Brotherly Showdown

The silent treatment of the exchanging eyes penetrated one another's glare, inciting the preparations for the conflict to unfold amid the city layers of the agency with the racing wind constantly sweeping over the tops of the agency's walls and towers.

"What did you say?"

Codey's arms shook with disbelief as the shock and disruption radiated through his clever brain in response to revulsion. The fighter he met, a member of the agency, claimed the most incriminating details and shared them with Codey.

"You stupid swine, I don't have a brother! Since birth, I've been the only child, therefore I shouldn't accept such rubbish! Don't tell me lies, jackass!"

"It's just as hopeless as it's always been. But I understand if you don't realize you have a sibling, Codey. I was expelled from my own home three years before your birth. You have no idea how I felt when my own two parents ejected me from the house."

"Try not to fool me! It's something I remember clearly! My mother never told me I had a brother! Mom insisted on telling me that I was her only kid, even when I questioned her! So stop lying to me and reveal your true identity!"

"What your mother said before does not necessarily imply that she was telling the truth. It takes a lot of respect to be so easily duped by another person. But, what if your mother lied to keep her own son out of trouble, searching for their own brother in order to keep our father safe? What if everything she stated was a fabrication?"

Codey's mood was dominated by the harsh and painful words, and he had a vision of her own mother smiling out of joy, but then it changed to a shadowed face with a scary grin and red eyes, accurately showing a deceit.

"After all, who could have ever stopped the Demon God? I wouldn't say the deception, she told was all that horrible. But that is now in the past; the Demon God's fall wiped off a large number of demons roaming the land, and who would imagine that the person who would truly slay that man would be his own son? He did everything he could to bring the world closer to peace and-"

"Shut up!!!"

The loud scream of order, annoyance, and rage screamed across the region, completely altering the winds' directions and causing Yules to stop talking and gaze up at his brother with a perplexed and confused glare.

"Be quiet... Don't remind me of the past, not now, not then not ever! What happened back then was for the sake of world peace, so that fewer people perished and drove us to extinction! I had to do what I needed to do, even if it meant becoming the Demon God! I had to abandon my sense of self-worth and enter a world of anger and complaints! I will not allow such activities, even if people or demons still exist and consider me as their destroyer or leader! My mother was the sweetest person you'd ever meet, and my father was a cold-blooded killer and demon commander who brought all of our lives one step closer to extinction! Someone had to take him out, and even if it had to be me! But, unlike my father. I will never join the darkness! Not in a million years' time! Understand?!"

"Tell me, Codey. Did your mother ever mention a person who went by the name, Yules?"

Those words hurriedly immobilized Codey on the spot as his own mind raced in the past and remembered him of the past of his mother naming that person by the exact same name.

"She probably told you that, Yules was her close friend in the past, but in reality that person who went by that name is the person standing before you..."

Yules reached for his right sleeve and began to pull it up slowly. He smiled in response to a sudden symbol appearing on his right shoulder, which looked like an eight-ray sun.

It brought Codey to another halt as he pieced together the same sign that his mother had told him about, as well as the name "Yules," which occurred to be there in front of his eyes, offering the brotherly hood's words.

"I refuse to believe it! I refuse to believe it! My sibling isn't someone like you! You recognized me at first glance and informed me that I was born after you had left your hometown! So, how would anyone remember who I was if they hadn't seen me in at least 12 years?!"

"I had no idea my brother was that obstinate, and that he didn't even trust his own brother. Take it or leave it, what I said is correct; but, even though you are my brother, justice is what makes the world right, and I, too, must follow orders from the top. After one of the vendors raised an urgent alarm, the head of the agency in Oxfell Arton assembled us in a meeting room and discussed the requirements of what we had do, we were given orders to eliminate you one by one. The tolerance for bad behavior is low, and the only rule we have is to eliminate a threat like you."

"I didn't want to go against your law! However, that merchant cheated myself and the other gamers out of the award! He duped us into playing it simply so he could waste our money! I'm not so foolish to fall for such ruses, especially when the same ruse appears in all 20 games! At the very least, keep my buddies out of this! They didn't take any action!"

"They've accomplished a lot more than you believe. At least one of you eliminated all of the big groups of agents we dispatched. They've reduced our numbers, and we've decided to regard them as a threat to humanity and the globe. One of them even managed to kill one of our 'Foremost Agents' in one fell swoop, which is more than enough to make us change our minds."

"That occurred before they launched their attack! This uproar was started by your foolish troops, and you can't deny it unless you're trying to deceive me! Even if you are my biological brother! I'm not going to call you that, but I'm going to attack you for the anguish you inflicted on us, you liar!"

"I guess I'm just repeating my mother's well-worn lies..."

"What did you say about my mother....?"

Codey's demonic mood was reawakened by the shared words, which turned his eyes pallid and pupil-less and emitted a threatening red energy that began to ascend in the wake of dreadful winds that blew his curly hair up. Yules' feeling became less of a parody and transformed him serious from bottom to top as the crimson wave of blood flowed through his brother's veins. He reached for the sword on his back and snatched it into one of his palms, which immediately began to summon green leaves that quickly enveloped him like a typhoon.

"That's exactly what I was hoping to see, brother. The fury, sorrow and hatred to the world government. This ascend, which resides within your body and only emerges when necessary or when emotions overcome your intellect, is the ultimate evil who is destined to practically destroy the world. We can see your true colors now. The colors that need to be whitened out, not to stay as dark as they are."

