Chapter 106: Kicking a Metal Plate


Even though Elder Feng wanted to say that word out loud as he heard Yang Tian's speech, for some reason he couldn't.

He had a weird feeling that Yang Tian wasn't telling such things just so that he could lower him or show some weird and stupid ambitions.

This was a feeling that he hadn't had felt before in his life, and even though he wasn't sure of its validity or accuracy, but it was still something that could convince him of one thing.

Yang Tian was by no means a normal Young Master, and most importantly Yang Tian's skills and ambitions were beyond what he could imagine if what he said was the truth.

At this moment, he couldn't help but feel jealous of Young Master Yang Tian of the Yang Family, who despite being a depraved good for nothing, still had done such a great thing for the Yang Family.

As for Yang Tian, he was evaluating the expression, and attitude of Elder Feng at any moment.

While he had decided to give this Cao Family a chance, he wouldn't think twice of taking it back, should they be incapable of appreciating it.

Once those elixirs and pills hit the market, the Cao Family would understand the value and worth of his friendship and goodwill.

Of course, he had no intention of giving the formulae and the recipes to the Cao Family as all the final processing would be through him, and his people.

He even had already decided on the person that would actually represent him in this deal, and also supervise the production, and the final touches upon those pills.

It would be his beautiful nurses since each of them had a foundation in medicine despite that foundation being shallow, they were still great candidates to become Alchemists.

As long as he personally instructed and taught them, then soon each and every one of them would become a good Alchemist that would be extremely helpful to him in the future.

Under the lead and coordination of Yang Hong, the four beautiful nurses Lan Yunxi, Zhuo Ting, Zhang Xia, and Hao Yu would take care of this colossal plan of his.

Of course, with the passing of time, the number of his nurses and doctors would certainly increase, so there would be more and more additions later.

Yang Tian wasn't stupid to believe to some stranger like Elder Feng, or the Cao Family no matter how much goodwill and help they showed to him.

These guys were just temporary partners that would benefit from his friendship and nothing more, only the people that would follow him until the end would count as his people.

With these thoughts in mind, he decided to stop giving such shocks to Elder Feng, as he stood up and said,

"Well, I guess that we can only continue our conversation after you have received the first pill Elder Feng, everything else we say now is nothing but empty words without importance!

Furthermore, your expected guests are downstairs looking for you!"

Elder Feng was a bit surprised and startled by Yang Tian, but he also felt the same way. Words upon words were nothing but sand castles on the shore, one needed a foundation to truly cooperate.

Not to mention that he had also just found out that not only had the Crouching Tiger Martial School arrived at his place, but they had even started vandalizing his place immediately.

That old headmaster of the martial school was just looking at everything that was going on, pretending to have eyes but failing to see.

His grandson A'Qian was trying to fight them off, but unfortunately, the numbers were extremely against him, and he seemed to be losing.

Even that bastard Manager Tao was just looking at the whole situation with an evil grin, as he was most probably thinking of benefiting from this matter.

While he didn't understand how and what, he was sure that it had been quite the benefits for him to have the balls to act against his Cao Family.

"I am truly ashamed for the scene you had to witness today friend, I assure you it won't happen again in the future!

It looks like our Cao Family has stayed hidden for too long!"

"You don't have to worry about such things Elder Feng, if you need me to help you just have to say it!"

"Heheheh~! No need, there is no need young friend! You can just watch!"

With that Elder Feng started laughing wildly and madly, as he started walking toward one of the windows of the room, opened it, and then jumped outside.

'Baaaannngggggg~!' x4

The moment he landed on the ground, just his momentum and impact were enough to throw 4 students of the martial arts school flying toward their vehicles and saving his grandson.

The truth was that he hadn't expected this to happen. After all, despite the arrogance of the Crouching Tiger Martial School as a local snake, they shouldn't have dared to act so unbridled in front of his Cao Family.

Now that it had happened though, it had truly angered and enraged him as he felt like he had been slapped on his face.

He had just given his newest friend the word to help him deal with the issue in the Capital, only to have this happening, as not even this Crouching Tiger Martial School gave him any face.

The moment he landed on the ground with such a spectacle everyone's eyes were focused on him, as he looked calmly at the crowd in front of him and said in a clear loud voice,

"Headmaster Huo don't you think it's a bit too low for you to come to this old man's herb store and vandalize it like this!?

Not only that but you even attacked my grandson! It truly makes this old man wonder when and where did you get the balls!?"

While the disciples of the Crouching Tiger Martial School were extremely angry at the old man, the faces of Headmaster Huo, and especially Manager Tao became extremely ugly.

They had thought that whoever had tried to block the young calf's way was just a busybody who needed a good lesson and those stupid workers.

It was only now that they understood that actually, the one they had offended was the boogie man they couldn't easily afford to offend.


"Brothers destroy this fu*cking old man, how dares he talk like that to our Headmaster!"

While Headmaster Huo and Manager Tao didn't know how to react, one of the disciples of the martial school immediately jumped first toward Elder Feng.

He had no idea who this old man was, and all he could think about was to jump in his Headmaster's defense. To be more accurate he wanted to receive the money he was promised.

Not long ago he had received a text message notifying him that he would receive 10.000 dollars as long as he jumped in his Headmaster's defense.

The moment that he started attacking Elder Feng he wasn't alone though, as there were more than 20 people backing him up.

Headmaster Huo wanted to jump forward and stop them, but he was too far away, and too late. Elder Feng had taken their voices and stand as a challenge of his face and jumped over them like a ghost.

By the time that those poor souls saw Elder Feng again he had already sent them all flying from where they came, with heavy injuries on their bodies.

If before this matter still had an opportunity of being resolved through peaceful terms, it was not possible any longer.

Elder Feng couldn't tolerate everything that had happened that day, while Headmaster Huo couldn't tolerate the attack on his disciples.

With those thoughts in mind, he didn't waste any more time and immediately jumped toward Elder Feng with the intention to fight against him.

'Bangg…, baannggg…, baaannggg…, baaannngggg…'

In a matter of seconds, the two old men exchanged more than 20 moves, surprising and startling the people around them.

Especially the disciples of the Crouching Tiger Martial School who already thought of their Headmaster as a divine existence.

In their eyes, Headmaster Huo was bound to win the fight, easily and quickly, after all, he was a Grandmaster of Martial Arts. Someone who had surpassed the boundaries of normal.

So, seeing Elder Feng easily parry his attacks, and even counterattack, they felt that they had suddenly offended someone they shouldn't have.

Manager Tao had fallen on his butt, with disbelieving and frightened eyes, as he understood that he had just kicked a metallic plate this time.

As Elder Feng was exchanging moves with Headmaster Huo, Zero stepped towards A'Qian who had just recovered a bit of energy, as he said,

"Are you okay!? Can you still fight!?"

A'Qian looked at Zero with a confused and complicated expression as he didn't expect him to step forward at this time, as Zero dispelled his doubts.

"My Master told me to help you out and put an end to this! He has other things to handle and can't afford to waste time in here!"


Unfortunately, before he could say another word…

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