~! With just you!? With just your Ji Family!? Don't make me laugh!"

Just like that two experts of the late levels of the Foundation Establishment Realm started fighting against each other, and really soon more and more people appeared and joined the fight.

"What the hell is going on here!? What do you think you are doing!?"

Just as the battle was reaching its peak, as more than a few hundred people had been injured or killed, a booming voice was heard from outside the building, and finally the two Families Heads made their presence.

The situation had escalated too much too soon, so they were forced to make an appearance and stop whatever was going on, while Ji Family Head blocked his Second Brother, and Chen Family Head blocked that Uncle Iron.

"What the fu*ck do you think you guys are doing, why are you fighting like this!?"

"Brother those bastards killed Second Grandpa!"

"What!? Those bastards dare…"

A similar conversation was held on the other camp as well, it was just that the victim was that Fourth Uncle guy.

Both camps were enraged by what they heard, as both Family Heads turned to look towards each other full of rage and fury, as they seemed just one moment from jumping to attack.

It was at this moment that the Mayor of the City appeared together with the Police Director, and the Director of the Security Bureau, and without wasting time immediately said,

"Stop this madness now! I don't care about the situation between your two families, but innocent and unrelated people are getting affected, and the issue is getting bigger and bigger.

If you don't stop soon, I am afraid I will have to call the army to interfere and get rid of both of your families!

Take the dead home and perform their last rites, then settle this issue with a duel between the two families! This is the intention of the people from the Capital as well!"

The two Family Heads were still looking at each other in anger and rage, as Young Master Ji and Young Master Chen appeared by their side.

"Father we can't let this go, they killed Fourth Uncle, we need to make them pay! This is all that bastards Ji Chao's fault, he is the reason all this happened!"

On the other hand, Young Master Ji Chao immediately fell to his knees in front of his father, crashing his head on the ground while saying,

"Forgive me, father, all this happened due to me, 2nd Grandpa died because of me, forgive me, father!"

His words startled and shocked quite a few people, while completely infuriating Ji Family Head, who immediately pulled him up from the ground, grabbing on his throat and questioning in a scary tone,

"What do you mean you little piece of shit!?"

"It's true father, it's my fault, 2nd Grandpa died because of me! If I hadn't beaten that bastard Chen Kai black and blue, he wouldn't have brought all those experts to content only with 2nd Grandpa!

2nd Grandpa wouldn't have had to die here! If I just hadn't beaten the shit out of that bastard who insulted our family, and you, this wouldn't have happened!

Forgive me please!"

At first, Ji Family Head was startled and furious, but the more he heard the more weird and complex he felt.

His son, his waste of a son, that would usually just care about drinking and fu*cking around, had actually gotten angry for the family, and beat the Chen Family kid black and blue!?

At this moment he even threw a look at the kid and could see that black and blue didn't make justice to what his son had done.

It was something that he had never thought it would happen, surely the 2nd Grandpa had died, and the results couldn't be worse, but for a moment he felt proud as a father.

Surely since 2nd Grandpa hadn't intervened in this matter, then he must have felt proud as well at that time, thinking it wouldn't come up to this.

But while Ji Family Head felt like this problem was becoming extremely complicated and had a little bit of pride in himself despite the results, the other side was totally different...