Chapter 112: Dangerous Deal

This deal was just crazy!

100 girls every month, it meant 1200 girls every year, and in 100 years it would become a whooping 120 thousand. That was the population of a small city right there.

Well, thinking about what Yang Tian was offering them, it certainly made sense, because he was giving some priceless.

Exchanging a full cultivation technique that would give them the opportunity to break the Earthly shackles, for 120 thousand young girls was certainly worth it, at least for them it was.

Still, the biggest problem was that for such a big transaction the Sect would have to be informed, and it would be the Sect Master who would sign the deal!

This went against her wishes and ambitions!

"This… This deal is extremely good handsome, but due to some difficulties…"

"You see Qing'er that is precisely the reason why I asked you to let me talk to your Sect Master! I truly don't like wasting my time!"

Yang Tian looked clearly displeased with this situation, even though he already expected this from the start.

After all, from the moment he had laid his eyes on this woman, he could recognize her greed and ambition.

It was clear that she wasn't happy with being just a simple Elder in her Sect, and most probably she was thinking of taking care of this deal in her own name, and not in the name of the Sect.

Later when she reached the necessary level she would start the preparations to enact a coup in her own Sect and take charge for herself.

Yang Tian didn't care what she did with that cultivation manual after he gave it to her, that was her own problem, but there was no way he would let that affect his benefits from the deal.

Of course, it wasn't like he didn't think of helping Luo Qing and her daughter to take control of the Sect, but it was them who took the initiative and not him.

"Haiz~! It's not that I don't want to do something like that handsome, but there are some differences and problems between us mother and daughter with our Sect Master.

The truth is that the previous Sect Master was my mother, and I was supposed to be the next in line, and after me, my daughter.

But that woman, who was just my mother's disciple poisoned my mother to death, and before she died she even forced her to pass the Sect to her for my and my daughter's safety!

In fact, I don't even have to tell her because she most probably knows about all this, but she won't trust you and will oppose you right from the start, just because you met me first.

She is a truly narrow-minded and grudge-bearing woman!"

As she said all that, Madam Qing seemed extremely frail, delicate, and tortured, remembering her terrible past, but at the same time, she had quadrupled her pheromone release.

It was clear that she was trying to play the pitiful card, and at the same time use all her skills to captivate Yang Tian.

Yang Tian had to admit though that this woman was certainly strong and powerful for the current him, as she was most probably a Core Formation Realm expert, and her level wasn't low either.

That coupled with her natural bearing and experience made her a great enemy that Yang Tian had to surpass.

He could feel his mental state and soul wavering at her actions, as he was trying his best to keep his calm, and control of himself.

Unfortunately, that wasn't enough to ensure the woman's victory, as Yang Tian wasn't known as the Lust God for nothing. In front of him, all tricks had flaws, and all flaws could be taken advantage of.

For example with this Madam Qing, since she was trying to portray herself through two separate portraits, she was actually weakening her overall attack and purpose.

For that reason, Yang Tian could easily pour all his strength, mental strength, and Qi into defending and counterattacking on one side and let the other side in full swing.

Of course, what he decided to counterattack was Madam Qing's pheromone and seducing attack, as for her pitiful act he could just allow it to run rampant in full swing.

How many people, and how many women had he seen the act and behave like that, with stories far more pitiful and terrible than hers.

Due to that, he had already formed an immunity towards that feeling, of course, as long as the person who had suffered didn't have a deep connection with him.

Like this, the one who ended up in a bad spot once again was none other than Madam Qing who had thrown everything into attack, with the hope of finishing it all in one stroke.

Even though she had already suffered once, she still thought that it was only a fluke, and due to the fact that she wasn't acting seriously.

It was only now that she understood the real situation and couldn't help but curse her luck at the outcome.

Not only didn't she manage to entrance Yang Tian, but her actions had led her towards her own doom, as her breathing got rougher, and her blood started boiling for 'attention'.

"I understand your situation Qing'er but what does it matter to me!?

I am sure that the temptation of a cultivation manual that could break the shackles of this planet is more than sufficient for her to heed my proposal no matter how unwilling she is!

Don't you think so!?"

"Yes, Young Master you are right, but wouldn't it be better to have a deal with me, than with her!? I am sure that I can satisfy whatever you need, as long as you help us out!"

"Oh!? What do you mean exactly!?"

Even though Madam Qing had lost her calm and collection, she was still able to control her words and her intentions.

At this point in the conversation, she had to accept that she had lost, and she could only surrender and try her best to gain Yang Tian's cooperation.

After all, she could tell that Yang Tian was someone of abnormal background and could truly help her to regain control of the Sect.

Even though she would have to lose an arm or a leg, she had no other choice but to go with this.

"What would Young Master require in exchange for helping us mother and daughter to take over the Sect!?"

"What can you offer me!?"

"Double on your requested girls after taking over, alliance with our sect, 3 favors that don't endanger the safety of our Sect, and our services for as long as you wish!"

Yang Tian had to admit that the benefits were quite good, especially that last part, as he would be able to use the Yin Qi from the body of a Core Formation Realm expert.

The Yin Qi of such an expert was bound to increase his speed of cultivation, and the quality of his cultivation. Of course, he had no intention of letting the rest go, but this was a good deal for the moment.

Of course, he understood that he could push a bit more as well, but he didn't want to do something like that for the moment.

That was because he was confident in the fact that these two beauties would soon be the ones to forever serve him due to the benefits he would bring to them.

With these thoughts in mind, he stood up, walked towards her, approached her close, and then he said in a teasing whisper in Madam Qing's ear,

"You got yourself a deal Qing'er!

But let me specify that I have no intention of getting involved in the matter of the takeover, the best I can do is give you the cultivation manual, delay a part of my benefits, and increase your cultivation rate!

You will have to depend on yourselves to take control of the Sect!"

Madam Qing was clearly displeased and a bit discouraged as she heard the first part of Yang Tian's words, but that disappeared quickly as she heard the rest of what he had to say.

After all, the cultivation manual was bound to increase her rate of cultivation, and furthermore, Yang Tian seemed to have special ways of increasing that rate further.

The current Sect Master was able to get on her position only because she was stronger and had a higher level than the rest, there were a lot of discontent Elders currently in the Sect.

As long as she managed to get stronger than the Sect Master, and openly spread her intentions, she had a great chance of becoming the Sect Master.

"I think it's a great deal! So how about we celebrate our new deal right away, partner!?"

"Heehehhe~! Like I said Qing'er I don't like wasting time! So, why don't you two immediately undress and sit in the lotus position!"

"Hehehe~! Right away!"

Madam Qing immediately started undressing her dress in a sensual way, while Luo Ya was doing the same thing behind her.

As a disciple of the Yin Supremacy Sect, she was already prepared for something like this, and it didn't really matter to her who got her first time and her body.

As long as she could cultivate and get stronger, then her body, her life, and the world would be hers.

She didn't understand why Yang Tian would ask them to sit in the lotus position after getting naked, but she just thought it was some kind of fetish of his.

On the other hand, Yang Tian got undressed as well, revealing his chiseled and strong body, gathering quite a few looks on himself, and went behind the mother-daughter duo…

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