Chapter 109: Closure & HighClub

This scene made even Elder Feng feel a bit guilty towards Yang Tian for ever doubting him because it looked like Yang Tian had paid quite the price for helping him.

Thinking about it like that, he couldn't help but have a look at his own body and its current conditions.

'Impossible! Just Amazing!'

He had never thought that something like that would ever be possible. Even though he had yet to make a full recovery from his wounds, he was more than 80-90% healed.

For someone who had given up on his life and future, this was something amazing, it was just like a dream coming true.

Of course, Yang Tian could actually go the whole way and fully heal the old man, but that would be too much considering the current situation.

After all, this old man seemed to already have the seed of doubt in his heart, and something that had happened once could happen twice.

In order to make his whole acting show as more believable as he could, all these were necessary steps for Yang Tian.

"Cough…, cough… Elder Feng, I am leaving Headmaster Huo to you!"

To awaken Elder Feng from his stupor of amazement, and to make his acting scene even livelier, Yang Tian coughed twice more and said those words.

His meaning was clear, the situation was under control, as those guys with guns were ready at any time to shoot at Headmaster Huo, and even if they weren't able to kill him they should be able to injure him.

The moment that they succeeded in their task, Zero would take advantage of the situation and jump to kill the guy.

But that would leave behind a hole in Elder Feng's heart because he wouldn't be able to show his real strength to the opponent that defeated him.

While that didn't seem really important right now, there was a great possibility of becoming a heart demon in the future.

Elder Feng seemed to have seen through his meaning. Even though there was supposed to be a friendship of equal standing between them, the truth was that both sides were trying to come on top.

Yang Tian was clearly showing that this was his goodwill and his permission as he could deal with the threat himself.

This was his gift to Elder Feng!

It didn't matter whether Elder Feng was willing to accept this gift or not, as he was unable to refuse. On top of Yang Tian's goodwill was his own heart for martial arts and cultivation.

Since this was the case, he decided to accept it quickly, with a weird voice,

"Then this old man will quickly deal with this trash before giving Young Friend a great banquet!"

With that said, Elder Feng immediately jumped toward the still startled and stunned Headmaster Huo, who had yet to understand how the situation turned out like this.

Out of instinct he immediately tried to put a stand against Elder Feng, as he immediately seemed to turn into a ferocious tiger using his paws to receive Elder Feng's claw attack.

Even though he didn't know what had happened with Elder Feng, and how powerful he was at the moment, he still didn't believe that he wasn't his opponent.

Thinking like that, he decided to block and use the momentum of this attack to quickly make a run. Since the situation was against him now, he could only escape and run away.

Even though he would be leaving his grandson behind, there was nothing he could do. It would be best for one of them to escape this place alive and take revenge in the future then both of them die.

10 years wouldn't be late for a gentleman's revenge!

His plans and thoughts were great, unfortunately, he lacked an understanding of the current situation and Elder Feng's strength.

Elder Feng's claw strike was just like a Ferocious Eagle falling from the sky, even if he was still lacking the necessary Qi, had trouble directing his Qi through the healed area, and had yet to get used to his new strength.

He was still able to rip through Headmaster Huo's defense just like he was ripping paper, claiming Headmaster Huo's hands in the process, leaving a deep wound on his chest, and claiming his life.

Headmaster Huo died without understanding how he had died, while his grandson looked at the scene with a look full of startle and shock.

"Hehehehahahahah~! You are doomed! You are doomed! My brother will never let you go!

Hahahaha~! My brother is the son-in-law of the Long Family's second Elder and also grandfather's most cherishing grandson!

He will surely never let you go, you will die a horrendous death!"

It seemed like the poor Young Master Huo had lost his mind and turned into a lunatic beast, but his words seemed full of confidence and strength.

He truly believed what he said, but that was because he didn't know who Elder Feng was, and what Family he belonged to.

As for Elder Feng, he didn't seem to take him seriously at all, as he looked at his grandson and said,

"A'Qian deal with that brat, and that bastard! Make sure to do a clean job, I will be leading Young Friend to the HighClub!"

HighClub was one of the biggest high society clubs in Anyang, providing the best experience that one could seek!

It had not only food and entertainment but also all kinds of services, with the best quality of course! Among the high-class society, they were called even heavenly spots.

Yang Tian had no reason to refuse at that moment, as he was a bit interested in this HighClub as well. He had heard quite a few good recommendations from that vixen, and Young Master Ji.

Now that he was going inside a place like that with someone like Elder Feng, he was bound to receive a great service.

With those thoughts in mind, he quickly followed behind Elder Feng as they started conversing like two old friends.

It didn't take them long to reach their destination, which was a tall skyscraper in the middle of the city.

Elder Feng, or to be more accurate his people lead the way, as they directly took the elevator to the top floor.

Worthy of the HighClub, being on top wherever they were!

The moment that the doors of the elevator opened, a beautiful young woman dressed in a red cheongsam appeared in front of them, and greeted them with respect,

"HighClub welcomes honored Elder Feng! This little girl is the manager of this place, Luo Ya, but Elder Feng can call me Xiao Ya!"

"Oho~! You know me!?"

"Yes! This little girl had the great luck of seeing Elder Feng a few years back when you came here to meet my mother! My mother is Luo Qing!"

"Hoho~! So you are Luo Qing's daughter, no wonder you seemed familiar! How has Luo Qing been lately!?"

"I thank Elder Feng for his concern, my mother has been in good health, deciding to leave the HighClub in Anyang city in my management!"

"Hehe~! She has certainly taken a great decision, I can tell that you are an extremely capable lass!

Well, prepare us the best room, and the best service! I need to entertain my newest friend tonight!

Oh, yeah! Young Friend do you have any special requests!?"

"I don't know what's the best in this place so I will leave everything in Miss Luo Ya's hands tonight!"

"Hahahah~! Good choice! Well, you heard him, lass, everything is in your hands, I hope that you don't fail him tonight, because my satisfaction depends on it, do you understand!?"

"Ah~!? Yes, of course, Elder Feng! We will do our best!

In fact, I will immediately give him a Diamond Pass, and also reserve him our Heavenly Room after the meal, I am sure that he will not get disappointed!"

"Hoho~! I have heard a lot of good rumors about that place, it will certainly be a good experience! Look forward to the experience young friend!"

"Now I am certainly curious! Haha~!"

Happy and satisfied both Tianlong Yun and Elder Feng left the entrance under the lead of one of the high maids of the establishment, as Young Lady Luo Ya was looking at their backs in a pensive thought.

She was one of the few people who perfectly understood Elder Feng's status and preposition, and she knew what kind of man he was after hearing her mother's evaluation.

Yet, such a great man was actually treating a handsome young man like he was his little Ancestor and even going as far as to call him his friend.

Knowing all this, she immediately came to the conclusion that Yang Tian wasn't any normal persona either, as she wanted to know more about him.

With these thoughts in her mind, she immediately started walking toward her office, as she said to the maid behind her,

"Call Blue Jade and Red Jade to my office! Tell them that they are about to serve a great customer, and I need to talk to them personally!"

"What!? Young Lady is it truly necessary to call the two of them!? You know just how precious and rare the two of them are.

You didn't call them even when those Young Masters from the Capital requested them, I am afraid that this will bring us trouble!"

"Hmph~! You think this is the same!? If you knew even half of what I know about Elder Feng you would know just how right I am!

Anyway, I have already decided, do as you are told!"

"Yes, Young Lady!"

While something like this was happening after he left, Yang Tian couldn't help but show a devilishly charming smile, as he had actually stumbled upon something unexpected…

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