Chapter 96: Spelling its own Doom

"Of course not Zero, she isn't the type of woman to accept being subserved that easily! She will certainly try to turn this situation to her advantage.

I don't know whether she will try to reveal my identity or not, but she will certainly try to have the Hong Family, and her husband deal with me!"

"Then why did you let her go like that Young Master!?"

"Hehehe~! Zero I think we have been together for quite some time now, do you still not understand my modus operandi!?

When have I ever let loose ends!?"

"Master means!?"

"While I don't know what she will try to do, I do know that her trying will be quite difficult, and she won't succeed!

Anyway, it's time we go and have a little walk around! I am stuffed and in a good mood right now, I want to find some good place to build a Villa here."

"Master our Yang Family has a few Villa in this city, if you are interested we can go and have a look at them!"

"Really!? Well, let us go and check them first, if they don't fulfill my expectations we can look at some other places!"

With that said, both of them got out and left the venue without attracting attention, as no one knew that the waste of the Yang Family had eaten a meal and Miss Feng at this place.

Meanwhile, Miss Feng was on her way back home, with more than 100 different lines of thought in her head, not knowing what to make of the current situation.

The fact that Yang Tian wasn't a cripple at the moment was already a piece of great news that she didn't know what to do with, not to mention her debt, his request, and what had happened between them.

The fact that he had thrown cold water over her head about the matter of her sister-in-law Hong Qin was another big issue, that she felt that it was by no means a simple matter.

She felt like all of a sudden she had been thrown into a big mess, and there wasn't an escape for her at the moment, not knowing what to think and what to do with the current situation.

Still, one thing was for sure she couldn't allow Yang Tian to control her like that, no matter how different he looked today he was still the waste of the Yang Family.

His current attitude showed great change and potential for the future, she understood this, but unfortunately, it was too late.

The Yang Family was close to its downfall, and no matter how much he tried he wouldn't be able to save himself and his Family from the current predicament.

Only a miracle would be able to keep his Yang Family standing once all the forces against them took action. So there was no way she was tying her hopes and future to Yang Tian.

With these thoughts in mind, she decided on the best path for herself. The best would be to put the Hong and Ji Families against Yang Tian and force him away.

In order to do this, she had to important points, the first was to make him an enemy of her husband, which would be simple and easy.

As long as she told him about her debt, cried, and told him that the Mysterious man Yang Tian wanted her body as repayment.

What kind of man would be able to accept something like that, no matter what they were still married by law and in public.

As for the Ji Family, she could easily use that little idiot that lusted after her, Ji Tao. While she might have to use her body once again to make that little bastard act, she had done it once, a second didn't matter.

With those thoughts and decisions, Miss Feng returned to the Hong Family's villa, and immediately went for her husband.

To make the whole situation believable, and emotional, she immediately took some drops of liquid into her eyes, and then entered the man's office while crying,

"Husband, you have to help me, husband!"

"Huh!? What happened to you, why are you in that state!? Did you go gambling and lose money once again!? How many times do I have to tell you to put an end to that!?"

Her husband was startled at first but knowing her history he managed to regain clarity quickly and started screaming at her like that.

In his eyes, the worth of this wife of his had already dropped to a bare minimum and it was only because he and the Hong Family didn't want a scandal now that he wasn't divorcing her.

Hearing that Miss Feng felt like she wanted to scream at the heartless bastard, but she remembered her own history as well.

This wasn't the first time she was doing something like this and even though the current situation was different, it wasn't far off from what he said.

Still, in order to make sure that she took what she want, Miss Feng had to make sure that she had the upper hand on the emotional side, as she continued with what she started, and said in a crying voice,

"You are about to lose your wife's dignity and honor, and all you care about is some stupid money!?

Yes, I did go gambling, but that bastard Tao had invited a mysterious man and trapped me out of my money!

Now that bastard wants the money or my body! As long as I give him my body he said he would forget all about the debt, should I do it!? Should I give him my body!?"


As she was getting more and more emotional, crying and screaming at the same time, when she reached her peak the answer was a tight slap to the right cheek.

"Have you lost your mind!? Are you going to lose even that less bit of respect I have for you!? You useless and worthless woman!

If it weren't for the current situation I would have already divorced you and thrown you in the middle of the streets, this is the last time I am forgiving you!

Did you hear me!? The last time!

Now tell me who is that bastard, and where is he!?"


Even though the results weren't as expected, as that slap was too much, but Miss Feng was happy to have succeeded at the moment, so she tried with her best to say Yang Tian, or at least his information.

Unfortunately, no matter how much she wanted to tell that, she couldn't. She felt like every time she tried to voice out his name, or details, something would block her throat and block her from doing so.

This situation was certainly too strange and difficult to understand, but no matter how much she willed it, it was basically impossible.

"Why the fu*ck are you keeping your mouth shut now, tell me who the fu*ck is that bastard!?"

While Miss Feng was trying her best to understand what was going on, her husband seemed to get even more enraged and unable to bear it, as he screamed at her.

Seeing that she was unable to say anything about Yang Tian, she could only try to divert the arrow and hope that it wasn't going to block her anymore, so she told him about the old man beside Boss Tao.

Even though that old man hadn't asked for her body, he still had seen her with lust, and he had been truly invited by Boss Tao to take her money.

This time her mouth run nonstop and without any impediment, just like the flow of water after passing the dam, with nothing blocking it on its way.

While her husband was getting more and more enraged at the bastard that had dared to ask something like that from his wife, Miss Feng was getting more and more shocked by the situation.

She was unable to understand how something like this was even possible, but for sure this was Yang Tian's doing.

It was at that moment that she understood that she was in deeper trouble than she thought, but she still had another card in her hands.

While she couldn't place her husband against Yang Tian, she still had that little bastard Ji Tao, and the Ji Family.

No matter what, if Yang Tian acted against the Ji Family, then the Hong Family would be involved as well, so the fight wasn't over yet.

It was only when she was over saying whatever she was saying that her husband finally seemed to react once again, as he said in a vicious, and solemn tone,

"You being here, I am afraid that it will just disrupt and destroy my plans! For that reason, I am sending you, my mother, and my little sister to our newly built resort.

There you will be under surveillance and unable to make trouble for me!"

"Husband this…"

"I already said what I had to say, now disappear from my sight!"

"Hmm~! I understand!"

Miss Feng couldn't believe that not only hadn't she been able to put her husband and the Hong Family against Yang Tian, but she had even surprisingly accomplished the mission Yang Tian had given her.

Even if she tried her best to plead with her husband to change his mind now, she knew it was impossible, and could only place her hopes on that little bastard of the Ji Family.

Otherwise, her husband was sending the Hong Family to Yang Tian's hands by himself on a golden plate.

Even though she knew it wasn't that easy, knowing Yang Tian's skills, and his mysterious abilities, this trip to the resort certainly spelled doom…