Codey's release was finished in the next few minutes and while Yules prepared to partake in his brother's fury, it was disappointed as Codey's eyes quickly returned to normal, and perplexed Yules and then stand up.

"What the-"

"It's pointless to use my blood to my advantage; it only makes me look weak. Furthermore, someone like you has no right to compete with it. Even if my mother lied about being the only child, it doesn't change the fact that I love her. If she didn't want to share, it had to be difficult for her, and she had to have a reason to hide it from me. But now that I've met my brother, who I won't refer to as that, there's no way I'm going back to the dark. You and your heinous allies, as well as your commander, are the only ones who have fallen victim to the darkness here. It would be disappointing to defeat you with that strength, therefore in honor of my mother's desires, I'll use my own power to halt your blunder."

("Rumors circulated that he was incapable of wielding such ruthless power. Were those lies told to drive us to fight the current Demon God, or to keep us from battling him? After all, it had been several years, so he must've had enough time to figure out how to handle it. However, it appeared previously that the darkness gained control of his body, implying that there's more to it than we know about.")

Without knowing the true reason behind the agency's aggression, Codey crouched on the top of the wall and lowered his palm to touch the ground and propelled himself high in the air and raised the same arm for a boomerang to show itself in his hands, with a followed up surprise to Yules.

("That boomerang... Our mother wielded the same boomerang. This is fathomless! What chance did he have of inheriting his mother's power?")

He stretched his arm behind with the other one stretched out before him, which was pointed at Yules' body while he bent his left knee and then accurately tossed the boomerang at an outstanding speed with enough force to slightly push his body back.

The boomerang darted through the air with an added spin and was followed by a windy trail which was used as a boost to the speed of flight, while Yules pulled the arm back with a smile on his face as a sudden black metal surrounded his fist, which astonished Codey who leaned back with sweat dripping down his face.

Yules smiled in response to the sight and then took a solid stride forward with a powerful punch, crashed forward with his fist into the boomerang, causing the ground to erupt by creating linear fissures. The boomerang was reflected back at Codey, who was unable to avoid it and crossed his arms in front of his face, his skin quickly hardening from the demon blood, but the boomerang still sliced through it. The boomerang then ratcheted in the floor, causing a powerful explosion of pulsating wind to catch Codey in it and drag him through the air into the ground, finally smashing him into the hard floor.

"You're quite strong to be able to hurl your weapon so swiftly, but it's still not powerful enough to compete with me, brother. If I had battled you back then when you were fighting your father, your attacks would have killed me. But now that I've been trained by the global government, I've earned the title of 'Foremost Agent.' I trained for years and even had to fight more difficult opponents, and I've had this desire to become someone better than the 'Foremost Agent' ever since I started hunting down pirates."

Codey began to get up with a bleeding arm and dropped his arms, which hung beneath his waist, and looked at Yules, as if to ask him a question.

"I don't understand. How did you find out about my father's death when you were trapped in this alternate universe? This planet is vastly different from the universe in which I passed, and the cities I've lived in have been vastly different from those I've visited recently. Not only that, but the other planet, I entered had its own set of rules and fighters that were more modern. But ever since we passed through the "Multi-Reality Gate," all we've seen is the ocean, with the majority of people terrified of us, all because we required a ship to sail through here in order to break past the "Out-Sea Barrier." Do they have no idea who we are?"

"This world is divided and vastly different from the one we once knew. I came through here a few years ago, shortly after you massacred our father. If you're in here or on a ship, you're considered a pirate, no matter how hard you attempt to convince them of your true identity, unless you decide to join up with the world government. Other than the Gods, no Spiritual Duelists or other races from that universe are known to this earth. They have no idea that there are still demons roaming the earth; instead, this planet is filled with heinous beings that are out of the ordinary. This term, like the Spiritual Realm, has a wholly different life that you can't change, even if you cross the "Outer-Sea Barrier": However, you're more than nuts if you wish to search for the "Outer-Sea Barrier." You can continue to fantasize since this structure is hidden behind four oceans, and no matter how hard you try, you'll never make it there alive."

Codey took up his boomerang, startled to be exposed to the rules of their present universe, and even terrified of never making it out alive, but before he could ask another inquiry, he heard a familiar voice in the distance.


He swept his head to the side with Yules and noticed a person dropping from a high point of a tower toward him with a smile on his face.

"Tim?! W-What the hell are you doing here?!"

"Haha, don't worry about it! We don't have time for that! We're going back to the ship! We're getting off this island and straight to the next! There's too many people here that we'd have to go through, and while I could beat the heck out of them, I don't want to waste our time! So hurry up and grab my leg!"

Tim landed in front of Codey and jumped for him to become confused and out of the orders grabbed Tim's legs and felt his body being pulled into the air. Tim's smiles reflected in the sunlight as he abruptly burst out orange flames from the bottoms of his feet, startling Codey.

"Hey! Watch it! I'm down here! Stop, don't do it! It's hot, too hot!"

Codey attempted to extinguish the flames, but was unable to do so and instead flew through the air above the floor at great heights, shouted with his dotted eyes, as they both began to distant away from the agency.

"This is not how I planned for my day to go!"

The captain gives his orders after learning about and meeting the warriors known as agents and members of the world government, whose mission is to bring justice to the globe, Tim and his friends return to the ship to set sail again, they plan on visiting the 'Golden Wasakona,' an island surrounded by heat and sand, is their next stop, where they may run into Byron the 'Cruel' Artemis, a known evil.

The adventure continues, leading to a new experience.

To be continued...