Chapter 121: After Sauna it’s time for Skin-treatment*

Two down, more to go!

Even Yang Tian hadn't thought that he would be so successful so easily. No, who am I kidding, he of course did!

After all, while it might seem like he was just having some sweet time with them, he was actually 'drugging' them with his Qi and moves.

To be more precise, Yang Tian was giving them a pleasure that they had never experienced before, and something that they had never thought possible.

Their brains were hyperactive focusing on his ministrations while their energy was leaving their bodies. It would be the same as seeing only one face as you died every day.

There was bound to form a connection, a bond. Just to make sure that it worked without a hitch he even made sure to use a bit of his Qi to hypnotize these ladies.

While he had no intention of making them part of his 'Sect' yet, he most certainly didn't want them to escape his palm.

Was this selfish!?

Damn yes, it was!

Did he care about it!?

Hell, naawwww~!

This was life, even though there seemed to be a system and rules, at the end of the day life was just a survival jungle.

The strongest, richest, and most powerful made the rules!

Similar to this case, since he was the more powerful, stronger, and richer he was the one who subdue them and enslave them to himself.

Well, now wasn't the time to think about all this philosophical shit, he had more important things to deal with, and that was to completely subdue the beauty in his arms.

Even though Yang Tian was making sure that the beauty had enough air to breathe and there was a refreshing wind blowing on her face, she still wasn't able to hold on for longer than 20 minutes.

Once he was done with her, he had a bit more fun with Miss Feng as well, before he got out and made his way towards the next target.

The target this time was a mature woman who was about to enjoy a nice, relaxing, and peaceful skin-care treatment.

Of course, there was nothing wrong up to this part, the only weird part about this matter was the request for her skin-care treatment.

Apparently, she believed that young studs cream was the best skin-care cream treatment she could get for her face, and she needed that cream fresh, just produced.

While laying comfortably in a low-height comfortable chair, she was waiting for the young stud to enter and cover her face in cream.

Yang Tian didn't know what to think about this, it was true that the young stud's cream contained a lot of Yang Qi, and the moment it was covering a woman's face it would strike a balance with her Yin Qi.

It was just that, having too much was as bad as having too little. The Yin Qi in a mature woman who didn't cultivate was almost scarce.

So while it would work at first, it would cause an 'overflowing' effect later, and it would come with side effects.

Yang Tian could control the Yang Qi he released, but this wasn't something that anyone could do. So, this woman was quite brave for choosing to do something like this.

Still, it didn't really matter much to him, as this just made the target easier to approach. While other studs might have trouble starting this engine, he was more than confident that the prey would attack him first.

With these thoughts in mind, he entered the room, had a look at the target, and then immediately got into position, brought out his monster, and started beating it over her face.

He had been positioned with his monster right above her twin peaks and aiming for her face, so he could see that her breathing got heavier with the movement of her chest.

Not only that, but even her small cherries started popping out despite the thick towel she had on top of her, and even the aroma inside the room started changing.

It was a mix of a woman's love juices, with her desire for some young stud, and the enchanting perfume of a charmer, that seemed to be inviting her to sin.

It wasn't like this was the first time that she had her engine turned on, but this was for sure the first time that she felt like she wanted to ravage the young stud on top of her.

With each passing second the situation was getting more and more difficult for her as she had even started to clench her feet, and her fingers just to stop herself from jumping on him.

In the meanwhile Yang Tian was still beating his monster, but nothing seemed to be coming up, not that he wasn't able to bring it out, but because he didn't want to.

If this beauty wanted her reward, she needed to work for it!

Of course, just because Yang Tian wanted that to happen, it didn't mean that it would exactly happen.

After all, Yang Tian wasn't some kind of God that could make women like her attack him like a thirsty bi*tch in heat, not yet.

For that reason, he had to work a bit harder to make her fire burn fiercer, while not touching her at all.

There should be no touch at all, that was the first rule of this job, especially with this customer, the moment he touched her his whole plan would go out of the window.

This meant that this was one of the biggest challenges for him until now in this new life, but he wasn't worried much about it.

He was the Lust God, and even though at the moment he was far from what he had reached in his previous life, this didn't change the experience and memories he had.

With these thoughts in mind, Yang Tian didn't waste any more time, as he immediately started a small fire.

This was actually real fire though, as he lighted up a few 'candles'!

Yes, it was the same 'Heavenly Relax Candle' that he had used with Yang Fen and other beauties. This was truly a heavenly mixture that could make even the most absolved woman want to dream of a man.

All this while he didn't stop beating his 'stick' though, as some drops of pleasure juice started to form on the head of his little brother, and the smell of pheromones coming from him became heavier.

As a Lust God, it would be insensible to not have a skill or way of using his Qi to create a stronger perfume of pheromones that would attract ladies even more towards himself.

It didn't take long for the 'Heavenly Relax Candle to start doing its job, as he could feel that the woman's blood flow, Qi, and breath started becoming smoother and longer.

The woman below him was most certainly about to fall asleep and dream of a 'man' ravaging her most probably, but Yang Tian had no intention of letting that happen.

After all, the reason he was using the Heavenly Relax Candle was just to lower her barriers, and have it easier for himself to touch her, as he was assured of being able to make her fall the moment he touched her.

Not wanting to waste time in thoughts he immediately got to action, as he kept beating his 'stick' while lowering milk factories towards her mouth, and one hand towards her left melon.

As much as he would like to take her down right away, he was afraid of startling her, so he started slowly with some light touches.

With the tip of his fingers, he was playing circles around the cherry on her left melon, while two of his fingers approached closer and further away from her cherry, never touching it.

Just two circles and the cherries grew up in size, while the breathing and blood flow of the woman below him become shorter, and erratic, clearly showing that his work was giving results.

Once he saw that, Yang Tian started to slowly use the 'Ninth Cloud Touch' with the bottom of his milk factories, and slowly pull them up, alongside the woman's head.

It was clear that she now wanted to have more of that great taste, and she couldn't help but follow his milk factories, just like a sleepy kid following the taste of chocolate.

Yang Tian had no intention of making her suffer much, as he allowed her to reach her goal and start licking and tasting, while he stopped beating his 'stick'.

Not only that, but he allowed his little brother to rest on her melons, while his hands and mouth went to reach her silky thighs and sweet-smelling secret garden.

In no time he was full tongue inside her secret garden, with the woman sucking on his 'little brother' as if her life depended on it.


Due to Yang Tian's great skills, the beauty couldn't help but experience a heavenly climax, while moaning out loud, as Yang Tian decided to award her for the hard work as well.

Even though Yang Tian expected this to happen, he couldn't help but feel a bit disappointed as he thought this would have been a bit harder.

"Well, you weren't bad kid, what's your name!? How much do they pay you in here!?"


Hello everyone, this time I am borrowing a small part of the chapter to notify you for whoever wants to read more, 2 more chapters are available on my Patreon for a price, of course!

The novel will continue normally, I will try to update as much as I can, the Patreon will only have advance chapters!

Have a great day ahead!