Assassination's Mission

"Assassination for 1,000 spirit stones?" The receptionist gasped in surprise at the luxurious amount that Jiang Ming offered.

In fact, the entire crowd within the Mercenary Guild had stopped their conversation when they heard Jiang Ming's words.

Jiang Ming smiled brightly as he turned around and faced the entire crowd. 

"I'm pretty sure the hearing of everyone's ear is working perfectly so I won't bother repeating my words." He then said, confirming the doubts in their eyes.

"Haha, well said brat- I will gladly accept the assassination mission." One of the mercenaries laughed as he stood up.

The mercenary had broad shoulders and a scar on the left side of his face. 

Jiang Ming smiled at him as he threw a bag of spirit stones toward him.

The mercenary grabbed it on reflex and checked the amount. Instantly, his eyes widened in surprise when he saw 100 spirit stones in it.

"T-This is?" The mercenary started stuttering.