Inside of the room the two young men were stretching and preparing for their duel. On one side was james wearing gear made for his class while on the other side was zeke who wore white robes like a priest; a class item as well? It wasnt confirmed but maybe since he held the tools of a mage these robes that wouldnt really work well in the forest were probably not chosen as his normal apparel.
"So if we do this we dont hold back right? I mean... im still not totally sure how my own abilities work so if either of us feels like we may get really hurt we should surrender right?" James was trying to be cautious as the memories of the forest were still very fresh but all he wanted to do was test himself now... and learn what he could about his abilities.
As the two young men prepared for their duel with a teacher as a moderator james reflexively activated his shadow abilities to create claws and when he did so he got another notification.
Shadows have been rekindled and previous flames are extinguished.
Congratulations! Your shadow has consumed the maximum amount of energy!
James breathed a sigh of relief knowing that at least the forest fire he started was apparently out now but this only made him worry again about how badly he had destroyed the forest.
Ezekiel meanwhile had his tome open and his wand ready in a typical mages stance. James after focusing himself again likewise got in a low stance like that of a tiger form martial artist, though anyone with experience could see that this stance was amateur at best.
The teacher raised a hand and then brought it down signaling the duel had begun.
James rushed forward trying to take advantage of a casters weakness with chant based magic but it seemed like zeke had a few skills with it since a golden aura like armor appeared around him temporarily.
"Holy beam purify my foe, Radiant Bolt!" A bolt of light shot out from the end of the wand and james, astonished by its speed, got hit right in the chest.
Hp- 15/21
Warning! Light affinity attacks deal double damage while skill- Void Skin, is active!
James coughed loudly as he stood back up after the rough attack. He had forgotten about the skills effects until now since zeke was the first light affinity opponent he had.
'I need to be more careful and try to dodge'
"I guess all that worry was just hot air huh?" Zeke smiled in a friendly but cocky way. He then cast another radiant bolt but faster this time.
James meanwhile had figured out a surprisingly easy way to dodge these spells even if they moved as fast as arrows; just dodge when zeke moves the wand.
Easier in theory than in practice though as james almost got zapped by another bolt.
This time james did manage to move out of the way by taking advantage of his speed bonus in the shadows of the area, he then finally got in close enough to strike the shield.
The strike was a good one leaving a long scar like a beast had clawed it. The shadowy flames licked along the edges of the claw marks but looked like they were quickly being burned away by the light.
This was obviously a problem but james chose to push forward anyway like the beast he should be.
He was up close with zeke now so he took advantage of the typical mage weakness, close quarters combat.
Each slash cut through the armor more and more while zeke was struggling to block and hold his wand steady at the same time.
Eventually zeke vanished in a flash of light appearing about ten feet away with his wand aimed right at james.
"Oh burning sun cleanse this land with your holy light, Sun Flare!"
The light was definitely a flare, it blinded james as the whole area suddenly became as brightly lit as a cloudless noon.
"Radiant Bolt!"
Hp- 9/21
James got hit right in the chest again but this time he noticed something worrying. Zeke hadnt used the whole chant this time.... he had an idea of what just happened but the thought could wait since now he was fighting on the same level as zeke except... at a diatance.
He tried to rush forward but the blinding light had still disoriented him meaning his strike wasnt nearly as effective as before.
Zeke backed away and james tried to take advantage of it with a wild slash, this slash did in fact cut away a chunk of the shield but this wild slash left james open again.
"Radiant Bolt!"
Acting on impulse james lunged to the side feeling that painful light scratch his cheek... well scratch wasnt the right sensation since it felt more like a burn.
Hp- 5/21
Such a small touch had done so much damage to him but he felt like he would be victorious with this last strike.
Using his hand in a point like he intended to stab with the claws he pierced the shield completely leaving his claws just a breath away from zeke's throat.
Meawhile james felt a poke on his chest..
Zeke and James could easily end their battle in this one blow but it all depends on who would be faster.
"The duel is done! Put your weapons away!"
James collapsed as zeke went to begin healing his injuries.
"Who won?" James looked up at the teacher with heavy breaths from exhaustion and pain.
"It was a tie. You both would have died if that had been real"