Balloon Warrior Eagor

Codey leaped to the top of a spiked roof and hung from it with one hand gripping the corner securely. He watched as the chaos continued, with people screaming and dust rising into the air, and then gradually raised his gaze. He was about 300 meters from the main agency, so he wasn't too far away.

"That's it. That's the agency. Easy to tell the difference between a casual building and a massive tower."




Ellie had been casually striding around the streets with his arms crossed behind his neck, searching for the commander of the agents and becoming dissatisfied as he did so. After outrunning most of the agents and tearing through multiple blockades, he was confronted with an unexpected disaster after witnessing a spherical figure in the air before the sunshine.

He came to a halt and was met by a tall man with an uncomfortably large and wide head and a rounded torso. As he waited for his turn to speak, he appeared perplexed and bored by them. The man who confronted him was dressed similarly to the underlings, in a black suit with a tie around his neck.

"And you are...?"

"You are one of them. A friend of those pirates! Pleasure to meet you! I am Eagor, how can I be to your service! Oh, hold on. I said that wrong. I'm Eagor, and I'm here to put you under duress and take you into arrest for a rash interception of the Oxfell Arton, a hasty destruction of the agents, and the devastating consequences of destroying a stall!"

Ellie swiftly expressed his dissatisfaction and annoyance by sweeping his arms forward and furiously complaining to Eagor, who nodded at him.

"I didn't do anything! Well, I didn't do anything until you and your agent army started attacking us! Of course I'm going to defend myself from the false accusation!"

"Destruction of the law and disobeying the rules are a harsh mistake and punishable to be dragged into custody which is decided by prinicpal of this city. If you won't come along with me, then force will be necessary."

"To begin with, I didn't have a choice! Of course, I'm not going to let you just capture me for no reason! Your firm is a complete disaster. It's all about the rules and the principle! It makes no sense to imprison someone for no reason when you were the ones who assaulted first! It's also only one random stall. It can always be repaired, and it wasn't me who did it in the first place!"

Ellie's eyes had widened as he screamed angrily, pointing forward with his vein on his forehead nearly popping.

Eagor stood peacefully in Ellie's line of sight, his face tranquil. He tied his tie and confidently elevated his jaw before opening his mouth, which caught Ellie off guard. The air began to swirl in front of him, and it was drawn into Eagor's mouth with great force, causing his body to grow in size.

"W-What the hell?! How can your lungs do that?! What the hell are you?!"

While the wind continued to blow, immobilizing Ellie, it gradually began to settle down, and Eagor eventually closed his mouth. He became larger, rounder, fatter, and still, leaving Ellie puzzled as he stood motionless with his arms dangling to the ground's bottom.

"I have the ability to gulp air with my mouth. I'm a human balloon with large lungs that allows me to adjust my size in the same way that a balloon manages while being blown into."

"A balloon?! What kind of abilities do people these days have?!"

"Well, whatever. A balloon isn't really that impressive, so I should be able to pop your like one!"

With incredible courage, Ellie slightly spread his feet and swiped his right arm behind his back and twisted his wrist and then closed his hand into a fist. It began to manipulate electricity around the base of his wrist and fist as it rapidly sparked into several directions. He kept a grin on his face as he made a singular step forward.

"A balloon can't withstand high voltage. This should be over in matter of seconds."

Eagor maintained a relaxed stance in front of him as he readied for Ellie's attack, which saw him bend his torso forward and dig his foot into the ground. He pushed his weight forward and sprinted across the ground, zapping in front of Eagor's body in seconds. He stepped forward with his left foot, lifted his electric arm, and punched forward like a long spike, slamming his fist into the centre of Eagor's stomach.

Inside Eagor's body, electricity rushed from the point of his fist and violently shocked him, causing the light to shine around and illuminate the streets.

Eagor refused to budge, instead embracing the energy and repelling it fully without injury. Ellie was taken aback since he quickly realized that the electricity would be useless in this combat.

"Not even a scratch?!"

Eagor stood over Ellie's shorter body and stared down at him with a very cheerful smile as he scared Ellie who couldn't believe his eyes.

"Electricity doesn't affect my body. My inner organs are made out of metal, and electricity doesn't work well against it. That's why your electricity didn't do a thing to me."

"Huh?! How can you live with metal organs?! That doesn't make any sense?! Plus, how do you even shift in size?! Don't you have bones or something?!"

