Game Master

Timothy appeared outside in a delicate, charming, and serene location, the sea dancing expeditiously with the sun's rich luminosity.

He was holding the goblet in his palm, cautiously examining its construction and deliberate on what to do with it, backed up by his companions. "Madam Della said this is the pedestal, but I don't see a valuable position to place or insert this goblet." Timothy submitted, uncertain and feeling unqualified to proceed.

The pedestal was assembled together in a modest amount of rocky pieces, having a slim architecture yet robust enough to be inflexible and immovable. It felt flat to the touch without any cracks or dents, and it had a chiseled symbol representing a square lock, surrounded by twelve different wire-like lines and rings on each end.

Chiaki raised a finger, "Do you remember what the book said? It was formed in the ocean's middle, spinning and swirling life to the ocean's depths. At night, it cycles, but during the day, it is quiet. You will be guided to a new life by the living vortex, but it is only accessible at the year's end. Locate the pedestal, then offer "divine" blood. It won't open till then for you to learn its secret." She admonished and granted herself to proceed, "The book states it opens at the end of the year, but we're one month early."

Everyone was baffled, dazed, and even unsure of how to commit themselves to the pedestal. Should they either wait around or find a different solution? "No, think about it," everyone put Timothy's sudden voice into consideration, "If Torque really caused that massacre at the nightclub and then disappeared into the Cyber Refuge, she should know about another entryway. She couldn't have entered the Cyber Refuge otherwise. Her assault happened once last month or this month based on what Tarot said."

They divided their peers between each and every one of them until Ayuka cut the silence with her silvery voice, "Did anyone consider this into action? What if the book's information was false? What if it was someone's forgery that was disseminated across the world, and everyone considered it a reliable source of knowledge? Just because a book exists and many people believe in it, this doesn't specify how accurate it really is."

Their eyes locked onto Ayuka, and suddenly it happened; a blackout. Somehow the area around them diverted into dim and gloom. The pedestal's symbol glittered with indigo coloration and displayed a golden, intense illumination. "Guys... What's going on? Does anyone know how it turned pitch black even though it's day and we're out in the open?" Tarot inquired, dumbfounded and somewhat afraid of the sudden change of the atmosphere.

He couldn't perceive or picture the terrain besieging him, and others seemed in a similar dilemma. They heard radio static and a detorted, smoky voice whisper to them.

"I would like to share with you my utmost excited and delighted greeting to you, young travelers. I would like to introduce myself as the "game master." And I have come here to invite you to participate in a little... "game" of mine to abolish your worries and boredom."

They chucked their looks around, but couldn't see each other or the person speaking to them, "Whoa! Hey?! Who the hell are you?" Timothy challenged the secret individual to answer his question, but suddenly a clicking sound played around them. It rang around instantly, but neither of them could fathom what arose.

They failed to digest its meaning.

"I take it that you want to enter the Cyber Refuge? The enormous city, masked in the ocean's depths, waiting for clever individuals like you to discover it. Don't worry, my brothers and sisters. You are on the right path and just a short distance away from accessing this "enigmatic" realm that not even the gods are aware of," The voice elucidated, exposing their sudden anxiety, "However, to enter, you must agree to an assignment, in other words, a "game" which you will partake. And you must probably be wondering what this game is about, no? Let me enlighten you."

Timothy and his companions stood in distinct areas and kept their guards up before somebody assassinated them from the shades. "The game you'll need to participate in, what I like to call, is known as "The Targeted." Quite a simple title... is it not?"

Timothy strode forward, howling into the darkness, "We're not playing any games! We just want to find a cure for one of our friends! We don't have time to partake in a stupid game or whatever it is!" Timothy became amazed as the voice replied with a skeptical snicker. "Oh, forgive me. I'm well aware of what you came searching for, white-haired pirate Timothy. The cure, developed by doctor Ashura, the one to restore the "infected" body."

Timothy's body jolted, his mouth shuddering in grievance and animosity, "Stop messing around! What do you hope to achieve from that? Reminding me the cure exists? Well... I'm sorry to hand it to you, but I don't want to sign contracts with some deceptive people! So, give it a rest and tell us how to enter Cyber Refuge! I'm warning-!"

Before he could carry on with his all-lasting criticisms, the voice hindered him with an astonishing reality, "What if I told you that *I* have the energizer you're looking for, my friend? Would that innovate you to cooperate? Does that interest you?"

Timothy's eyes vibrated in consternation and amazement, compelling him to become more upheld. He straightened and casually sank his arms next to his legs, "How should I believe you? You're merely a voice. What if this is some sort of a recording?"

The voice laughed.

"I believe our conversation wouldn't be as accurate as it is right now. I couldn't predict what you would say even for someone like me. And as for the other "inquiry," you needn't believe a word I say, but I assure you. I *do* possess the energizer to cure the girl's infection. Didn't I footnote about doctor Ashura? He's the reason why I was created and why I know the stimulant's name. Did anyone else state its real name, or did everyone refer to it as "the cure?"

Timothy hadn't found a good comeback," Fine... What's this game about?" and finally settled into cooperating. "Now we're getting along. One of you has been infected with a special, limited pathogen that will take control over your body and eventually destroy it. Poison moves slowly, and I have the strength to erase it, but it will take some time to adjust. It's your responsibility to discover the virus and determine the victim. If you don't make it in time, that person will fade into nothingness and perish. Bear in mind that this microbe even terrifies the gods. Thus, nobody is secure. Not even your "divine" friend."

Timothy and everyone around the pedestal became horrified and frozen, "What?! Are you insane?! You're trying to kill one of us?! There's no way I'm letting up with that!"

The voice continued, "Do you wish to get the cure or not? And stay composed. You have enough time to identify the infected person. They should live as long as you find out who they are in time. However, you may not back away from "The Targeted," or that "person" will get slaughtered right there and now. I won't say how long you have until their body begins to deteriorate, but I will make this commitment. You have more than 24 hours. Do you agree to these customs, or do you wish one of your pals to die?"

Timothy glimpsed at his palm, seeing it quiver in dread. His eyes grew dead as fish, his pupils drifting inside, "One of us got infected? It could be anyone. Me, Ayuka, my sisters, Tarot... even Kate. I can't discount it, but what if he's deluding us? I... I don't care. I can't take that chance." He gathered and assembled his courage, "All right! We'll play your stupid game! But if we can figure out who the infected person is and win the game, you better prepare to give us the cure!"

"But of course, I'm a man of my word. Now, each of you will proceed to go one after another. Do not worry. You will get relocated to the same location. You'll also be given a special device crucial for "The Targeted," okay? Now, if you would mind. Timothy, proceed and go first. Place your hand on the pedestal."

Timothy did as ordered and then placed his palm on top. "Starting the analysis..."

To be continued...