Another Victim

"Anyway, now that you got the gist of why I accepted you as my personal student, I can finally relax my back." Yuan Chunhua said blissfully.

And she continued, "To be honest, there were times when I literally wanted to kick you out of the academy because of how useless you were. But your aunt would just keep visiting me and reassuring me that you will improve." 


Hearing the honest words from Yuan Chunhua, Jiang Ming was regretting a little bit.

Now he could no longer fantasize that Yuan Chunhua was interested in him, hence her constant visiting and requests.

With all his confidence and hopes shattered, Jiang Ming closed his eyes to take a deep breath.

'Calm down, at least I know that aunt truly loves me,' he comforted himself silently. 

Sometime later, Yuan Chunhua made a soft sigh as she glanced upward, looking at the clear blue sky.