Chapter 127: Returning to Kaifeng

With a sharp steel sword, Yang Tian could exorcise those spirits in a short time, as the 5 beauties were left unconscious on the bed.

The next morning, Yang Tian opened his eyes refreshed and happy, as the previous night had been a great enjoyment for him.

Not only had he been able to recreate a miniature scene of what his past life was, but he had also managed to collect a great amount of Yin Qi.

With the help of that Yin Qi, he reached the 4th level of the Foundation Realm, while tempering his body and soul simultaneously.

All the good things had an end though, as even this beautiful vacation had come to an end. It wasn't a problem of the place and money though, it was a problem of time.

The 'friendly' Xia Family seemed unable to stay their hand any longer as it was time for them to make another move.

The fact that they had chosen the Hong Family as the hand that would wield the knife wasn't a surprise either, as this was the whole reason for this vacation from Yang Tian.

The surprise stood on the fact of how they were planning to make the hit on Yang Tian, which was also what was written in the letter that Yang Tian had received and was holding in his hands.

It was a written letter from his Grandfather, the Hong Family had decided to help the Yangs by washing their shame and offering the youngest daughter of the Patriarch to Yang Tian in marriage.

Most probably the whole of Kaifeng City and especially the Hong Family Patriarch were thinking that a crown jewel was being given to a dirty scoundrel.

Unbeknownst to them though, the crown jewel had already been taken and fully 'subdued' by the same scoundrel.

'Hehehehehehe~! Things were about to get interesting!'


Just as Yang Tian was thinking like that, a loud scream of excitement, happiness, and disbelief was heard from the other room, as the beauty involved in the ordeal had received the news as well.

The rest of the ladies inside the suite were looking at her with jealousy and unhappy looks, but there was nothing they could do.

Still, while each and every one of them were still in their lost space, the voice of Madam Hong awakened and gave them hope.

"Honey, no matter how much Mother loves you, you need to understand that you will never become Master's main wife and even less to have him only to yourself!

While this gives you slight security and an advantage in the future, it doesn't solidify your position! It changes nothing in the way how things were and will be in the future.

Madam Hong was a Soul Formation cultivator, not to mention a woman of experience and wisdom. While she had completely 'fallen' to Yang Tian, she hadn't gone stupid.

She understood the situation better than anyone else, and she also understood the thoughts of that man that called himself her husband.

Her daughter was nothing more than a chip on a poker table, the only difference was that she had somewhat of a higher value than the rest, but she was still a chip.

Those words came pouring down as a bucket of cold water on her poor daughter's head, but it alleviated the composure and mood of the rest.

No matter how much she loved and cared for her daughter, she would still be unable to do anything about this situation.

From what had just happened these days she understood that Yang Tian was a man of great skill and ambition. Someone that was beyond her daughter's reach and ability.

It was better to keep her in line and have her work her way up than have her jump in the air and then fall down to break a limb.

The same day in the afternoon, Yang Tian got down of his car accompanied by Zero behind him as his right-hand man, and finally arrived at the biggest pleasure establishment in Kaifeng City.

As a well-known scoundrel with a Ph.D. in his field, Yang Tian needed to make sure he kept appearances. After all, he had no intention of becoming the protagonist.

That would only be troublesome and nothing else, there would be nothing to benefit from an empty fame and renowned name.

As Yang Tian was walking inside the venue with an arrogant and perverted look, many people were looking at him as if he were a miracle.

After all, everyone expected him to be on his deathbed, preferably fully disabled, cursing each passing day, while he was walking inside the establishment with a condescending look.

Just how the hell was he able to return back to normal so fast!? The peace and quiet that the city had regained recently would be disrupted and lost once again.

"You damn bi*tch!

How dare you spit at me, do you know who you are messing with!? I will fu*cking rape and kill you!"

Just as Yang Tian made his grand entrance into the establishment and was passing the reception an angry bird appeared on the scene.

This guy had wine stains all over his face, and suit, while his face was completely red as he was following a tattered young beauty with a threatening and angry look.

Even though the beauty was running from her aggressor, she still managed to avoid bumping into Yang Tian, and it seemed like the angry bird would do the same, but Yang Tian changed his position slightly.

'Claaaappppppppppp…, Baaaaaannnnnnngggggggg~!'

"Damn, how dare you startle and scare this Young Master, are you tired of living!?"

The guy was still more than half a meter away from bumping into Yang Tian, and he seemed like he was trying his best to avoid Yang Tian as well, only to suffer a hard slap and fall on the ground with a bang.

The beauties at the reception, the guards at the door, and even the Manager of the establishment were stupefied upon witnessing this scene, as the Rich Calamity had arrived once again.

That was Yang Tian's nickname at the establishment! Of course, it was way longer than that, but who would dare to say it fully in his presence?

None of them was tired of living in this Kaifeng City, and even more so in this world of living.

"You bastard, who the hell do you think you a…aaa…aaaaa~!"

As for the person that had been slapped to the ground, he stood up with a face even sterner and angered wishing to curse the whole 18 generations of Yang Tian.

The moment that he saw the face of the man in question though, he seemed to have bit his tongue, unable to voice even one more vowel.

"Who I think I am!? I am Yang Tian, the only male descendant in my family, and the future head of the Yang industries!

I am the owner of the company where your dog father works, I am the future owner of your fu*cking lives!

Is that enough, or do you want more!?"


The poor angry bird, he would have never imagined that he had stepped on shit today, as he had come across the demon that his father had warned him so many times to avoid.

Just like anyone else though, he had thought that the demon was tied to his bed, unable to even pick up a spoon to feed himself.

His fate was truly shitty today, not only had he been rejected by a 'cheap' woman, his mood had been ruined, he had been thrown wine to his face, and now he had been slapped and insulted like this.

Was there any justice in this world!? How could normal people live like this!? It was most certainly impossible!

'Claappppppp…, claaapppp…, claapppppp~!'

"You fu*cking bi*tch, you still dare to call this father like that!? Why are you still standing on your legs and haven't kneeled for this father!?

Don't you want your dog father to have a job tomorrow!? Do you want to destroy your and everyone else's in your family lives today!?

Are you tired of living!?"

The iron needed to be struck while it was hot, for that reason the condescending Young Master Yang made sure to strike where it hurt the most.

"Yang Tian don't go too far…."