"I'm not human. I'm a cyborg-like subject created by the higher-ups from the "Stern Atoll". I've became one of the 'Foremost Agents' for this specific reason."

"That at least explains the reason to why you're all rounded and fat. But if you're a cyborg, then how do you have these special abilities?"

"I cannot tell you that. If I told you, it would ruin my advantage."

Eagor opened his mouth and stretched his right arm forward. He started sucking in the air once more. The air force created by the heavy gathering caused the area around him to shatter, while the air was transferred into his right arm, which began to grow in size. The edge of Eagor's wrist opened up a scope, while his palm produced an opening, which was most likely where Eagor would attack.

"This is not good! Who knows how powerful that onslaught is! I can't flee since I don't have enough room to get away. If the attack is as powerful as I believe it is, a single shot from it will most likely annihilate a large region!"

Ellie's ears suddenly heard a click, and his eyes widened in surprise. He turned around as he heard Eagor cry out a name, which alerted him to the fact that the attack had begun. Ellie was struck by a gigantic, powerful, penetrating, devastating, and annihilating beam of air, which recklessly formed a typhoon of violent wind, which blew away the structures and their surviving fragments.

Ellie couldn't dodge the beam, which crushed its weight into the centre of his back, causing his jaw to open wide in pain and cough blood. The impact pulled his torso from the rear to the front of his chest, forcing his arms to wave behind his back.

Ellie's back was propelled forward into the street, and he was driven through numerous buildings that were seized in the wind's pressure and were easily obliterated. The people of Oxfell Arton and everyone else felt the tremendous boom and saw how a large portion of the city's eastern section was obliterated by mountains of rubble.




Karisa, Ayuka and Naeve were frozen and speechless as they gulped in response of the oblivion that occurred out of no where.

"What just happened?! What the hell's going on there?!"

Ayuka's expression formed its shock into fear and worry as she sweated profusely.

"I don't know. Whatever happened, it definitely isn't good and we don't want it to happen again."

"Yeah, but... Who could do something this reckless?! There's so many people in that vicinity! If they were caught in the impact, there's no way they survived it."

"Worry not, my dear and visiting pirate girls. That part of the town is abandoned. Something like this happened in the past and it already killed several people. That's why most of them left the island or moved to a different house."

"You've got to be kidding me?! Something this happened already?!"

"Yes, and we were caught in dozen of lives lost within a necessity to repair that part of the town. You need not to worry. I'm sure that onslaught was done for a good purpose."

Ayuka and Karisa made eye contact as Karisa twirled her pole, her mirages repeating behind her. "I'm not going to let that happen!" She raced forward into offensive after swiping her right arm to the side and spinning the pole. She and her mirages leaped and raised their arms in the air, causing the pole to stick out of the mist. They tumbled to the ground as Naeve threw her whip across the mirages, scattering them into sparkles with none of them being the real Karisa.

"Huh?! What?!"

As the real Karisa struck from behind, Naeve was taken off guard, hearing her scream as she swung her pole and slammed it into Naeve's hip, inflicting a severe injury on her body and knocking her to the side.

Naeve's eyes and mouth flinched as she realized Karisa's physical strength was out of the ordinary, forcing her mouth to cough saliva when she suddenly noticed Karisa slip to the front of her and uppercut with her pole, smashed Naeve's jaw, and with her strength knocked her into the air, through which Ayuka suddenly appeared and dove from the circle of Karisa's mirages, slashing her sword from one side to another, easily cutting through her chest and at the end tossed a sharp kick into Naeve's abdomen, that drove her into the ground.

Karisa straightened her body and gazed into the mist, where she saw Naeve's body laying motionless on the floor, and smiled with satisfaction that they had triumphed. She hopped on her right leg and smiled as she raised her arm.

"All right! We did it! We won!"

Karisa cheered while Ayuka smiled, who soon understood that the battle wasn't done. Instead, she swung her left arm and quickly whirled around. But before she could succeed, a series of spikes pierced her through the front of her body, forcing her lips to spit blood and shaking her eyes.

Karisa was taken aback as she saw her good friend collapsing onto the floor while getting punctured by multiple spikes and stopped on the spot, swiftly noticing how Ayuka's body lay on the floor, and then saw Naeve standing up with heavy breathing.

"No, way... Ayuka!"

To be continued...